80s small fortune bag

Chapter 432 James Courtship

Chapter 432 James Courtship

She squatted down mechanically, took out the key from the bag and opened the lock, even this bag was given to her by that man.

The clothes that Feng Cuicui brought from home had been thrown away long ago. Most of the things inside were bought by the man for her, and she also stole them from their house.

She didn't even look at it, she took it out in piles, and a piece of lipstick rolled out of it.

Nie Shengnan picked it up, "Isn't this my lost lipstick? It's engraved with the pinyin of my name. It was a birthday present from my dad. It was indeed stolen by you thief Feng Cuicui! Did you steal it all these years?" How much do we have!"

Thinking of this, Nie Shengnan wanted to beat her up.

Feng Cuicui didn't speak, but lowered her head a little more, and continued to organize things.

The closet is emptied to reveal roommate stuff hidden in the innermost stolen dorm room.

"That's my horn comb!"

Feng Cuicui was pushed and fell to the ground with her head hit on the chair. There was no bleeding, but there were stars in front of her eyes from the pain.

I don't know who kicked her, "You thief, get out of our dormitory!"

There were too many things, and no one was willing to help her move it. Feng Cuicui moved it by herself three times before finishing it.

Liu Zhenzhu sneered and said, "My husband also bought the dress you are wearing. But seeing how pitiful you are, forget it and I don't want it. Feng Cuicui, don't pretend to be pitiful there, you can open your legs to my husband, and you can also treat me Let other men open. As long as you don't destroy our family, you can go to whomever you like."

"As for these things, I, Liu Zhenzhu, have plenty of them. They are not rare at all. Presumably, the classmates in your school are not willing to use the things you stole and exchanged with your body. It's disgusting. Just throw them all away."

She kicked them all over to the trash can, and finally left.

Liu Zhenzhu is gone, but the influence she left is still there.

Everyone looked at those exquisite items, including gold jewelry, and then thought of what Liu Zhenzhu said, it was really disgusting.

Feng Cuicui looked at those things for a while, then turned around and went upstairs.

There are at least three people in the dormitory who will be cold-nosed and cold-eyed to her, but there will be a steady stream of people standing outside.

As soon as I stood at the door of the dormitory, the door was pushed halfway, and the people inside pulled it open, and a glass of water was poured on my face.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I slipped my hand and missed the cup." Nie Shengnan said with a smile.

Feng Cuicui wiped her face, walked into the room and closed the door, staring at these people bleakly.

The three of Nie Shengnan felt a little uncomfortable being stared at.

"You laugh at me just because I have done some immoral things in your opinion, but your family wants money and money, never lacks clothes and clothes, and doesn't know my pain at all. The body is my own, I You can use it however you want, you don't care!"

Pfft, Nie Shengnan leaned back and laughed.

"We don't care about it, Feng Cuicui, you don't make people laugh when you do such a scandal. You are really interesting. It makes sense to destroy other people's families. How could I have a classmate like you! We have never laughed at you because of your poverty." You are the one who thinks that everyone laughs at you and regards yourself as a little girl from the landlord’s family, living in bitter scenes all day long. If you didn’t steal things, how could we target you?”

"That Li Xiaochun who came to see you several times, she is also poor, but she makes money by working hard. We not only don't laugh, but also admire her. Don't compare those hard-working and inspirational students with you. You, the roots are bad, it's you Look down on yourself before we look down on you!"

Nie Shengnan rolled his eyes and ignored her.

These were also rare words from Nie Shengnan's heart, but Feng Cuicui couldn't listen to them at all.

She felt that she was suffering too much, that different people had different fates, and it was life that forced her to be like this.

Feng Cuicui sat down. All she had left was the books on the table and no money in her pocket. She would even be kicked out of school tomorrow.

Thinking of the future life, the resentment towards these people deepened.

She found a pen, opened a blank page in the notebook, and buried herself in writing until half an hour later when she wrote two pages, she tore them off and folded them and put them in her pocket.

There are people in Huatian University who don't love themselves, and they act as mistresses for rich people, destroy other people's families, and the news that they are found by their original spouses continues to spread in the school.

I saw too many people, and the school couldn't even ban it.

In addition to making the decision to expel Feng Cuicui, the school also plans to conduct a related publicity campaign on female students' self-esteem and self-love.

There was no class in the morning, Shi Yue went out to buy snacks, and ran back within 2 minutes.

"Jiang Yu, your family is waiting for you downstairs, let me help pass a message!"

Jiang Yu's hair is too long, it is inevitable that there are some forks, and she is cutting the stubble with small scissors.

"What is the one in my family, I don't have that one in my family!"

When I think of Huo An, I think of his behavior on the plane, and he left his schoolbag downstairs with his aunt. I'm afraid I don't even know what I did wrong.

Dad is right, it seems that whether or not to fall in love with Huo An needs to be carefully considered.

"Are you still angry? Huo An is so handsome and smart. If there is such a handsome and smart man who pursues me, I will definitely agree immediately."

As soon as Shi Yue finished speaking, she heard someone screaming downstairs, and someone calling her name, and hurried to the window, leaning half of her body out of the window.

"Who called me?"

But I saw a lot of people gathered downstairs, and I couldn't even see where Huo An was. The most eye-catching one was James, who was holding a handful of red roses and had blond hair.

James used the few Chinese he had spent a month to learn, and said in a weird tone, "Shi Yue, my angel! I like you, and I want to pursue you!"

"Wow, is that a rose? Shi Yue, you just said that there is a smart and handsome man chasing you, surely..."

Before Jiang Yu finished speaking, Shi Yue jumped up and rushed out.

"It's James, that guy actually chased him from abroad to China! Xiaoyu, I promise to show you right now, and you should go downstairs to meet Huo An, and let him hang around in case he falls in love with someone else. Don't cry!"

Jiang Yu saw it from the window, and it didn't take long for Shi Yue to rush downstairs in front of James.

James still had that slightly melancholy sick look, the two of them didn't know what they said, and Shi Yue took James' rose amid cheers.

James knelt down on one knee, took Shi Yue's right hand and kissed it on the back of his hand, and cheers came from downstairs.

Foreigners are so romantic!
Jiang Yu is a little envious, especially Huo An, although he is smart, but compared to James, he is a piece of wood, what's the use of being smart.

She tiptoed down to search for a long time, but couldn't find Huo An among the black heads.

Maybe he just left like that.

Jiang Yu thought about it for a while, and finally went downstairs. Shi Yue and James didn't know where to go on a date, but where is Huo An?

(End of this chapter)

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