80s small fortune bag

Chapter 417 I think I have a boyfriend

Chapter 417 I think I have a boyfriend
In summer, the house is stuffy and the outside is cool. In order to cooperate with the tourism development of Dashitou Village, Jiang Weiguo will hold a bonfire party every other week on Saturday night. Many people from Beihuai City come here for the bonfire party. Stay overnight and go back the next day.

In order to hold the party well, the village also set up a spontaneous performance team, even including the big girls and young wives from other villages, singing, dancing and so on. Maybe, once they got on stage, they would make a good marriage.

"Second brother, why did you bring me to the bonfire party? Don't you want to watch your "Water Margin"?" Jiang Yu followed him helplessly to the bonfire to watch the performance, holding a bottle of toilet water in his hand, spraying here and there spray.

In summer, there are two disadvantages. One is that she is prone to tanning, and the other is that she is easy to attract mosquitoes.

"Hehehe, "Water Margin" can be watched one day less, but recently there is only a bonfire party today." Actually, it was the task assigned to him by Su Ye. "Also, I am not included in today's two episodes."

Jiang Yu gave him a sideways look, and she knew it!

Suddenly, she glanced back, wondering how it felt like someone was watching her.

But they sat closer to the front, and there were too many people behind them, and it was dark, so they couldn't see clearly.

"What's wrong with Xiaoyu, look what's going on behind, there's no show behind." Ren Bei asked.

"No, I just feel like someone is watching me."

Ren Bei laughed, "Maybe I think you look good!"

Ginger Fish: "..."

What can be seen from a back view?

And her intuition was very accurate, she always felt that that look was malicious.

After the bonfire party was over, most of the people who were going to live in Dashitou Village went back to their homestays to rest.

Two of the men stood up and left after Jiang Yu and Ren Bei left, but they went in the direction of the river. One of them was Jiang Xing's boyfriend Bai Zhou, and the other was Bai Zhou's friend Ruan Changjin.

Ruan Changjin partnered with someone to open a small dance hall in Anxian County. That partner was a gangster who was interested in Cao Xiaolan, and Ruan Changjin only paid for it. No one knew that he was still in the dance hall. of.

He ran into Jiang Yu once in An County, and fell in love at first sight, but Jiang Yu went to school in Shanghai all the year round and rarely came back, so he couldn't find this person no matter what happened, and was lost for a long time.

Ruan Changjin also has another hobby, which is drawing, so he drew Jiang Yu's appearance. When eating and drinking with Bai Zhou, Jiang Xing was beside him, and casually asked what happened to the person in the painting, and then In mind.

After Jiang Xing gave Xu Hong an idea, she went to Bai Zhou and told Ruan Changjin that they had found the girl in his painting, the goddess in his dream!

"It's her, the person I'm looking for is her! Thank you, Zhouzi, without you, I might miss this life with her!"

Ruan Changjin's father took advantage of the east wind in the early 80s and took huge risks to become a loser, but he also accumulated huge wealth and became an upstart.

As for Ruan Changjin, apart from being able to paint, he can't do anything. He often claims to be a literary youth, making himself look like a cultural person, with five people and six people.

No matter who he eats with, he regards himself as the prince who guides the country. Others are servants, and he has an inexplicable sense of nobility. He has many friends around him, but he will spit on him when he closes the door.

"Brother, don't get excited. Let me tell you about Jiang Yu's family first. This person is not easy to know."

"I didn't want to do anything to her. I just wanted to fall in love like a normal relationship. Don't distort my personality!"

Bai Zhou rolled his eyes in his heart, he still has his personality, how many girls' innocence have been ruined in your hand, such a person still has his personality?Ghost letter!

But he said flatteringly, "That's right, we don't do that."

"Yes, at most, take a little more time to have an in-depth exchange. If there are more exchanges, the relationship will be settled."

Bai Zhou: "..."

"But I still have to say, this Jiang Yu family..."

His words were interrupted again, "I know, I know, her father, Jiang Niqiu, is the director of the fruit juice factory, and my mother is also the director of the textile factory. We are rightly matched!"

Go to his exact match!
Bai Zhouxin said, let you pretend to be a literary youth, and put on the upper layer of literary skin, but you are actually an old pervert. If something happens to this disgusting thing, don't blame me for being cruel, you deserve it!
So he just stopped talking.

On the appointed day, Chen Yinhua and Zhang Lazy took a few pancakes to eat on the road, and borrowed some money from Xu Hong, took the earliest car to Beihuai City, stayed near the Beihuai City Railway Station, and used The landline in the hotel called Xu Hong and asked her to remember the number here, and the rest was to wait.

Jiang Yu had long forgotten about Chen Yinhua's disturbance, but she seldom went out during the day, not wanting to get tanned, and was still waiting for Huo An's call.

On the day of the Vegetable and Fruit Festival, Huo An personally said that he wanted to pursue her, and Jiang Yu also knew that he was in Beihuai City, so it was very convenient to go back and forth.

But that guy seemed to have forgotten about it, not only didn't come to her again after that, he didn't even call her.

Could it be that he coaxed her to play?
Girl Huaichun, Jiang Yu was embarrassed to tell her family about this, and Jiang Nixiu was very worried before, and specially stipulated that she was not allowed to fall in love before.

But now she's full!

"Xiaoyu, what are you laughing at? With your rippling face, are you dating? Secretly tell me, Brother Xiaobei won't tell anyone!" Ren Bei folded his hands on the back of the sofa behind her and whispered road.

Seeing Jiang Yu depressed, Su Ye and Jiang Nixiu thought she was suffering, so Ren Bei came to perform the task again!

The smile on his lips quickly disappeared, and he used a deadpan expression to cover up the panic that was exposed.

"What a mess, you're the one who's dating. I just thought of a joke."

"What joke? I love hearing jokes the most!" Ren Bei sat next to her.

Jiang Yu stood up, "I, I still don't want to tell you, I'm so itchy!"

She was about to go upstairs when the phone on the desk rang, "Don't move, I'll answer it!"

Huo An's voice came from the other end of the phone, and he asked, "Are you at home?"

"Yeah, where else can I be if I'm not at home?" Let him hear her petty temper, no gifts, no surprises, don't expect her to forgive him!
"This anger is so big, have you gotten angry recently?
"You don't care if I'm angry or not." Oh, I'm obviously angry, but it seems like I'm being coquettish.

"Then I'll make a guest appearance as a fire extinguisher. How about putting out the fire for you? I'm going to An County soon. Let's meet at the gate of the junior high school, okay?" Of course it was the junior high school they went to together.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yu happily stomped upstairs, and halfway up, she remembered Ren Bei who had been left downstairs.

"Brother Xiaobei, my friend invited me to play in the county town. I probably won't be back at noon. When my parents come back, tell them that you don't have to wait for me for lunch!"

Then he ran upstairs again and went to change clothes.

Ren Bei imitated her speech in a weird way, "My friend, I think it's her boyfriend, huh!"

(End of this chapter)

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