80s small fortune bag

Chapter 366: Don't You Stay in a Female University?

Chapter 366: Don't You Stay in a Female University?
Huo Xinrui was coaxing the little lover and children outside to get well, when suddenly a brick fell from the sky and his head was covered in blood.

"Who threw the brick...Sisi, why are you here?"

Chen Sisi's face was full of anger, "Why do you think I'm here? If I don't come, I won't be able to see such a good show." Her eyes fell on the girl, "Huo Xinrui, your children outside are all grown up. I'm so stupid to have been deceived by you for so many years. Tell me, besides them, how many little buntings do you have outside!"

The red flag at home is not down, but the colorful flags are fluttering outside. She is given as many green hats as there are colorful flags.

"There is no one else, isn't it enough to have this one... No, I am, I am..."

Huo Xinrui faltered, was caught straight, and couldn't think of a good excuse for a while, "This is actually my friend's wife and daughter. After he passed away, I helped take care of him. I was afraid that the child would feel uncomfortable, so I pretended to be husband and wife. , this is all fake!"

The reason why Huo Xinrui was able to toss around in the Huo family's company like this and fill in the holes with money was that the money was actually not much of his own, and most of it was borrowed by Chen Sisi from the Chen family.

If Chen Sisi wanted to make trouble at this time, not only would the Chen family have objections to him, but if Mr. Huo knew about it, he would also feel that he couldn't even take care of the family well, let alone change his mind and hand over the company to him.

"You mean you are not biological father and daughter? Okay, not biological, right? Didn't you hear from Huo An before that Jiang Yu used the DNA of Hong Kong City to identify his relatives with the Jiang family? How dare you?" Afraid to test this DNA?"

Huo Xinrui felt guilty, of course he didn't dare, so he could only endure his headache and beg softly.

"Sisi, let's stop making trouble, I was wrong, okay, I won't care about them anymore, okay?"

After hearing this, Xiao San was not happy.

"Huo Xinrui, you son of a bitch, my old lady has been with you for so many years with no name or distinction, and you turned around and said no. You lied to me that I followed you when you were not married, and that you gave birth to a child." Just to tell the truth, it was my mother who believed in your evil before. Let me tell you, if you dare to abandon us, I will go to the Huo family's company to make trouble and let them all know what you are!"

Huo Xinrui's arm was being pulled by the two of them one by one, blood was streaming from his head, his eyes went dark, and he simply passed out.

When Huo An received the news, Huo Xinrui had already entered the hospital under the escort of two women, and the two were fighting hard.

He smiled, now Huo Xinrui would no longer have the intention to do small tricks to him.

On the tenth day of the first lunar month, Jiang Tao finally returned to Dashitou Village, where she had been thinking about day and night, wearing a military uniform, and met Jiang Yu, whom she had been thinking about day and night.

Jiang Tao was carrying a bulging bag on her back, and she was carrying a lot of things in her hands, all of which were gifts for her family.

She called the village in advance, afraid that Jiang Yu would go out to play when she came home, and she would not be able to pick her up immediately.

After Jiang Weiguo knew that his eldest daughter would be back today, he walked around the door every 10 minutes early in the morning before eating, which made Li Qiudi dizzy.

No, I was wandering around the door again, and I happened to see Jiang Tao who was wearing a green suit and was getting closer and closer.

Jiang Tao has become thinner and darker, but she is in good spirits.

Dashitou village in winter is a desolate yellow, but the green grass of her body is so vivid in Jiang Weiguo's eyes.

"Tao'er! You are finally back!" Dad's Tao'er!

"Father!" Jiang Tao happily ran over.

Jiang Weiguo opened his arms to give his daughter a welcoming hug, but Jiang Tao threw the things in his hand on the ground and ran towards Jiang Nixiu's house next door.

"Father, those gifts are for our family, I'll go find Xiaoyu first!"

Then it disappeared.

With his outstretched arms stiffened, Jiang Weiguo slowly and slowly put down the things he lifted on the ground, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Alas, the women's college is not in the middle!

Jiang Yu was at home all day, just pulled out a few baked sweet potatoes from the stove for his grandparents to eat, when Jiang Tao broke into the house.

Fortunately, the door of her house was not locked, and it would open as soon as she pushed it, otherwise Jiang Yu would have the feeling that her door was about to be knocked out of a human-shaped hole.

Then, he was hugged and lifted up, turning his feet off the ground a few times.

"Xiaoyu, sister finally saw you!"

"No, sister!"

Jiang Yu's exclamation did not stop Jiang Tao, she could only watch the delicious roasted sweet potatoes on the plate in her hand fall to the ground, Jiang Tao stepped on it, and both of them fell down.

It is said that after entering the military academy, the skinny young man will become more stable and reliable after training every day. Why is her eldest sister still so skinny?Still giggling after falling.

"Sister, you made me rub my whole body on the sweet potato." Jiang Yu felt her butt was wet, and sure enough, she sat on the sweet potato, unknowingly looking as if she was stained with something.

"Hahaha!" Jiang Tao smiled foolishly.

Jiang Yu stood up on the ground and shook her head, it's over, the eldest sister is stupid.

She went back to her room and changed her clothes. Jiang Tao had already opened her backpack, put all the things in it for her in the living room, and was just chatting with Mr. Jiang.

"Grandpa, are you relatives of my uncle's family? Why have I never seen you?"

Mr. Jiang said, "Yes, we are Xiaoyu's grandparents."


Oh, Jiang Tao automatically understands that Jiang Yu may have recognized some god-in-law before she knew it, be a grandpa or grandma.

It's just a little strange, why did the Chinese New Year come and live here.

But Jiang Tao is not a person who loves to think too much by nature, so what to do, he can live if he wants.

"It's too bad. I didn't know you were here. I forgot to buy gifts." She searched for the food and picked out two soft ones. "I'll give you these two."

Mr. Jiang had never eaten any good food, but he was still very happy to take it. He tore open the package, handed a piece to his wife, and a piece to himself. He took a bite and praised, "It's delicious, but it's a bit too sweet."

"Yes, for children, children love sweets!"

The two talked like chicken and duck, and the talk was actually quite pleasant.

The phone bill is relatively expensive, and Jiang Tao can't go home often, so she doesn't know about the big changes at home.

Jiang Weiguo said that something happened at home, but it was not a bad thing, and he would tell her when she got home.

But Jiang Tao didn't enter the house after passing the house, so she ran here directly, and those who didn't know thought Jiang Niqian was her real father.

"Sister, let me introduce you, they are my grandpa and grandma!"

Afterwards, Jiang Yu roughly recounted the ins and outs to her, and said with sincerity, "In short, my father and I should both be surnamed Jiang. But my father has made a promise to my uncle, and we will still be brothers in the future, and you are still my favorite." Miss!
No matter how good the Jiang family was, it couldn't compare to Dashitou Village, where she lived since she was a child, and even less compared to Jiangtao, who took out bird eggs for her to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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