80s small fortune bag

Chapter 356 Grandpa Jiang Caught Fish

Chapter 356 Grandpa Jiang Caught Fish

The weather this winter is warmer. Before the Spring Festival, on the 28th day of the Chinese New Year, the ice in the river has melted. Many people in the village are carrying buckets and nets to catch fish.

Jiang Zhe is a novelty. When he came to Dashitou Village, he picked strawberries and vegetables, or the village was full of chasing big wolves, and every person and dog went crazy.

"Little fish, do you know how to catch fish? I think many people are going to catch fish, so let's do it too! The fish you catch will be eaten during the Chinese New Year."

Is Jiang Zhe someone who has never eaten fish?No, he has long been tired of eating fish and meat, and his favorite is seafood, mainly because he wants to play.

"My eldest sister knows this better than me, but she can't come back for the New Year this year, and she doesn't have a net. If you want to catch it, I'll ask dad to make one now."

After hearing this, Mr. Jiang said, "You don't need to look for your father, I'll do it. Where's your wire? It needs to be extra thick."

Looking at the grandchildren and big dogs running around the house, Mr. Jiang felt that he was several years younger, and that old trees were about to sprout new shoots.

"Are you going to catch the fish? Don't let the fish catch you." Mrs. Jiang believed that her wife was bragging. If she really caught a big fish weighing more than ten kilograms, his skinny arms and muscles were gone, so she would drag him again. in the river.

Oh, it's a pity that I didn't bring a camera, otherwise, I would take a picture of him dressed as an old farmer and take it back, who would dare to recognize him in the Shanghai market!

"Hey, when I was young, I was the most powerful among our group of kids. If you don't believe me, I will show you what old and strong are! Xiaoyu, go find the wire!"

Jiang Yu's family didn't have any thick wires that couldn't be broken by hand, but the ones that were too thin and too soft wouldn't work, so she went to Jiang and borrowed one for the country.

It happened that Jiang Tao used to like to catch fish and dig out bird eggs. There were several fish nets at home, so she picked out an old and broken one, and when she brought it back, Mr. Jiang cut off the broken fishing net, put another one on, and took it away. Then they set off.

Before leaving, Jiang Yu went to the kitchen to find a bag to catch cornmeal. If grandpa couldn't catch it by then, he could try to see if his fish-catching skills were still there, so he could show his respect.

There were already many children and adults by the river, and the river surface was disturbed by them. The fish would not dare to swim this way, so they walked around and walked to a place where there was no one.

Mr. Jiang put his things on the ground, and seeing no one around, he asked Jiang Yu in a low voice, "Does anyone in your village have a fishing net?"

Want to catch more than ten kilograms of big fish with a net made of wire?That's luck, or unless the fish are all up and flopping along the river.

If you want to catch more fish and big fish, you need fishing nets.

The old man was bragging in front of his wife, and then secretly used the fishing net.

Jiang Yu wants to say that there is cornmeal and there is no need for fishing nets, but this is because grandpa wants to show off to grandma, and he puts a stick in the side, who catches the fish?

"Uncle Wang has it, I'll borrow it!"

Uncle Wang is the family of Wang Maosheng's son.

I borrowed a fishing net and threw it into the river. It would be better to scatter some fish food, but they didn’t have any, so let’s just make do, sit on the bench, and three people and two dogs waited.

The big wolf in Jiangzhe was full of curiosity about this water area. It lowered its head and sniffed around the river embankment. Sniffing, it walked to the river and stretched out its tentative feet.

At most, it just dips in water when taking a bath, and it doesn't like water. It wets its paws, and the water is cold. With a groan, it shrinks back in fright, and it doesn't dare to try again.

Jiang Yu thought to himself that it was lucky that he was afraid of the water and did not dare to go into the river, otherwise, if he really ran to swim in the river, wouldn't they have to chase them into the cold river to catch the dog?
Just so rejoicing, quack quack, a group of big white geese who don’t know whose family came waddling by the river, the big white geese are so white and fat, the three people and two dogs all looked at them, waddled to the river bank excited Waving their little tails, they went down the river one by one.

At this moment, the big wolf gave two barking sounds, chased after the geese, jumped into the water with a plop, and learned to dog-plan by himself.

"Big wolf, come back quickly!"

"My fish, silly dog, don't scare my fish!"

Jiang Zhe and Mr. Jiang were jumping on the bank, one old and one young, shouting and cursing, but the big wolf was paddling with dogs and chasing the geese farther and farther.

Jiang Yu watched as the silly dog ​​finally caught up to a goose that fell behind, opened its mouth wide and bit it, the goose was enraged, flapped its wings and grabbed his head.

Brothers, the silly dog ​​bit off my fur to keep me warm for the winter, peck it!
With an order, the group of seven or eight geese all headed towards the big wolf, making the wolf howl.

Goose barking, dog barking...

In the end, the big wolf was driven back to the shore by the ferocious geese, and his feet were covered with mud, and his body was covered with dirty mud and grass clippings. He wanted to wag his tail to look beautiful.

"If you can't catch any fish, I'll kill your dog and stew it with dog meat!" Old Man Jiang pointed at the dog and cursed angrily.

Jiang Zhe was also very angry, how should he wash this?
But after being scolded by Mr. Jiang, he carried the dog on his shoulders and ran away. From then on, he lived a swimming life of chasing after the big wolf.

Fortunately, when the net was collected, there were actually three fish caught in the net, one was a silver carp weighing more than eight catties, and two were small fish no bigger than a palm.

Xiaoyu used to have one dog for each of Big Wolf and Little Yellow, but Big Wolf provoked the old man, so they were all awarded to the obedient and sensible Xiao Huang.

"When you get home, tell your grandma that I caught the fish with this net, remember?" Carrying a plastic bucket containing eight catties of silver carp, he first offered to the ginger fish.

Jiang Yu thinks grandpa is too cute, "Well, fish are caught in nets, not fishing nets."

Then first return the fishing net to destroy the evidence, and then go home.

At the door of the house, the old man shouted, "Who said I can't catch fish, look, a big fish weighing more than eight catties! I remember that someone used to be the best at cooking fish, and I haven't eaten it for many years. Someone is a little self-conscious. ah!"

"Old man, who are you talking about!"

The old lady looked into the bucket and saw that it was really a big fish, "You didn't buy it, did you?"

"How is it possible, look at the gills, how can such a fresh fish be bought!"

"Okay, let's raise this fish for two days first, and I'll make it during the Chinese New Year, so that the loach and small fish can also try my handicraft."

After coaxing the old lady, Mr. Jiang threatened Jiang Zhe with the dog's life of the big wolf again, so he didn't go out of his way. Then he washed his hands contentedly, made tea, hummed a bangzi opera, and waited for the New Year to eat fish.

It’s almost Chinese New Year, and there are a lot of people selling things in the village these two days, such as beef, mutton and pork, red couplets, pots and pans...

Su Ye only bought some mutton and beef, and bought a few new bowls, plates, and chopsticks. Together, the family went up the mountain to catch chickens and pigs.

He caught five chickens, gave one to Wei Dahua's family, one to Jiang Weiguo, and ate the remaining three for himself.

In order to catch these chickens, Jiang Zhe fell three times, his knees were peeled off, and there were two lumps of chicken feces on his head, so he asked enthusiastically, "When are we going to catch chickens again?"

The pigs raised at home don’t get a lot of food, but they often pick up bad fruits that fall on the ground and eat them. They don’t look particularly fat and strong.

After asking someone who can kill pigs in the village to help butcher it, the meat inside is less fatty and leaner, which is just right for the taste of today's people.

A pig is divided among several relatives, and the relatives send some New Year's goods that they bought themselves. This kind of New Year's atmosphere is something that Mr. Jiang can't feel in the Shanghai stock market.

He somewhat wants to retire in the village.

But he knew it was just thinking about it, Jiang Xuan was still young, without him in charge, the family would be in chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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