80s small fortune bag

Chapter 324 The Strange Roommate

Chapter 324 The Strange Roommate
With Huo An as a guide, he quickly found the college to complete the admission procedures, got the dormitory key, and then returned to the parking lot to drive the car downstairs to the dormitory.

Jiang Yu came late and opened the door of the dormitory. There were already two people inside, but there were already three people's luggage on the bed.

"You're the one named Jiang Yu in the dormitory! I'm Shi Yue, she's Li Xiaochun, and there's another named Bai Jie. She's not in the dormitory, so I'll just wait for you!" said the energetic girl with short hair.

"I'm Jiang Yu. Nice to meet you. My dad is helping me with my luggage outside. Is it convenient for him to come in?"

When Jiang Yu entered the dormitory, Jiang Niqiu didn't follow him in. After all, this is a girls' dormitory, and the weather is hot, so it would be bad to bump into something inconvenient.

Li Xiaochun exclaimed, "Wait, wait a minute", her bed was on the lower bunk, and she quickly picked up all the clothes she was wearing and stuffed them randomly into the closet.

Only then did Jiang Yu let Jiang Niach and Huo An in.

She didn't like the bedding sold outside, and she had a car at home, so she just brought it herself.

Jiang Niqiu helped her spread the quilt, and Huo An put the other luggage on Jiang Yu's table, and took out a handful of chocolates from his pocket to share with the two of them.

"...Thank you." Li Xiaochun glanced at Huo An, lowered his head, blushed and whispered thanks.

Shi Yue was much more generous, "Handsome guy, are you Jiang Yu's brother?"

Huo An shook his head and didn't answer much.

Shi Yue wanted to ask more questions, Huo An picked up the rag on the table and went out to wash the rag.

After making the bed, Jiang Yu pulled Jiang Niqiu to bid farewell to the two roommates temporarily. They were going to find Jiang Li, then went out to eat something, and came back at night.

As soon as she came back, Shi Yue came over.

"Jiang Yu, can I call you Xiaoyu? Who is that handsome white-haired guy who came with you this afternoon? So cool!"

It was the first time Jiang Yu heard someone describe Huo An as cool.

She still had a lot of things left unpacked, so she found a bag containing snacks on the table, and took out some snacks to distribute to Shi Yue and Li Xiaochun.

"He is my elder brother whom I have known since I was a child, and he is also a student of our school."

Shi Yue pulled the stool next to him, "He's from our school, what's his name, does he have a girlfriend?"

"His name is Huo An. I don't know if he has a girlfriend."

Shi Yue said oh, it seems that these two people are not very familiar, or Jiang Yu knows but doesn't want to say it.

Jiang Yu quickly cleaned the table, washed up and lay down on the bed before turning off the lights.

Even after the lights were turned off, the roommate named Bai Jie in the dormitory did not come back.

With Jiang Li and Huo An, Jiang Yu quickly became familiar with the campus.

First, there was a two-week military training, and after exhaustingly surviving under the sun, classes began.

Jiang Yu has never been exposed to Japanese before, but Zhu Meiling said that she is very talented in languages, and this talent has been reflected since the first class.

Once you get used to your mother tongue, it will be difficult for your body and mind to accept another language system, because language habits are different.

And Jiang Yu not only accepted it well, but also did not fail in English. She usually listens to English tapes and looks through English dictionaries when she has nothing to do.

In addition to the students of this department, their dormitory also houses many students who study other languages. You can often see the restrooms, corridors, and flower beds downstairs. There are always a few people holding books and talking nervously. Someone who makes strange noises repeatedly.

Everyone worked so hard that Jiang Yu was too embarrassed to sleep in.

After half a month of school, and one month of military training, after school this afternoon, the three of Jiang Yu returned to the dormitory, and saw that the door of the dormitory was open, and there was an extra person in the room.

To be precise, it wasn't that there was an extra person, but that Bai Jie, who everyone thought had dropped out, finally came to school.

Jiang Yu and the three looked at each other, Shi Yue raised her hand and waved in greeting.

"Hi, are you Bai Jie? I'm..."

Bai Jie glanced at them critically, snorted coldly, crossed her arms and knocked Shi Yue's shoulder away, and went downstairs with her bag.

Shi Yue's hands froze in mid-air, a little unbelievable.

"I'm going to say hello to her, what is she..."

She pulled Jiang Yu, "Did you see that Bai Jie looks at people with her nostrils, and I can translate the meaning of her eyes," you bastards, listening to you say a word will make me dirty ears, and quickly withdrawn'."

"I, Shi Yue, have been traveling the rivers and lakes for 18 years, and this is the first time I have met such an arrogant person."

For no reason, she was upset when she saw Bai Jie, and when she entered the dormitory, this unhappiness escalated directly and became the square of unhappiness.

Shi Yue's bed was also on the lower bunk, and when she sat on it, her trousers were thinner in hot weather, so she felt wet, so she stood up and took a look.

"My quilt!"

I saw that her quilt was splashed with a large amount of water, and it was dripping wet. When the quilt was lifted, even the mattress underneath was wet.

"Before I went to class, she was fine, so it must be Bai Jie. I'll go to her to settle the score!"

Shi Yue ran downstairs and searched around, but couldn't find anyone. When she came back, she wanted to vent her anger by splashing water on Bai Jie's bed, but Bai Jie didn't make the bed at all, there was only the bed board on it.

And she was on top of her, the water flowed down, and it was Shi Yue who suffered.

"Why is that person like this? Did I provoke her?"

"Maybe she wanted to sleep in the lower bunk but you took it, so she's not happy about it. While it's still early, let's take the quilts and go downstairs to dry them in the sun, and maybe we'll finish it in the evening."

Jiang Yu has lived on campus since junior high school, but at that time, although the dormitory had eight people, there were only two people living there.

When I was in high school, I was too busy with my studies. I just wanted to finish my homework and go to bed quickly. I didn’t have the time to do these things.

But she heard some from Jiang Tao.

There is such a misfit as Bai Jie in their dormitory, and their life in the future may be difficult to be peaceful.

There are two clotheslines downstairs in the dormitory, and the dormitory for freshmen has just started, and no one uses it.

The three of them put away the bedding and went to the cafeteria to eat. Shi Yue made up her mind to give Bai Jie some color next time.

Angrily, Bai Jie took a taxi at the school gate and went home directly. After entering the house, she cried and threw herself into the arms of her mother, Sun Shengfang.

"Mom, I just went to school. The school dormitory is small and broken. It's not a place to live in. The other three roommates gave me a face! Mom, I don't miss any Japanese. Didn't you promise to find someone to change it for me?" Is it professional?"

When Bai Jie went to Huatian University to play last year, she happened to meet a handsome guy with white hair, and it was love at first sight from then on, arguing that she must study in the Finance Department of Huatian University.

But she didn't study well, and the total score of the college entrance examination was only more than 230 points. Sun Shengfang coaxed her to promise that she would definitely find a relationship to get in.

It was a treat for dinner and a gift, but what Bai Jie waited for was the admission notice from the Japanese Department.

"Xiaojie, Japanese and finance are actually similar, and they both go to the same school."

In fact, Huatian University's Finance Department is a key discipline, and it does not accept such students whose grades do not meet the standards at all, so they retreat to the Japanese major.

But Bai Jie was spoiled at home, so she closed the door and started a hunger strike, "I don't care, I don't care about anything except finance, and what you say is good, but in fact, you don't hurt me at all, let me die never mind!"

(End of this chapter)

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