80s small fortune bag

Chapter 288 Reborn Parents

Chapter 288 Reborn Parents
Although Jiang Weiguo can't use public property to publicize his family's affairs, but a genius came out in the village, which is a happy event. How could the village head Wang Maosheng not publicize it?
So at seven or eight o'clock, when everyone was at home, they announced the good news on the loudspeaker, and called on the children in the village to learn from Jiang Li.

For a while, the little transparent Jiangli became the most famous child in Dashitou Village, and all the children in the family worshiped her to ask her to pass the exam or something.

The next day in Jiang Wei Elementary School class at noon, he even praised Jiang Li greatly. Of course, the most important thing is why Jiang Li can do so well in the exam. Of course, it is because she has a smart father and a stupid mother. It doesn't matter!

"Who said that girls are inferior to boys! There are also many big girls and young daughters-in-law, or mother-in-laws. You say that you are not filial to your parents when you are married? Compared with the brothers at home, what do you do? less?"

"My mother was sick, and I took care of it when I went back to her mother's house. My brother, that lazy bastard, didn't help at all!"

"I sprained my waist a few days ago, and I couldn't move when I lay on my stomach. It was my daughter-in-law who fed me and gave me medicine. My own sons knew to take it by themselves."


After such a count, the elders present bowed their heads in shame, and the waists of the women were stiff and straight.

"So why do you say that girls are caring little padded jackets? In some things, sons are not as good as daughters!"

"No matter how other villages are, I hope that people in our village can take good care of their daughters and let them study and go to school as long as they have the conditions. Maybe they will be another college student!"

With Jiang Li as a vivid example, everyone also thinks it is good to have a girl. Look at Jiang Yu, look at Jiang Li, how wonderful it is to have such a girl!It really changed the idea that some people don't value girls at home.

So after today, some girls have discovered that their parents will no longer just share delicious food with their brothers and brothers when they eat, but will also kindly give her meat and let her eat more. No matter what the family distributes, she can get an average meal a copy of

"Girl, didn't you say you wanted to study earlier? Mother will pay you to study after the autumn harvest!"

The smiles on the girls' faces were genuine happiness. They knew that it was all thanks to Jiang Weiguo's blessing. Several girls made one with their own hands in the shape of a pennant, with the words "Reborn Parents" written on it!
On the left is a "friend of women" and on the right is a "reborn parent". Jiang Weiguo is full of pride.

Ah, why is he so powerful!

In school, both Huo An and Jiang Li said that they had asked their parents and elders, and they both agreed to study in the junior class of Huatian University. Zhang Jingzhong was very happy. After a month or so, they will receive the admission notice by mail, next September , you can start school with the freshmen.

That is to say, the two of them are already able to go to Huatian University, and there is no problem even if they don't come to the school to study or take the exam.

But they all chose to continue to attend classes as usual, but in math class, they stopped pretending to listen to the knowledge they already knew from the teacher, and read books and did the questions by themselves, and the math teacher didn't care if they saw it.

Jiang Yu usually studies well, and is basically in the second and third positions in the class, but she will play after finishing her homework, and never read a little knowledge in advance. Compared with Huo An and Jiang Li, she is indeed a lot worse .

This time she also got serious. It seemed that she really wanted to skip a grade and take the university entrance exam early. When she returned to the dormitory at night, she would read books and see the lights turned off. Even Zhu Mei, who gave up on herself, was embarrassed to play and gnawed on her books.

In Dashitou Village, within a few days, Cao Xiaolan gave birth to a son, and Jiang Weimin was very happy.

Although after knowing that Jiang Li was so promising, Jiang Weimin said that he was not uncommon, but in fact it was a sour word.

But Jiang Xing didn't go to school at all at home, and in Jiang Xing's dream, Jiang Chao was good at doing business. In fact, his academic performance really didn't have any hope of being admitted to university.

But now there is a youngest son in the family, secretly, Jiang Weimin thought that perhaps this wish could be fulfilled in the youngest son, so he named him Jiang Xue.

Around May [-]st, Sun Jun brought Yin Qing to Dashitou Village again. This time they were going to get married, and they went home to get a marriage certificate. By the way, the wedding was held in these two days.

"What? Xiaoqing married that Sun Jun on May [-]st, and tomorrow we will take the train to Dashitou Village? Yin Guowei, why are you telling me now? Am I not Xiaoqing's mother? I don't need to know such a big thing? "Jiang Ya was furious, closed the bedroom door, picked up the pillow and hit Yin Guowei.

She was a woman, Yin Guowei didn't fight back, and let her hit her, and it was indeed his fault for not telling her about it.

"Tell you, will you agree? When I found out, both of their marriage reports were approved."

Yin Guowei's job is civilian, and it has nothing to do with the army in the northeast, and he only knew about it a little earlier than her.

However, both he and the old man were quite satisfied with Sun Jun.

"Sun Jun is still very good. He will go to the military academy for further studies next month, and his future is limitless." He thought that she despised Sun Jun's low position and felt that he was not good enough for his daughter.

Jiang Ya curled her lips in disgust, "What's the use of that?" Isn't he still a mud leg?In the future, Xiaoqing will live in the country when she returns to her mother's house, what a grievance!

Moreover, it was said in the circle that their daughters were all married to overseas Chinese or high-ranking officials, but only her daughter had a muddy leg, what a shame.

Jiang Ya was sullen for a long time, but what else could be done, the matter was settled, so she could only take the train to An County with Yin Guowei and Yin Yu.

Although the train bought a soft sleeper ticket, it was also very tiring. Jiang Ya thought that An County was just what she had inquired about. It was a poor county in Jiangbei Province. The restaurants with two-story buildings and the newly built hotels that look clean are even better than theirs.

Has An County developed so well?

A few people simply booked a room in this hotel. Yin Guowei was also surprised and asked the proprietress of the hotel.

"Boss, when did your side become so good?"

The proprietress smiled and said, she was not surprised, "It's only been three or four years, thanks to the fact that our county has a vegetable greenhouse first, and then there is an agricultural product trading market. There are more people coming to the county, everyone. If you earn money in your pocket, of course it will get better and better. Let me tell you, even the capital may not be as good as ours!" Very proud.

Immediately afterwards, they went to the nearby restaurant for dinner, because it was close to the train station, the business was very good, and the food tasted good.

This season, not only are there ample supplies of various vegetables on the menu, but also fruits such as grapes, strawberries, and early-ripening watermelons. Yin Guowei has been to the capital many times, "This is really better than the restaurants in the capital."

These things are not available in this season at all.

Jiang Ya snorted, and her complexion improved after eating the crunchy and sweet watermelon.

(End of this chapter)

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