80s small fortune bag

Chapter 220 Farmers Self-improvement Study Group

Chapter 220 Farmers Self-improvement Study Group
"I was afraid that you and Xiaoyu wouldn't be able to come back and that you were going to celebrate the New Year in the city, so I bought you some couplets with my family, and thought I'd post them for you when the time comes. Now that you're back, I'll take them home Time to post it yourself!"

Jiang Niqiu thanked him for accepting the couplet, "Sister Wei, when I came back, I passed by the wheat field. What were they doing when I saw my elder brother?"

Hearing him ask this, Wei Dahua covered her mouth and smiled, "What can you do? It's not something your elder brother did, it's called..." She thought carefully, "'Farmers Self-improvement and Mutual Aid Study Group' seems to be such a name."

Ginger Loach: "..."

This name is really long.

"Your elder brother is also a capable person. He has gone to several villages to give speeches. Some village chiefs said that his speech was so good that all the lazy people in their village ran to dig the fields with their shovels!"

Jiang Niqian was speechless, "It's winter now, the ground is so hard, can it be turned over?"

Wei Dahua was also happy, "I couldn't turn it over, so I dug up two iron shovels, and my daughter-in-law and parents twisted their ears and slipped away. Some people said that he spoke nicely and energetically, and they followed him to hear him speak again." Other villages will continue to listen."

"After the lecture was over, many people asked him how to study, and wanted your brother to teach them. Your brother thought about it and set up such a study group. Every day at noon when it was warm, we gathered at the wheat field. In lectures, you can either memorize a poem or learn an idiom, it takes ten to twenty minutes, and after finishing the study, you can either go home or go to your own greenhouse to continue working, without any delay.”

"Sometimes I listen to both ears, and then tell Hongqi when I get home. It's also fun."

Jiang Niqiu can't say anything other than admiration, and the study group can't be done by someone else.

Jiang Yu didn't rest at home for long, and the three of Jiang Tao came to look for her.

"My little fish baby!" Opening the door, Jiang Tao rushed over and hugged her and circled around a few times, and the three of them followed Xiao Huang barking.

"No, no, big sister, I'm going to faint!"

Jiang Tao put her down, "I said that the one just now was Xiaoyu, you still don't believe me."

"Woof!" Xiao Huang, who hadn't seen Jiang Yu for a long time, yelled and pulled her legs to increase his concentration.

As soon as Jiang Yu touched it, he lay on the ground with his belly exposed, showing an expression of enjoyment.

"Little fish, you're not in the village, I'm too lazy to dig out the eggs, why don't we go catch fish tomorrow and grill them to eat!"

Even in winter, there are all kinds of vegetables at home, but Jiang Tao misses the taste of secretly catching fish and grilling fish, which is a taste that the kitchen at home can't make.

"Okay, it's up to me then!" Jiang Yu patted his chest.

Jiang Tao and the others asked her about what she had seen and heard in the city these days, as well as Pan Xiaohu's operation. Jiang Yu answered them one by one. Joint ginger pear squeezed apart.

It was hard to wait for Jiang Tao to finish asking.

"Okay, ok, Xiaoyu is tired after sitting in the car for so long, let's not disturb her, let her eat something, sleep and rest, and come play with her tomorrow!"

Jiang Yu's eyelids were indeed fighting, and their voices gradually turned into buzzing mosquitoes. Hearing this sentence, Qiang opened his eyelids and nodded.

Qiao Feng, who still didn't say a word to Jiang Yu, was dragged away directly.

Qiao Feng: He is suffering so much!Wronged.

Jiang Tao: Hmph, with me here, no one will try to snatch the little fish from me!Especially some boys and kids!

At first, the discussion was good, but when they got up the next day, the plan had to be aborted because it was snowing.

Jiang Niqiu went to check the warmth of the vegetable greenhouse. In addition to the straw mats, he also collected a lot of old quilts to cover the greenhouse.

Jiang Tao and Jiang Li came to play with Jiang Yu, but Qiao Feng probably didn't come because of old man Qiao's supervision, the three of them lay on the window sill watching the snowflakes outside, while Xiao Huang lay by the stove to keep warm.

"It's so boring, we can't catch fish anymore." Jiang Tao was a little sluggish. She didn't run this morning. She was used to this activity. Whenever she didn't exercise, she felt weak. She always wanted to do something to use her energy go out.

It's a pity that Qiao Feng didn't come, otherwise we could use him to practice, that weak body would know how to cry, what kind of man is he!
Qiao Feng, who was detained at home by Mr. Qiao: Oh no!A chill behind.

"You want to eat fish? I have some fish bought in the city. You can grill them under the eaves in the yard."

Jiang Niqiu is different from many parents in the village. If other people's children want to grill fish, they will scold them for ruining things and not allowed to grill.

As for Jiang Niqiu, as long as the girl is happy, that's fine. Anyway, the money he earns is for her to live a good life and be happy. It's just a fish, so it's a waste to waste it.

"Father, you are so kind!"

"Uncle, you are so kind!"

Even Xiao Huang said "Wow" in response to the occasion.

The fish were hanging outside under the eaves and frozen. When Jiang Niqian was shopping for specialties in Beihuai City, he saw a seafood seller and bought a few sea fish and some prawns.

He wanted to keep it for the New Year, but now he took out two small ones and grilled them for them. He was also curious about the difference between grilled sea fish and grass carp and carp from the local river.

The fish needs to be thawed before it is taken out. Jiang Niach went to get some dry wood or something. Jiang Tao and the others surrounded the fish, thinking that the fish looked really strange.

"Do you think Qiao Feng would cry in fright when he saw this weird-looking fish?" Jiang Tao asked.

"Sister, don't bully Fengfeng when you see him not around, I think you might cry." Jiang Yu's words were contradictory.

When the thawing was almost done, the three of them put on thick padded jackets and built a small pile of wood under the eaves. Jiang Niqiu was afraid that they would make the ground black and painted it badly, so he re-laid a few bricks and asked them to put it on it. Wood baked.

Although it was snowing, there was no wind, and the wood was crackling and burning. The three of them grilled the fish while grilling the fire, and it wasn't too cold.

Jiang Niqiu didn't follow suit, but prepared some seasonings for them, and occasionally took a look to prevent the house from being burned.

"Sister, are you ready?" I don't know if the sea fish is better than the fish in the river, or the homemade ones are extra delicious, Jiang Yu's stomach has long been growling.

Ginger peach grilled fish has the most experience, "It should be ready, bring a plate."

There are four plates in total, two fish are divided into four, and the remaining one is for ginger loach.

Looking at the grilled fish, Jiang Yu didn't eat it right away, "It would be great if brother Fugui was here."

She remembered that the first time she ate grilled fish was Sun Fugui's. At that time, he also couldn't get enough to eat at Sun's house. Like Jiang Tao would take them to dig out bird eggs, he secretly made all kinds of wild food.

"Why are you looking for him? It's best if he's not here. If you save, you'll have to give him a share. Eat quickly, don't eat cold anymore!"

Jiang Tao took a bite and was immediately captivated by the salty aroma. As for Sun Fugui, uh, in front of delicious food, he had already been forgotten.

Food has the most irresistible power!
(End of this chapter)

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