80s small fortune bag

Chapter 182 Professor Su

Chapter 182 Professor Su

"...Daddy only has Xiaoyu, godmother, give it to other children, Xiaoyu still wants to accompany Daddy." Although heartbroken, Jiang Yu still did not change his decision.

If Jiang Yu changed her mind, Zhu Meiling might be disappointed with her, so she was quite happy to hear her say that.

"Godmother is teasing you. How can I give you what I gave to others? It's all in the car. Come on, let's move in now."

Every time Shen Zhou and his wife came, they would bring a lot of things in large and small bags. The children in the village drool when they looked at the car and the delicious food.

Go home and ask your parents.

"Father, mother, if I were a broom star, would I be able to ride in a car like Jiang Yu and have someone deliver delicious food?"

The husband and wife looked at each other, "Go away, what good things do children think about all day long, if there is such a good thing, it will fall on my head first. What kind of broom star, don't say this in the future, Jiang Yu is clearly Blessed!"

They also hope that Jiang Niqiu can teach more, and then sell them for money along with the greenhouses, so how dare they offend others.

Shen Zhou had been to the vegetable greenhouse before, remembered the location, called Jiang Niqiu home, and introduced Su Ye to him.

"This is the associate professor of our city's agricultural university I told you about last time. She researched the mushroom bag you bought. Su Ye was worried that it would not be clear on paper, so she came here to teach in person."

Su Ye's hair was scattered behind her head, and she was different from the country women who were thick and thick, who were used to farm work and shouted at the top of their voices. Standing there, she looked like a scholar, just like Zhu Meiling, she had a special temperament when she looked at it.

Ginger Loach doesn't know how to describe it, it's like, like bluegrass by the river.

"Mr. Jiang, hello, I'm Su Ye, you can ask me any questions about agriculture in the future."

Looking at her outstretched hand, Jiang Niqiu secretly rubbed her hand behind her back to wipe off the mud on her head, and then lightly shook her fingertips.

Unexpectedly, Su Ye was only born with fair skin, and her hands were actually a little rough.

"Thank you, Professor Su. With Professor Su's help, I have a solid foundation in my heart."

Shen Zhou giggled next to him, "Brother Jiang, why are you so nervous? This is your house. Su Ye is Meiling's friend, not an outsider. If you are called Professor Su, you are called Sister Su."

Su... sister?
Jiang Niqiu looked like a fool in a daze, thinking, this is not as good as Professor Su.

"Shen Zhou, how can you be like you, are you trying to remind me that I am old? Don't listen to him, let's call each other by name."

In fact, Su Ye is two years older than Jiang Niqiu, but he doesn't look old.

"...Here, let me call you Teacher Su. Xiaoyu, go and get your strawberries and give them to Teacher Su and your godmother."

The last time Shen Zhou brought back some strawberries, Zhu Meiling liked it very much, gave half of the box to Mr. Shen, and snatched all the remaining half box without giving any to Shen Zhou.

"Oh," Jiang Yu agreed, and ran back with strawberries in his hands, "Auntie Yezi, Godfather and Godmother, these are strawberries washed by Xiaoyu himself, and each strawberry is full of love from Xiaoyu!"

Strawberries are very rare, but Su Ye is not so greedy, "I have also hybridized a new type of strawberry seeds before, and the seeds will grow bigger than this one. If you are interested, I can send you some later."

Su Ye not only teaches, but also conducts scientific research and cultivates better crop seeds to increase food production.

Before doing mushrooms, what she was doing was strawberries, but the seeds were grown out, but...it was all unpleasant things when I thought about it.

Jiang Niqiu was embarrassed to ask for something from someone when he first met, and he was reluctant to bear the seeds in her mouth, "Here, how much is it, I will give you the money."

"Why are you so honest? You don't need the money. How about it? Just give me some strawberries when they grow."

Because Shen Zhou couldn't transport things like mushroom bags, so he found a transport team in the city and asked for a truck. According to estimates, it would arrive in the afternoon.

After waiting for a while, they selected a shady shed according to Su Ye's statement, and arranged the inside simply. After the mushroom bag arrived, it could be unloaded and placed in it.

After unloading the ginger loach and buying it, I followed the car to Sun Fugui's side and took down his greenhouse.

"These mushrooms are all of the same species, they are oyster mushrooms. If you breed well and earn a good profit, if you want to grow other mushrooms, you can come back to me."

Jiang Niqiu was not in a hurry, but Su Ye insisted that he was not tired, so he must tell them how to grow oyster mushrooms right now.

He took a notebook and a pen, and wrote down word by word. Although Sun Fugui had been taught by Jiang Tao for a while, he still didn't know most of the words, and the writing was ugly. Ginger loach.

Seeing Jiang Niqiu bent over and squatting on the ground, using a stone as a table, her tall body was a little aggrieved, her lips were tightly pursed, and her writing was getting messy, so Su Ye slowed down her speech.

Feeling her care, Jiang Niqiu turned up the corners of his mouth, and when Su Ye stopped, he reminded her to drink some hot water.

There are too many things to say, and finally an expert came. Jiang Niqi also wanted to ask more about other agricultural matters, and was thirsty for knowledge.

"Brother Shen, Mr. Su, you can have dinner at my house tonight, just to taste the vegetables I grow."

"That's not okay. My father is still at home by himself. Tomorrow at noon, I'll bring the old man and let's eat together. But we just moved here, and there is no food in the house. I still have to ask you for some food."

Shen Zhou didn't say anything, Jiang Niqiu almost forgot, so it was hard to keep people, picked the green vegetables they liked to eat, and picked a lot of each, enough to last for two days.

Su Ye stayed in Dashitou Village for less than two days, and took a long-distance bus back the next afternoon.

Zhu Meiling wasted a little time because of the job transfer procedures, the first two weeks before school started, and as soon as Monday arrived, she hurried to the county high school to take up her post as an English teacher.

"Father, this is a letter I wrote to Brother Fox, you are not allowed to peek!"

Shen Zhou said that if he wants to set up an agricultural product trading market, then he must do so.

Finding the leaders of the county and revealing his identity as an overseas Chinese, Shen Zhou did not use this to gain a sense of superiority, but now to attract overseas Chinese to return to China to invest, so that people in the county will pay more attention to it.

Sure enough, the negotiation was completed in less than a week, the money was in place, and the vacant land was allocated.

The only thing left is to buy a truck and find a driver who can drive the truck, so that you can buy agricultural products and start trading.

With Su Ye's guidance, the temperature in the greenhouse is suitable, and the mushrooms grow quickly. In about seven days, the big ones can be picked.

Because Sun Fugui has his own greenhouse to take care of, he no longer comes to work with Jiang Nixiu. Now he has to sell vegetables and trim the vegetable fields by himself. He is very tired and plans to find two more people to help in the greenhouse.

Today is the first day for mushrooms to be sold out of the shed, and ginger loach is going to the county.

After receiving the package from Huo An before the Chinese New Year, Jiang Yu kept the address carefully. This letter has been written since the Chinese New Year. Jiang Niqiu didn't know it, and her daughter only knew four or five characters at most. What can be written in the end, where is it mysterious.

(End of this chapter)

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