80s small fortune bag

Chapter 175 Mushroom Farming

Chapter 175 Mushroom Farming
Pick strawberries?He did this abroad!He can!
Hearing that there were strawberries, Shen Zhou's thoughts immediately went to this.

I didn’t pick it up two days ago, but today it’s much redder again. Shen Zhou picked one up and wiped it on his clothes, then put it in his mouth impatiently, biting it lightly, the sweet and sour juice overflowed his mouth, biting the strawberry seeds There will also be a slight creaking feeling.

"Godfather, is it delicious?"

Shen Zhou swallowed and picked another one, then nodded.

Don't make fun of him for being gluttonous, fruit is what he misses most after returning home.

There are few fruits in the north, and even fewer in winter. It is not cheap to buy some apples and pears. If you want to eat bananas, you have to grab them.

This is because after allowing small businesses to do business in the past two years, there have been more people rummaging from north to south, and in the past few years, they will not be able to eat whatever they want.

"Everything my father grows is delicious, even the vegetables grow bigger and faster than uncle's, and strawberries are the best!" Jiang Yu paused, "Godfather can drive and speak foreign languages, And the most powerful!"

So the godfather can't be sad because he can't grow such good vegetables, they are all very good!
Shen Zhou touched her head and gave her a thumbs up, "You are also very good!"

So many people have been coaxed to like her, even Jiang Nixiu's own father is jealous of others, can it not be amazing?

After returning home, Jiang Niqian was in charge of the cook, and Shen Zhou helped to light the fire.

Originally, Ginger Loach didn't let him do it.

"You are being polite to me again, how many times have you said that we will be a family in the future, don't treat me as a guest, I will be angry if you do this! Besides, it is interesting to see you working, and you are idle, let me play .”

Ginger Loach: "..."

He just wanted to say that you are really good, it's just work, what's the fun.

Just like when they went to a big city, it was Grandma Liu who entered the Grand View Garden, and she was curious everywhere.

And Shen Zhou has seen things that the country people have never seen before, and when he is in the country, does the porridge and side dishes have a special flavor?
Ginger loach stir-fries, Shen Zhou fills the stove with firewood, warms the fire while cooking, and looks down at the flames inside from time to time, it is very fresh.

Stir-fried meat with eggplant, scrambled eggs with garlic sprouts, dry-stir-fried beans, stewed pork, and lettuce that can be eaten raw with dipping sauce made Shen Zhou, who eats cabbage and potatoes all day long, extremely satisfied.

Although the greenhouse vegetables are not as rich in taste as those grown in the ground, they are already delicious.

Shen Zhou slumped on the chair, unable to get up lazily.

"I brought all the plastic you asked for, and it's in the trunk of the car. Also, I heard you talk about selling vegetables in the kitchen. I originally planned to contract a few plots of land to grow vegetables like you, but I thought about it just now. I don’t think it’s easy to do, and no one may be willing to give it to me. So I decided to build an agricultural product trading market in the county.”

According to what Jiang Niqiu said, more and more people go to the city to sell vegetables, and gradually they will form a market by themselves, which is similar to the market in the countryside.

But what Shen Zhou wanted to do was not this simple market.

Judging from the purchase of plastics, there will be more and more greenhouses for planting. Although rare things are more expensive now, what will happen in two or three years?

Small An County can't eat so many vegetables.

After the market was built, Shen Zhou wanted to pull out a transport convoy, that kind of big truck, to buy vegetables and other agricultural products by himself and sell them elsewhere.

He believes that as long as he does it himself, someone will soon follow suit and buy grain in various villages. Although the price is lower than what he sells, he doesn't need to go to the county town to set up a stall. when?
Those who have collected the grain will go to his market to rent stalls, attracting people from other places to come here to buy again, no matter whether it is reselling or opening a small restaurant by themselves, gradually his trading market will become famous, and the more people more and more.

This was just a flash of inspiration, but the more he thought about it, the more Shen Zhou felt that it was more feasible than farming by himself.

Farming is also a technical job, he does not have the ability of Jiang Niqiu.

A few days ago, Jiang Niqiu was still thinking about how to sell vegetables to more places in the future. After all, not everyone is Wu Sheng. He is willing to come here to buy vegetables for his own small restaurant every now and then. Of course, his son is running back and forth now. .

As a result, now that Shen Zhou came here, he settled the matter.

"It's easy to build a market, as long as the county grants me a place. An County is too poor, and generally no one will invest in it. It must be easy to get approved. If you build it, you don't have to do it too well. Just circle it and wait for it to make money. Money, build it slowly, and it will open in a few days. The difficulty is where to find someone who can drive..."

Shen Zhou can drive, but he has never driven a large truck, even if he can get started with a little learning, he can't let his boss transport vegetables outside every day, it's not that he can't afford to hire someone, why make himself so tired.

It's just that people who can drive these days are all talented people, and they also have iron rice bowls. If people throw away iron rice bowls and follow him to work, even if the salary is higher, they will not be willing.

Forget it, if you can't think of it for the time being, don't think about it, anyway, he has decided to do it.

"By the way, would you like to grow mushrooms? During the Chinese New Year, Meiling's good friend came to visit. She is a teacher at the Agricultural University. She has researched a new mushroom bag. She said that the probability of producing mushrooms is higher than before, but because For some reason, no one buys her mushroom bag, if you are willing to try it, I can sell it to you cheaply."


I have seen ginger loach on the mountain. After it rains, it will come out one by one, and some are still a large area.

It's just that he can't tell the difference between some things that are edible and some that are not, so he never picks them.

"Can mushrooms still be grown? How do I grow them? I've never done it before." Jiang Niqiu was afraid that he would not be able to raise them well.

Jiang Yu also listened with pricked ears, and suddenly said, "Little fish wants to eat mushrooms, so dad can definitely plant them well and make a lot of money!"

"You know what mushrooms are and you want to eat them, little greedy cat. Eat all the rice in the bowl, don't leave any more." Jiang Niqiu pointed to her bowl.

At that time, Shen Zhou was also very interested in this thing, so he asked about it in detail, and now he happened to tell him about it.

"She said that those things come in packs like this. There are not only mushrooms in them, but also a lot of things. They can be stacked together without taking up space. They only need to be watered, and they are easy to raise. What should you pay attention to? , if you decide to buy it, I can ask more questions, or ask her to write it down."

Hearing that it doesn't take up space, Jiang Niqian has newly contracted the land of Wei Dahua's family, so he has the idea of ​​trying.

Then I thought of Sun Fugui.

Sun Fugui wanted to make money by planting greenhouses by himself, but he had only one family and not much land, so this was suitable for him.

It's just that no one has tried it before, and Jiang Niqiu can't trick him.

Seeing Jiang Niqiu frowning, Shen Zhou said, "It's okay, I want to stay at your house for a few days before going back, think about it slowly, and tell me before you leave."

(End of this chapter)

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