Middle-aged love

Chapter 131 BMW Girl (1)

Chapter 131 BMW Girl (1)

Because of Ge Jianwei's entanglement and delay, Yang Yang's cram school was about to be late, so Gu Xia rode very fast.

Finally arrived at the downstairs of the training class, Gu Xia slammed on the brakes, but the speed was too fast and the inertia caused the electric car to rush forward uncontrollably. Gu Xia panicked and stepped on the ground hard, trying to stop the electric car However, things backfired, the electric car bumped into the car in front, and then both the person and the car fell to the ground.

Gu Xia didn't care about the pain on her body, she rolled and crawled, using both hands and feet, she finally stood up dizzy, what she was most worried about now was her son's safety, Yang Yang was also thrown to the ground, but at this time he had already stood up Got up, Gu Xia pulled her son over,
"Yangyang, how are you? Is there any discomfort there?" Gu Xia was only interested in checking whether Yangyang was injured, and she didn't notice at all. A woman in the car got out of the car angrily. She looked about 30 years old. With exquisite makeup and a famous brand, she didn't care about anything else, and immediately went to the back of the car to carefully check the damage to her car.When she saw the dent in the bumper, she angrily walked up to Gu Xia,
"Are you blind, can't you see such a big car?",
Gu Xia suddenly raised her head, only then did she see this jeweled woman,
"I'm sorry", although the other party's words were ugly, but Gu Xia knew she was wrong, so she immediately said sorry,
"It's useless to say I'm sorry, this is the new car I just picked up," the woman proudly said, and Gu Xia was also very angry.
"It's useless, but I bumped into your car, and an apology is necessary. I'll send my son to the cram school first, and come over later to discuss compensation."

Gu Xia suppressed her temper and said, she didn't expect that woman to go too far,
"Go? You can't beat me, what if you run away?",
"What do you mean? And my car is still here, where can I go?"

"Hahaha, you laughed so hard at me, your car?, can you call it a car? How much is your broken electric car worth? Not even a fraction of the repair fee," the woman said arrogantly, Gu Xia panicked for a while, thinking that something was wrong, she didn't look at the license plate much earlier, she looked up at the car logo, new BMW?I secretly screamed in my heart that it's unlucky, but in terms of momentum, I must not weaken, otherwise this woman will definitely blackmail her,
"Oh, new BMW! It's more than 70, right, and the tax is less than 80",
Gu Xia's disdainful attitude stimulated her even more.

"Hehe, yes, 80, it seems that you are a good person. That's good, then tell me, this car will cost tens of thousands if you send it to a 4S shop. This is a new car, so you have to give it to me anyway." I'm fifty thousand?",
"What? Fifty thousand! Are you crazy about money?!",
"Hahaha, I'm crazy about money? What do you know? With a poor face, you can tell that you are a poor ghost. Stop messing around. Bring the money and leave, otherwise this matter will never end!",
"Mom, I'm going to be late", Yang Yang said pitifully,
"I'll send my son off first," Gu Xia ignored the woman,
"You can't go!", the woman refused to let go, Gu Xia was really annoyed,

"Don't force me, you also said that I'm a poor man with a poor life, I remember your license plate number, it annoys me, I'll stab you to death and then commit suicide!!", Gu Xia showed a fierce look, she She really couldn't bear it anymore, not only this woman's unreasonable troubles, but also Ge ​​Jianwei's nonsense just now, she was already tired of it.

Under the surprised and terrified eyes of this woman, Gu Xia dragged Yang Yang and limped towards Shuangfeng Building.

(End of this chapter)

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