Abyss of ignorance

Chapter 323 Report Letter

"I seem to remember that the people around her did call her that." Sandra said immediately, "Are you Paula's friend?"

Lin Xiaodong looked at Sandra in front of him, and doubts arose in his heart. According to Shen Pan's behavior, Sandra should not be alive.No matter how you look at it, Sandra is a huge hidden danger to Shen Pan.

"I'm not her friend, but I know she is a very powerful person. Her surrogacy should be a secret. Why didn't you ask you to keep this secret?" Lin Xiaodong asked.

Sandra's eyes widened and she shook her head, as if she didn't understand why Lin Xiaodong was so serious about this matter.

"The lady was very friendly to me. I told her about my experience, and she said that if she encountered difficulties like mine, she would do the same thing as me." Sandra said sincerely.

"Can you tell me what happened to you and her?" Lin Xiaodong asked.

After hearing this, Sandra sighed and shook her head: "I was deceived by a man. I am a single mother. Before I met Paula, I smuggled myself to the United States for my child. When she asked me why I chose to be a surrogate mother, I told her honestly that I needed money to support my children."

Lin Xiaodong suddenly realized after hearing this. It seemed that Sandra reminded Shen Pan of her past self, which may be the reason why she survived.

"I remember you told me yesterday that you were deported to Mexico from the United States?" Lin Xiaodong continued to ask.

Sandra nodded: "Yes, after giving birth to the child, I found a job in a restaurant, but was soon discovered by the immigration authorities and was deported back to Mexico. I left the ten thousand dollars to my child .”

"You mean the child you gave birth to for Paula?" Lin Xiaodong didn't understand for a moment.

Sandra shook her head and said: "No, it's the child from before. I went to the United States for her. She was born in the United States and is not an illegal immigrant. I don't want her to follow me back to Nesa. My parents are devout Catholics. Disciple, if they know that I gave birth to a child with a man without getting married, they will kill me." As she said that, she covered her face with her hands, still feeling ashamed even when she thought about it now.

People from the Linzhou Public Security Bureau came to the provincial department and had been staying in Zhong Qi's office for a long time.

"We received a report that there was a problem with Lin Xiaodong's recruitment process. Zhong Bureau, according to regulations, needs to make rectifications on this matter." One of them, sitting opposite Zhong Qi, said.

Zhong Qi looked at the report letter brought by the provincial department and couldn't help frowning: "This is an anonymous letter. As far as I know, anonymous reports are usually carefully verified. Will this matter..."

"Bureau Zhong, we have verified it. Lin Xiaodong is indeed Lin Zhengyang's grandson. You have worked in the public security system for many years. You know that when hiring police officers, the political review is to evaluate the family situation of the person being hired. If Lin Xiaodong's Grandpa has such serious criminal facts, Lin Xiaodong will not be able to pass the political trial."

"At the beginning, when Lin Xiaodong passed the police examination, Lin Zhengyang had not yet committed the crime. As Lin Xiaodong himself, I did not know about this situation. I think there is still something that needs to be investigated in this matter." Zhong Qi continued.

However, the two people sitting opposite her looked at each other with meaningful expressions. One of them looked at Zhong Qi and said: "Zhong Ju, we have known each other for so many years. I might as well tell you some things directly. If it is just because of Lin Xiaodong and Lin Zhengyang As for the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren, we will not come to you. After receiving the report letter, we conducted a preliminary investigation and learned that since last year, Lin Zhengyang has repeatedly interfered with the Linzhou City Public Security Bureau's handling of cases, especially Lin Xiaodong's actions Among them, there were multiple involvements, which shows that Lin Xiaodong and Lin Zhengyang have not completely drawn a clear line between each other, and you should know the seriousness of this matter."

Zhong Qi listened to these words silently, put down the report letter in his hand, and asked the two people opposite him expressionlessly: "What do you want me to do?"

... Lin Xiaodong rode a motorcycle and arrived at the Linzhou City Public Security Bureau as usual. As soon as he reached the second floor, he was called to the office by Zhong Qi.

"How is the investigation of Lu Yin's case going?" Zhong Qi asked while gesturing to Lin Xiaodong to close the door.

"The whereabouts of the person who took Lu Yin away is very hidden. So far, we have not found any trace of Lu Yin. However, Lu Yin's great-grandmother Shen Pan has already stayed at the Rosa Hotel in Yunzhixiang. This should be the person who took Lu Yin away. The purpose of the people, and judging from the current situation, the people who took away Lu Yin have already made some moves. I think their real target is Shen Pan, not Lu Yin." Lin Xiaodong reported.

Zhong Qi listened carefully and sat in his chair. That chair was once occupied by Chen Yu, and even the wear marks on it had not changed.

"Sit down." Zhong Qi asked Lin Xiaodong to sit in the chair opposite her.

Lin Xiaodong looked at this posture, and then saw the rare solemn expression on Zhong Qi's face, and began to feel anxious: "Zhong Ju, what happened?"

"Yesterday, people from the provincial department came to see me." Zhong Qi said, "It has something to do with you. I didn't tell you until today because I didn't think about what to do before."

"Is it related to me? Because of Lu Yin's inspection sheet, they feel that the progress of the case is too slow?" This was the first thing Lin Xiaodong could think of.

Zhong Qi shook his head slightly: "It would be easier if it was this..." She looked directly at Lin Xiaodong and said word by word, "You have been reported."

Lin Xiaodong's head buzzed, and the volume of his words could not help but increase: "Report me? I'm not afraid of the shadow. It must be Shen Pan who is doing some tricks. She knows I'm watching!"

Zhong Qi saw a hint of disappointment in his eyes when he saw Lin Xiaodong getting excited.

This slight disappointment seemed to be a warning, causing Lin Xiaodong's upcoming temper to be suppressed by his own reason.

He now knows deeply that emotions cannot solve any problems.

He took a deep breath, put his hands on his thighs, rubbed his rough jeans, and asked in a calm tone: "Director Zhong, what is the reason for the other party to report me?"

"Xiaodong, what you just said is right. The other party found no problem with you. You were reported because of the relationship between you and Lin Zhengyang."

Lin Xiaodong listened and did not argue. He knew that Zhong Qi must already understand what he wanted to argue.

Sure enough, looking at Lin Xiaodong who was suddenly silent, Zhong Qi proposed his own arrangement.

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