Abyss of ignorance

Chapter 320 Generations

"How do you know how to cook Chinese food?" Lin Xiaodong couldn't help but ask.

Sandra rambled on in Spanish again and used software to translate it. She probably said that she was very excited when she heard that she was coming to China, so she worked hard to make a lot of preparations. Someone in her family worked in a Chinese restaurant in Mexico, and she followed suit. a lot of.

When Lin Xiaodong sat down to eat, he looked at Sandra standing respectfully aside and hurriedly invited her to eat together.

Sandra waved her hands quickly, indicating that she did not dare.

Lin Xiaodong had no choice but to explain that he was not her master. They lived at home and could treat each other as friends.

Sandra seemed very moved and sat down beside Lin Xiaodong cautiously. Then she closed her eyes and began to pray devoutly.

Only then did Lin Xiaodong notice that the necklace hanging around Sandra's neck was a small cross.

While Sandra was praying, he had other strange thoughts in his mind. He now felt indifferent to such a woman who appeared beside him inexplicably.

However, this Sandra looked simple and kind, and she didn't look like someone with any secrets.

But he also knew that it was impossible for Ye Mihi to send Sandra here because he really felt that he needed someone to take care of him.

What does Mexico and the slums have to do with him?He was puzzled.

It was late at night, and of course Sandra would not agree to Lin Xiaodong's proposal to let her sleep in the bedroom, so she slept in the living room.

As for Lin Xiaodong, his poor sleep over the past year had surprisingly improved due to Sandra's arrival. The moment he lay down, he closed his eyes and fell asleep...

After a dreamless night, it was already broad daylight when she woke up. Sandra seemed to have gotten up very early and prepared breakfast for Lin Xiaodong. It looked like traditional Mexican food, something similar to polenta.

Lin Xiaodong ate in a hurry and then went out. Since it was the person introduced by Ye Miumi, he felt at ease to stay at home.

As soon as he arrived at the police station on his motorcycle, he saw Aruo standing at the door early, looking like she was waiting for him.

"Captain Lin, where do you want to go to work?" Aruo said with a smile.

Lin Xiaodong frowned: "Have you been doing more tricks lately..."

Aruo blinked his eyes, as if he didn't know anything.

Lin Xiaodong hung his helmet on the handlebar: "Tell me, why are you looking for me so early in the morning?"

A Ruo pursed her lips and smiled, and took out a small box: "Mr. Ye asked me to give it to you. She said she would tell you." Then she pushed the thing into Lin Xiaodong's hand and said goodbye to him. Just left without looking back.

"What the hell are you doing again?" Lin Xiaodong muttered as he weighed the box in his hand, and his phone rang again.

Sure enough, it was Ye Mi.

"Did you receive the gift?" Ye Miumi said, still in that annoyingly clear voice.

"Ye Mihi, I have already taken in that Mexican, what are you doing now?" Lin Xiaodong said angrily.

"Captain Lin, don't be so angry. If you knew what I gave you, you would definitely thank me." Ye Shimi said confidently, "I'm just calling to remind you to be careful when opening it. If you overturn it, I won't have a second one." Lin Xiaodong didn't want to admit it but knew that his curiosity had been successfully aroused by Ye Mi, so he hung up the phone and walked straight to the office.

Carefully, he placed the box on his desk. After opening it, there were two standard test kits with two labels on them, which read Shen Pan and Lu Yin respectively.

Lin Xiaodong didn't dare to open it rashly, but he knew what was inside.

This time he took the initiative to call back Ye Mihi.

"Are you satisfied now?" Ye Miumi said.

"Did you get their DNA samples?" Lin Xiaodong looked around and said.

"Well, I treated Lu Yin to a fish meal once. As for Shen Pan, now that we have met, we can't go back empty-handed. Hair loss is inevitable for older people."

"Do you suspect that Lu Yin is not Shen Pan's great-grandson?" Lin Xiaodong thought of the last conversation between them. Zhu Sheng probably had no descendants. Lu Yin's life experience seemed to be a mystery.

"It doesn't matter what I suspect. I can have channels to do genetic testing, but Shen Pan can't give me the authorization to do this. Only you can." Ye Miumi said.

"However, Ye Mi, I think you know one thing. There are so many generations between Shen Pan and Lu Yin. Regardless of whether they are related or not, the test results will not mean much." Lin Xiaodong Reminder.

"I know that the genetic similarity between them is very weak." Ye Mihi said, "But you can still test it."

Ye Mihan seemed to be referring to something, and Lin Xiaodong vaguely felt it, but he didn't know what she was referring to.


In the conference room of Linzhou Public Security Bureau, Zhong Qi listened to Lin Xiaodong's progress on Lu Yin's case. In fact, the so-called progress meant that there was no progress.

Lin Xiaodong understood that Zhong Qi did this just to give an explanation to his superiors and that the so-called actions were in place.She knew very well that Lu Yin's disappearance was far from simple as it seemed.

Lin Xiaodong reported what happened that night when he followed Shen Pan, and his sudden turn back midway was really worth pondering.

"The Legend project is the city's key project this year. From today on, patrols around Dongshi will be strengthened to ensure the smooth start of the project." After Zhong Qi finished speaking, he told the General Office, "I will write a briefing to the city later. This is Our measures to safeguard jobs in the economy.”

After hearing this, Lin Xiaodong sighed secretly. What Zhong Qi said was really clever. He knew that the purpose of strengthening patrols was to prevent the Shenlu Group from causing further sabotage.

However, the supervision order regarding Lu Yin's disappearance case has shown that Shen Pan's influence has penetrated into the top management.In this way, arranging this task from the perspective of ensuring the city's key projects will silence those who want to interfere with their work.

It was already past three in the afternoon when he came out of the meeting. Yue Jianfeng handed a report to Lin Xiaodong.

It was an urgent DNA comparison report. Lin Xiaodong asked Yue Jianfeng to do it with Shen Pan and Lu Yin's samples.

In fact, Lin Xiaodong did not have high expectations for this report. Just as he told Ye Miumi, the DNA similarity between Shen Pan, the great-grandmother, and Lu Yin was very weak, and there were no samples from other Lu family members. For reference, it is difficult to tell whether Lu Yin is a descendant of the Lu family.

However, things often happen when you don’t have expectations, and you get unexpected gains.

He opened the report with little interest, and the moment he saw the results, his eyes widened... (End of Chapter)

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