Abyss of ignorance

Chapter 318 Foreign Women

Chapter 318 Foreign Women
"Hmph, I don't think I'm looking for the same thing." Lin Xiaodong sneered, "Now we'll see when Shen Pan shows up."

"What happened in the ten minutes we left? It's impossible for such a big movement not to be discovered. This land now belongs to the Legden Company. They are trespassing illegally. They really think we are Are the police in Linzhou just for a living?" Yue Jianfeng said angrily.

"Jianfeng, as you said in front of the Rosa Hotel, Shen Pan is a thousand-year-old fox. It must be a big deal for her to make such a reckless move." Lin Xiaodong looked ahead and said.

"Wait a minute, Team Lin, there's something new." Yue Jianfeng said, listening to the sound on his headphones, "The command center said Shen Pan's car stopped two intersections away from us."

"Huh?" Lin Xiaodong straightened up immediately.

"The car is turning around now." Yue Jianfeng updated Shen Pan's movements in real time.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Xu pointed forward and said, "Captain Lin, these people are starting to leave! Do we want to go up?"

Lin Xiaodong followed the direction pointed by Xiao Xu, and sure enough, those people holding shovels seemed to have received some message and turned off their flashlights one after another. In the residual light of the distant street lights, figures could be vaguely seen shaking, getting further and further away from Dongshi.

"Shen Pan has changed his mind." Lin Xiaodong frowned, not knowing what happened.


Shen Pan was sitting in the car. The driver and escort could not hide their sleepiness on their faces, but her face did not change at all.

It's not because she has extraordinary energy, but because at her age, she is constantly fighting against the ultimate sleepiness, and the difference brought by sleeping a few more hours or a few less hours is no longer that big. .

At her instruction, the car turned around and headed towards the Rosa Hotel.

About half an hour had passed since the car drove to the place just now. This half hour was enough for her to think about the problem in a more ruthless way, even if the problem was related to Lu Yin.

If Lu Yin was really buried in Dongshi, he would be dead no matter whether she went or not at this moment.

If not, her visit would only expose the location where Lu Sixian was buried.

The person who sent her the card had already calculated this account clearly, and she had also calculated it clearly.

The lotus cake Zhusheng went to buy and the location where Lu Sixian was buried are known only to her and Lin Zhengyang in this world.

If Lin Zhengyang instigated the delivery of the letter, this would be a recipe for mutual destruction.

She understands Li Zhengyang. This person seems to be a lunatic who is not afraid of death. In fact, he cherishes his life more than anyone else. Being selfish is the bond and common ground between them.Selfishness also destined the two of them to be unable to resurrect from the quagmire of suffering, but to degenerate into demons.

Unless...he's dead.


Lin Xiaodong sat in front of his computer. His good habit of getting off work on time was broken with the arrival of Shen Pan.

After coming back from the outside, he would come to the surveillance of Yunzhixiang, and carefully watch every frame after he and Yue Jianfeng left.

Finally, his attention fell on the young man entering the Hotel Rosa.

Rosa Hotel is a foreign-related hotel, and there is no way to easily obtain the surveillance in the hotel. All he can see now is the footage captured by the surveillance camera opposite the Dashui Law in the square of Yunzhixiang.

The dim lights in the square are destined to miss the faces of people entering the store.

But the young man's back was enough for him to recognize.Because this person saved his life, he couldn't admit his mistake - the young man who knew how to use a bow and arrow.

A few hours later, sunlight filled the second-floor office of the Linzhou Public Security Bureau.

However, Lin Xiaodong's face seemed to be covered by a dark cloud.

Xiao Xu stood in front of him with a frustrated look on his face, muttering: "The hotel manager said he only knew it was a box and handed it directly to Shen Pan. He didn't know anything else."

"They didn't even ask who the other person was?" Lin Xiaodong said incredulously, "A super five-star hotel, this level?"

"Captain Lin, we have to have a reason before we can directly question Shen Pan." Yue Jianfeng said from the side.

Lin Xiaodong put his hands on his waist: "Jianfeng, you know, we have no direct evidence."

Yue Jianfeng scratched his head and felt that this matter was difficult: "Damn, the land in Dongshi has really whetted everyone's appetite. It feels like they are all waiting for the blind box to be opened on July 7th."

Lin Xiaodong didn't speak. Unlike Yue Jianfeng, he already knew what was in this "blind box", but he just had no evidence.

Lin Xiaodong rubbed his sore and red eyes and couldn't help but yawned. It was really a headache.

"Captain Lin, please go back and rest first. We will continue the work." Xiao Xu said thoughtfully.

"It's not like you've never suffered from poor health. You have to listen to Xiao Xu this time." Yue Jianfeng also helped.

Lin Xiaodong knew that they were right. He was no longer the reckless man who only knew how to rush forward.

He picked up his helmet and jogged downstairs as a habit. If it were in the past, he would have climbed on his motorcycle and sped away.

Now, there is an additional program, which is to check the top and bottom of the car. If you say you don't have any lingering fears, it must be a lie.

Going against the morning rush hour towards the new district, it didn't take long to arrive at the downstairs of the community.

Going home without looking forward to it is actually very torturous. Only Lin Xiaodong himself knows this feeling. A person who has been accompanied will be more afraid of loneliness.

The elevator arrived and he opened the door. He lowered his head and held the key. Unexpectedly, there were large and small bags of luggage at the door. Behind the luggage, there was a foreign woman standing.

This man looked to be in his fifties, with light brown skin, big eyes and a round nose. The green T-shirt stretched his fat body tightly, making him look too bumpy.

Lin Xiaodong's first reaction was that the foreigner had found the wrong place, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't hold it in. How do you ask this sentence in English?

However, when the woman saw him, she immediately clicked on a photo on her phone, compared it with him, and said in very awkward Chinese: "Hello! Boss! I am Sandra."

"Wait a minute, you made a mistake." Lin Xiaodong waved his hands in panic and explained in an extremely slow voice, "I'm not the boss. I'll help you find whoever you want."

The woman stared at him with wide eyes, obviously not fully understanding what he was saying. She probably only understood what he said, "Who are you looking for?" She tried her best to read out the pinyin on her phone: "I'm looking for Lin Xiaodong." .”

"Who?" Lin Xiaodong couldn't believe his ears.

The woman repeated again: "Lin Xiaodong." Although her accent was strange, she could tell that it was his name.

(End of this chapter)

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