Abyss of ignorance

Chapter 276 Misjudgment

Chapter 276 Misjudgment
"Legend Company has arranged the project progress, and the drawings have been released during the bidding process. If the approval goes smoothly, the foundation laying and construction can begin before the year." Ye Miumi said.

"You mean, the truth will be revealed this year?" Lin Xiaodong said.

"I'm different from you, I don't care about the truth." Ye Mimi took two steps forward, and brushed the scarecrow's hand in the field ridge, as if it was alive, "I just don't want to, and Just like what happened in Europe last year, some people interfered with the development of Jiangnan Medicine by illegal means."

"It's okay, we are going to the same destination by different routes." Lin Xiaodong said after following her.

"Well, in snowy areas, especially in winter, herdsmen often freeze to death in the wild. These herdsmen who freeze to death are basically young herdsmen. They already have some experience, but they are not as good as the older herdsmen. He knows how to be in awe, always thinking that he can master the laws of the snowstorm, and walking too far, making it impossible to return to the camp before the snowstorm arrives." For some reason, Ye Miumi suddenly started talking about the past.

Lin Xiaodong frowned, as if his words meant something.

"Every time something like this happens, the calmness of the old people is always beyond my expectation. Dad said, there is no way, young people will not give up their adventures just because of a few words from the old man. Even if people die in the snowstorm, some people will survive in the blizzard, which is part of the continuation of the race." Ye Mimi continued, as if the deserted place of this rare city reminded her of people and things from a long time ago.

"Ye Mihi, did I go in the wrong direction?" Lin Xiaodong asked humbly. After all, Ye Mihi never talks nonsense. There must be a reason why she came to him today and said these words.

"I just said, you can walk more steadily." Ye Mimi said, "I heard that you found a girl."

"I heard? You've heard so many things." Lin Xiaodong felt displeased when he heard this. As a policeman, it's not a good thing for the police to be controlled by others.

"Don't worry, I didn't inquire about it deliberately. It's because the case of the Town God's Temple has spread all over the city in Linzhou. It's hard not to care about it." Ye Mimi said, "It's a coincidence that I heard something else."

"Something else?"

"About half a year ago, someone went to Xingtiandi to look for someone." Ye Mimi said and took two steps towards Lin Xiaodong, "The one I was looking for was also a girl, her name is..." She paused deliberately at this point , and then said word by word, "Zheng, Xiao, Hua."

When Lin Xiaodong heard this, his vigilance was immediately touched: "Who is looking for her?"

"Then I don't know. I just heard that the other party claimed that Zheng Xiaohua had been missing for many years. She probably came to Xingtiandi to look for it after hearing something, and finally returned without success." Ye Mimi continued, "But obviously someone still has this person's phone number." She said, stuffed a note to Lin Xiaodong, and patted him on the shoulder, "The risk of the layout is that if one mistake is made, the whole game will be lost."

Lin Xiaodong couldn't help but feel excited after hearing this, as if she knew everything, and even knew what he was doing.

After Ye Miexi finished speaking, he left Lin Xiaodong to leave first. Lin Xiaodong walked towards the bright light and saw a phone number written on the note. It seemed that it was the person Ye Miexi said was looking for Zheng Xiaohua. contact details.

Regardless of the depth of night, he dialed the number.

The call was quickly connected, and a man's voice came from the other end of the phone, with a strong Qinghu accent: "Hello? Who is it?" Obviously he was full of suspicion about the call so late.

"I heard that you are looking for Zheng Xiaohua, who are you?" Lin Xiaodong asked.

"I'm her brother, do you have any news about Xiao Hua?" It was obviously not the first time the other party had received a similar call.


Early the next morning, a short man appeared at the gate of the Linzhou Public Security Bureau.

Lin Xiaodong went downstairs to pick him up. The man in front of him, who claimed to be Zheng Xiaohua's brother, was thin, dark-skinned, with a square face and small eyes.

"I am Zheng Xiaoshu, have you found my sister?" He looked at Lin Xiaodong eagerly, "Is she here?" He looked at the office building behind him, as if he couldn't believe it, as if his hopes had been dashed many times .

"Judging from the ID card you reported to us, it is indeed her. I didn't find any reports of Zheng Xiaohua's disappearance. Have you never thought of calling the police?" Lin Xiaodong asked as he led him inside.

"At first we thought it was a girl playing truant, but she came back after two years. Who knew she left and there was no news for several years? I became anxious and looked for her in many places, but she was nowhere to be found. It's all thanks to you this time!" Zheng Xiaoshu He spoke with a Qinghu accent. He was actually not very old, and seemed to have little education. He had difficulty speaking basic Mandarin.

"Are you so big-hearted?" Lin Xiaodong looked at Zheng Xiaoshu suspiciously and said.

Zheng Xiaoshu muttered: "My family is busy with farm work, how can I have so much time to look for her? This little girl has been troublesome since she was a child."

Zheng Xiaohua had already been brought in ahead of time, and when she saw Zheng Xiaoshu, she immediately said excitedly: "I don't want to see him, you lock me up!"

Zheng Xiaoshu was stunned, standing where he was, and didn't immediately step forward to recognize each other.

"What? Don't know your sister?" Lin Xiaodong said from the side.

"Brother, let's go, I won't go back with you!" Zheng Xiaohua yelled at him.

"Xiao, Xiaohua..." Zheng Xiaoshu stepped forward hesitantly, "Why don't you want to see me? Mom misses you, come back with me?"

"I'm living a good life in Linzhou, you go!" Zheng Xiaohua's attitude was still very firm.

Seeing the delicate expressions of the two, Lin Xiaodong stepped forward and held Zheng Xiaoshu back: "She is now related to the case we are investigating, and there is really no way to go back with you right away. We will notify you when the investigation is over." After finishing speaking, he signaled to Yue Jianfeng, Take Zheng Xiaohua away first.

"She... is..." Zheng Xiaoshu seemed very confused, looking at the direction where Zheng Xiaohua was taken away, standing there motionless.

"Come with me." Lin Xiaodong whispered beside him, and led him to the meeting room next to him.

There were only the two of them in the room, Lin Xiaodong stared at Zheng Xiaoshu's face, and asked in a deep voice: "Answer me honestly, is this person your sister?"

Faced with this question, Zheng Xiaoshu hesitated, and said in a low voice, "You told me that the ID card matches, so it should be her..."

"So you're not sure?"

"I haven't seen her for many years, and now she's dressed like this, like a girl, I..." Zheng Xiaoshu said as if he couldn't even convince himself.

(End of this chapter)

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