Abyss of ignorance

Chapter 272 Chat History

Chapter 272 Chat History
"Huh? Team Lin, didn't we ask the Anti-Pornography Brigade for help? Why did the Internet Police Brigade come here?" Yue Jianfeng said puzzled.

"Captain Zhai from the anti-pornography brigade told me to meet with the Internet police," Lin Xiaodong said.

Just as he was talking, Team Zhai had already made great strides over.

"We have recently cooperated with the Internet Police Brigade to fight pornography with big data. Team Lin has already asked them to investigate the situation you mentioned." Team Zhai said, leading them to a work station not far away, where a technical policeman and A member of the anti-pornography brigade was studying the computer screen.

"Based on our experience in handling cases, we have summarized some common or high-frequency factors in pornography-related cases. For example, an id frequently logs in to some pornography-related websites recently, or some accounts have transactions of a specific amount. Of course, we will also monitor some special cases offline. Places, online and offline combined to lock suspicious targets." Zhai team finished speaking and asked the police in front of him, "How is the investigation on the situation that Lin team said?"

"We found a special situation when we were investigating." The technical policeman said solemnly, "All the information on the deceased Ding Manguan's personal social software has been cleared, including chat records and even cloud data. We encountered a Master, it can be said that Ding Manguan is not only dead, but his virtual identity in the online world has also been completely erased."

Lin Xiaodong was not surprised when he heard this. He had known for a long time that the other party was a powerful hacker.However, he looked at the solemn but not anxious look of the technical policeman, and he felt somewhat at peace: "But even so, I guess you still have something to gain."

The technical policeman nodded: "Thanks to the big data anti-pornography platform we jointly built with the anti-pornography brigade a while ago, although Ding Manguan's personal account and information have been cleared, the clue database is updated in real time, and we will update it according to the alert level. Screening. Based on the time when the fluorescent party was held, we looked at all the low-risk clues that did not go to the police before and after that time, and locked in one of the women who attended the party. She had a history of improper transactions and appeared near the fluorescent party and the City God Temple at the same time. .”

"Great, if she has a criminal record, we should have her information here?" Lin Xiaodong said happily.

The technical police quickly retrieved the information, and a photo of a young girl appeared on the computer screen, which was taken in a detention center. She had dyed yellow hair, the makeup on her face was not removed, and her eyes were swollen. I don't know if it was a hangover or cried.

"Zheng Xiaohua, was detained last year for providing a paid escort." The policeman introduced.

"That's right, if you say it like this, people will believe it at 28?" Yue Jianfeng said.

Team Zhai said at the side: "Jianfeng, you will know when you come to our anti-pornography team. You are still old. In the past two years, there is a trend of younger women who have made mistakes. We are cooperating with the Women's Federation to see how to curb this trend from the source. Well." He said and turned to Lin Xiaodong, "I have already sent someone to Zheng Xiaohua's residence, and I will hand it over to you when they bring it."

Lin Xiaodong patted Team Zhai on the back: "It's so awesome!"

Not long after, Zheng Xiaohua appeared in the interrogation room.

The girl herself is much younger than she looks in the photos, and she can be seen to be of a certain age.It's just that the way she dresses reveals the dusty smell that she shouldn't have at her age.

She didn't seem to panic about being taken to the police station. She lay crookedly on the table, peeling off her nail polish, with an indifferent expression on her face, and even said impatiently: "Are you making a mistake? I haven't done anything recently. , ready to change careers."

"Did you attend the fluorescent party in Chengbei Xingtiandi last month?" Lin Xiaodong asked.

"Yes, is it illegal to attend a party?" Zheng Xiaohua rolled her eyes.

"It's not illegal to attend a party. Where did you go after the party?"

Zheng Xiaohua's eyes flickered for a moment, and then she put on an old-fashioned attitude and said, "I'm going home when it's over, where else can I go?"

Lin Xiaodong threw a photo in front of Zheng Xiaohua. She didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at first. She glanced at the photo casually, immediately covered her eyes and shouted: "Ghost!"

"Do you remember something now?" Lin Xiaodong's voice was steady, without any value judgment.

"Take that photo away!" Zheng Xiaohua still covered her face with her hand and refused to let it go.

"The deceased in the photo is Ding Manguan." Lin Xiaodong added.

"This is not him!" Zheng Xiaohua blurted out.

Lin Xiaodong put away the photo after hearing this: "So, do you know Ding Manguan?"

Zheng Xiaohua peeked at the table between her fingers, making sure that the photos had been put away before she put down her trembling hands.

At this time, her face was completely pale, as if she was not the same person as before.

"Ding Manguan is dead. We found traces of you beside his bed. Where were you between 6 pm and 18 am on June 11?" In the quiet interrogation room, Lin Xiaodong's words were particularly clear. .

Zheng Xiaohua looked at Lin Xiaodong with a frightened look in her eyes: "Aren't you anti-pornography?"

"We are from the Criminal Police Brigade."

"You...you don't think I killed this Taoist, do you?"

"You are now under serious suspicion. Where were you when Ding Manguan was killed?"

"Is it the night of June 6 you just mentioned?"


"I'm just sleeping at home..."

"Is there anyone to prove it to you?"

"I'm alone. I said I wanted to change my career. I didn't take any customers in June..."

"Ding Manguan is your client?"

When Zheng Xiaohua heard this, she pursed her lips: "Taoist priests are human beings too... I swear I only picked him up a few times. He's not a bad guy. He gave me money easily. I didn't kill him!"

"He didn't contact you on June 6?"

"Oh, right!" Zheng Xiaohua seemed to remember something important, "I lost my phone for a week, and I can't get in touch with customers even if I want to do business. Does this prove that the Taoist priest's death has nothing to do with me?"

"Lost your phone?" Lin Xiaodong was surprised, "How do you usually contact Ding Manguan?"

"Oh, WeChat." Zheng Xiaohua said.

"We will give you a mobile phone to sync the latest information and we will know whether you have lied." Lin Xiaodong said.

Zheng Xiaohua actually agreed with this: "Yes, yes, I promise I have not contacted him."

After a short load, the chat records of Zheng Xiaohua and Ding Manguan appeared in front of everyone.

There is no ambiguous part of the content between them from beginning to end, time, place, and transfer.

However, the time is very fixed, basically once a week, and Zheng Xiaohua comes in through the door left at the appointed time.The most recent one was on June 6.

(End of this chapter)

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