Chapter 257
In Linzhou in the early morning, it began to rain lightly, moistening everything silently.

Lin Xiaodong woke up from home, and when he walked to the living room, he saw the fine raindrops standing on the small window, feeling somewhat sad.After a simple wash, he braved the rain and went to the Linzhou Public Security Bureau.

As soon as he went up to the second floor, he went straight to Yue Jianfeng: "Speaking of which last time, how did the analysis of the footprints taken from the scene last time go?"

Yue Jianfeng chewed the meat buns he just bought this morning and said, "You saw the footprints at the scene, it was too messy. We collected everything we could according to your request. It took a long time just to remove the heavy ones."

"So what's the result?" Lin Xiaodong put his hand on Yue Jianfeng's shoulder and said with a smile.

"Thanks for the shot in the back. That person probably left in a hurry. We basically locked the shoe prints." Yue Jianfeng took out a stack of photos from the file bag at hand and handed them to Lin Xiaodong. I consulted the footprint experts for the shoe prints of people who farmed in the oil market, and now this footprint is in line with the age of more than 30 years old, and there is no match."

"Heh, you've done a lot of work, so you're very efficient?" Lin Xiaodong patted Yue Jianfeng on the shoulder and praised him.

Yue Jianfeng raised his head: "That's necessary, I have to work harder, otherwise my captain will resign when he is unhappy, and I will have to fight alone. Speaking of it..." He lowered his voice and leaned closer to Lin Xiaodong's ear and said, " You say it's strange, how long has the position of director of our bureau been vacant, and no new leader has come over yet. I think the Yellow Bureau has turned pale after working this year, and it's also the job of the main leader. You have to do the things in your hands again.”

"Just mind your own work, and ask so many questions." Lin Xiaodong tapped Yue Jianfeng's arm with the back of his hand, and said, "There's still that blood stain, keep an eye on it, hold on tight, and see if Curry can compare it. .”

"Hey, it's not that the Yellow Bureau is too busy to take care of our case, and we can't guarantee participation in the case analysis meeting... When Bureau Chen was here before, it was safe to analyze the case with us all night. Feeling." Yue Jianfeng muttered.

"Well, I also miss the time when Bureau Chen was here. There is no other way. This sense of security can only be earned by ourselves now." Lin Xiaodong said sadly, and walked towards his work station with a photo of the shoe print.

Yue Jianfeng sat on the chair, turned around to face Lin Xiaodong, and chatted after him: "I said Team Lin, you are also very concerned about the footprints, do you mind if I ask why?"

Lin Xiaodong sat at his desk and smiled at him: "Of course I have my reasons."

Not long after he concentrated on his work, he saw Xiao Xu coming up with something like a thick brick and walking straight towards Lin Xiaodong.

He put the things on Lin Xiaodong's table and said out of breath, "Team Lin, what did you buy for your express delivery? It's so heavy?"

"Huh? I haven't bought anything lately?" Lin Xiaodong glanced at the courier slip, which didn't say where to send it, and suddenly remembered the painting he received before, and couldn't help but frown.

He didn't open it right away, but carefully opened a corner of the package to see what was inside. Fortunately, all the printed materials were exposed inside.

The title on the cover was faintly visible, and he understood it when he saw it clearly. It read: Information on Bidding Enterprises in Dongyou Petroleum Market.

Ye Mimi said that he would send him the company's information, but he didn't expect it to be in this way.

Just as he was wondering, his cell phone rang at the right time, and it was Ye Mimi calling.

Lin Xiaodong hurried outside to answer the phone.

"Have you received the item?" Ye Mimi's clear voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Sure enough, you have to have enough money. How much does it cost to print it? Can you send me the electronic version?" Lin Xiaodong said.

Ye Mimi on the other end of the phone sneered, "It's as if you caught that hacker."

Hearing this, Lin Xiaodong immediately reacted. The hacker Ye Mimi mentioned must be referring to the one who stole Xu Binyong's account. Indeed, Jiang Lin did not admit that she had participated in it before she died. If it wasn't her, who the hell is it? Not yet known.

"Are you acquiescing that the company that bid this time is the same group that killed Xu Binyong?" Lin Xiaodong said immediately.

"I just assumed that they had this ability, and I didn't draw any conclusions. My favorite way to win is to let the opponent lose, but I don't know how to lose." Ye Mimi said slowly, "It is best to know yourself and the enemy at the same time." Let the other party not know what we are doing."

Lin Xiaodong didn't read Ye Mimi's information in the office. He repacked it and tied it to the back seat of his motorcycle after get off work.


This afternoon, it was rare for Ye Mimi not to fill the schedule, and reserved half a day, and no one in the group knew what the half day was for.

The winding mountain road leading to Hualing is still exclusive to it. During the daytime on weekdays, there are no people here.

Ye Mimi walked alone on the side of the road until he reached the entrance of the abandoned mausoleum.

She raised her eyes and glanced at the endless path, which was covered by greenery and remained the same.Her eyes fell on the rough paved stones at the entrance, already covered with moss before she knew it.

She looked at the moss and sighed in disappointment. At least recently, no one had set foot here.

Despite this, she still walked into this secret realm known only to them, an isolated existence.

Expectations have been lowered from the very beginning. The abandoned mausoleum is still the same as when she came last year. The vegetation withers and grows again, and the four seasons reincarnate without any scruples.

Ye Mimi sat on the stone steps where Jiang Xu used to sit, just looking at the ruined wall covered with vines and moss in front of him, the light leaked in from the crown of the tree, from bright white to golden, and then gradually dimmed.

At the last moment when the sun was fading, she stood up and walked in the direction of the return journey.

Many recent things, many things that made her feel ups and downs, were dispelled in this half day of tranquility.It's not forgotten, but they are classified and put into the blocks they should belong to, and the emotions attached to them are silently released in the mountains and forests, and will not be taken away.

In the Hualing Nursing Home, Grandma Zhang's room had never been so lively. Parents Lin and Mama Lin accompanied Grandma Zhang, laughing and laughing. Ye Mimi just watched from a distance and didn't plan to get closer.

Grandma Zhang no longer needed her, she smiled to herself, turned around and disappeared into the twilight.


In the new district, Lin Xiaodong, the only one who was left alone in the Lin family, turned on the lights in the bedroom just like every day this year...

(End of this chapter)

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