Abyss of ignorance

Chapter 249 Human Demon One Thought Room

"Are you serious?" Lin Xiaodong only felt a chill in Junetian's body, and he couldn't speak fluently.

"What do you think?" As he spoke, Ye Mimi suddenly showed that angelic smile again. It was the appearance of the spring breeze and rain when Lin Xiaodong first met her, and he didn't know which one was the real her.

"Speaking of Grandma Zhang, I'm wondering if it's necessary to tell you a little bit about the past." Ye Mimi said suddenly.

"This place is the most suitable for nostalgia, just say it." Lin Xiaodong seemed relieved, and finally didn't have to continue talking about Jiang Xu.

"Do you know why I insisted on taking care of Grandma Zhang every Saturday for a while?" Ye Mimi asked suddenly.

"Heh, didn't you take the opportunity to get close to me to win her favor? I think my unlucky love luck started from you." When Lin Xiaodong talked about these things again, the original indignation was gone, and he was more jokingly self-deprecating .He knew that with so many things happening, it didn't matter what was right and what was wrong. After all, those who were lying here were all from the Chen family. As far as this was concerned, his little incident was insignificant.

"I said you were greasy, but you really climbed up the pole." Ye Mimi said angrily, "I don't deny that the reason for getting close to Grandma Zhang is for you. However, I insist on going every week. It's all to win your grandma's favor."

"Huh? What is that for?"

"To save her life."

"Huh? I know she also suffers from liver cancer. We were wondering how she could get better on her own... So it was because of you?" Lin Xiaodong couldn't help but feel grateful.

But Ye Mimi said: "You don't need to thank you too early. Grandma Zhang didn't have to suffer from such a disease. Someone wanted to use her to test my ability. Using immature drugs on patients without authorization, if not life-saving Above all else, it shouldn't have been done."

"Someone?" Lin Xiaodong murmured, "Are you talking about Lin Zhengyang?"

"When we are doing animal experiments, we will use various methods to induce tumors, such as strong carcinogenic chemicals. I don't think your grandma will know until now that the old man she counts as a friend will be in her food. Let’s play tricks here. My task is to prove that my research is effective in inhibiting human cancer cells, and your grandma is the first task Lin Zhengyang gave me.”

If it was the past, Lin Xiaodong would have been furious when he heard this, but now, he just frowned and said in a low voice, "My grandma is innocent, he has gone crazy."

"Humans and devils are always in a single thought, isn't it?" Ye Mimi looked at the distant mountains and forests, and suddenly said that both she and Lin Xiaodong understood Lin Zhengyang to some extent, but from different angles.

In the East Petroleum Market, the original building has already been pulled down into a pile of rubble, surrounded by white walls, painted with various slogans, and the faded ones have been replaced.

Who knows who made a gap in the fence. The elderly residents nearby don't care about the so-called auspicious or unlucky. With nothing to do, they slipped into the few fields that were reclaimed here and became temporary farms.

It's rare that some people came today, who seemed to be investigating the scene.

"This project has been suspended for more than a year, and I don't know why it suddenly became a fragrant bun recently." One of them said, somewhat complaining, "I have to come to see it in hot weather."

"Who knows, it's said that there are two companies competing. Is this location good?" The other one said, wiping the sweat from his head.

"What's the matter, didn't everyone dislike the fact that people were killed here before. Look at the last Jiang Wanchao who was going to start this project, and he died." The man said in a low voice, mysteriously, "Speaking of which, everyone It is said that Jiang Wanchao died very strangely. Didn’t you notice that his death was never clearly stated in the news? He said everything, and it was said that the person here took his life..."

"Bah bah bah, good luck, your hairs are standing on end." Another person hurriedly interrupted him, "You still said it's hot, the sun is going down, and the people who watched the venue sent them away. We almost Withdraw."

The two left the scene while chatting.

Under the setting sun, above the ruins, the scarecrow and the crops glow with a faint golden soft light, forming a strange landscape against the background of high-rise buildings in the city.

Recently, the clerk in the soft time has known this strange customer. He always wears a black skirt. He arrives here before they close, buys a glass of ice water with American coffee money, and sits in the small corner next to the bookshelf. , Flipping through the books on the shelf until they got off work before leaving.

Today is no exception. Today the clerk is sorting out the decorations in the store.

"Are you going to put away these paper cranes?" Ye Mimi asked.

The clerk is a girl, wearing a cafe khaki apron, with a student look on her face, she nodded: "Yes, this is left over from an event last year, we are planning a new event for next month, first place Make room."

Ye Mimi stretched out her hand and took off the most special one among them: "Can you give it to me?"

The clerk smiled: "Just take it, every paper crane contains the wish of the person who made the origami at that time."

Ye Mimi smiled faintly and said, "I know, it was only made by my lover."

After hearing this, the clerk noticed the ring on her left ring finger and said, "It's surprising that such a young lady is married. We will give you a copy when our invitation letter is ready, you and your lover Come to the event together?"

"That depends on whether it's before or after July 7."

"Oh, I see. He's on a business trip recently? Let me say that you've been here alone recently."

"Yes, he's on a business trip, and he'll be back next month." Ye Mimi chatted in an ordinary tone, as if that was the case.

"Oh... so to speak..." the clerk was thoughtful, "I also worked part-time here when I was a freshman. At that time, there was a very elegant gentleman who sat in the position where you sit every day to read, shouldn't it be meeting……"

Ye Mimi smiled, looked at her and said, "You are right, he is my husband."

"Ah, then you must be very happy." The clerk suddenly looked at Ye Mimi with envious eyes, "I can still think of him sitting by the window reading a book, so quiet and gentle."

"Well, I'll bring him to participate in the event later." Ye Mimi said generously.

"Wow, that's a deal!"

"It's a deal." Ye Mimi said, walking towards the staircase of Soft Time alone.

"See you tomorrow?" The clerk shouted behind her, because this lady will show up every day during this period, and I believe tomorrow will be the same...

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