Lin Xiaodong didn't expect to find any important clues from a black and white photo.He picked up the photo, and in the photo was a group photo of two men. An older man was wearing a military uniform with a beard and looked familiar. He seemed to be Lu Guangzhong himself, while the younger man beside him was wearing a long gown and wearing glasses. He looked like a scholar, but he didn't know who it was.No matter who it is, according to the era when the photo was taken, it must be dead.

According to what Ye Mimi said just now, his attention naturally shifted from the people to the mansion behind them.The background is the entrance of a mansion. The black-and-white photo is not clear, and you can only vaguely see the garden house inside, which is very grand.

But these are not important, because soon Lin Xiaodong's attention was attracted by the house number next to the man who looked like a scholar.

The house number clearly reads: "21 East Hawthorne Road".

Of course, this house number is familiar to him. If the driver hadn't told him that there was no No. 21 on Hawthorne East Road, he might have let Jiang Lin live on the street that day.

But at this moment, this house number that shouldn't exist suddenly appeared in front of him, especially after going through the previous entanglement, it was like seeing a ghost.

But, for Lin Xiaodong, what's even worse is, how did Ye Mimi know?If it is a coincidence, this is too evil.

A photo made Lin Xiaodong at a loss for what to do.

Ye Mimi, who was sitting opposite him, just sat quietly, with a look of patience.

"Sorry, excuse me for being stupid, what do you mean by letting me see this photo?" Lin Xiaodong didn't directly ask about the house number, he wanted to confirm whether he was suspicious or Ye Mimi did it on purpose.

However, he was clearly asking the wrong question.

Because Ye Mimi who was sitting across from him seemed to have ice edges in his eyes that were as clear as pools of water, so sharp that he wanted to dodge.

"It seems that for most people, love and wisdom really can't have both." She said coldly, "Lin Xiaodong, I thought sincerity was your bottom line, but it doesn't seem to be the case."

These words made Lin Xiaodong ashamed, and he hurriedly confessed, "Do you want me to see the house number No. 21, East Huosang Road?"

"Because someone has already told you about this house number in advance." Ye Mimi looked directly at him, and said to the point.

"How do you know? This very personal." Lin Xiaodong's mood is very complicated. He is guilty but also offended. Everyone knew that he had to suspect that he was being watched.

"Then I'm sorry. The private matter you thought could not be separated from Xu Binyong's case from the very beginning. I thought you knew this very well."

"But last time there were only me and Jiang Lin here, how did you know what happened?" Lin Xiaodong asked.

Ye Mimi tilted her head slightly, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes: "I don't know what happened to you two on Hawthorne East Road."

Now Lin Xiaodong was also confused: "You showed me this house number, isn't it just to tell me that Jiang Lin mentioned No. 21 Hawthorne East Road?"

"Well, indeed, I know that Jiang Lin is interested in the Lu family's house, but it's not because of the bloody affair between you." Ye Mimi seemed to guess the general situation of the day from Lin Xiaodong's expression, and his tone was not polite.

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