Abyss of ignorance

Chapter 170 The Person Without Identity

"Jianfeng, what about her identity? Do you have any clues here? She claims to be Xiaolu, but I suspect this is not her real name." Lin Xiaodong asked with concern.

"Team Lin, this is the paradox. She doesn't seem to exist in this society. We can't find any identity information related to her, such as ID card, household registration, student registration, medical records... everything is checked, but there is nothing. " Yue Jianfeng said.

Lin Xiaodong was silent. Maybe Xiaolu was really the only name she had left in this world.

"It seems that the only thing that has something to do with this world is her appearance, which is very similar to Xu Hangjun, that's all." Yue Jianfeng talked about this and continued, "Oh, yes, the forensic doctor found that she had plastic surgery. However, we did not find information related to her in the official medical records, and it is estimated that it was also performed in an underground clinic."

"Plastic surgery? To be more like Xu Hangjun?" Lin Xiaodong was in a complicated mood. He didn't know whether Xiao Lu did it voluntarily or Lao Yang forced it. No matter what it was, it was a bit pitiful. "That is to say, the only clue we have now is that Fingerprints, and those owners she stole from."

"We are now preparing to make a return visit to these owners, but after preliminary contact, most of them are not very cooperative." Yue Jianfeng has a headache.

"Because the stolen items have not been recovered." Lin Xiaodong said.

"Not only that, these people are very busy, and they don't seem to want to spend too much time on this matter. I can't tell you their names, but you can refer to the difficulty of our investigation of Jiang Wanchao. This assistant, that The vice president, and, this time is not to investigate the suspects, they are all victims."

At this moment, the cicadas in the mountains around the Hualing Nursing Home began to make noise, the sun was setting in the west, and the colorful light passing through the branches turned into a sultry golden color.

It's just that the heat wave made Lin Xiaodong, who was standing at the door talking on the phone, feel smoke coming from his head, and he didn't feel the charm of such a bright summer scenery at all.

On a hot weekday afternoon, deep in the forest, no one seemed to think about the elderly in the nursing home.

Lin Xiaodong put on his helmet and stepped on his motorcycle. The seat was scorching hot from the sun.

He took a deep breath, stepped on the accelerator, and the motorcycle roared away from Hualing Nursing Home.

Passing by the inconspicuous entrance by the mountain road, he casually glanced at it. The last time he and Jiang Xu trekked into the abandoned cemetery from this entrance seemed to be a long time ago.

The matter seemed to be being resolved, but it seemed to be getting more and more messy.

No matter what, he continued to look forward, the motorbike accelerated and drove down the mountain, but he didn't see that the moss on the ground near the entrance, which should have been intact, was crushed by the wheels and footprints, exposing the smooth ground .

The yin energy of the abandoned mausoleum seems to counteract the summer heat well.

Two unhealthy men, one old and one young, sat side by side on the cool stone steps.

"When did you know?" Lao Yang was still the same, holding his crutches, sitting beside Jiang Xu, with a relaxed state that he never had elsewhere.

"When Lin Xiaodong and I were injured at the same time, I saw the test sheet." Jiang Xu said.

"You are very careful." Lao Yang praised him, but his tone was still flat, as if he was stating a fact.

"Oh, thank you for the compliment." Jiang Xu smiled bitterly, "I understand Mimi, you can't kill me."

"I know." Lao Yang said, "Otherwise, you would not be here anymore." As Lao Yang said, he picked up his crutches and tapped on the steps, which meant that Jiang Xu was already underground.

"About this matter, you have to listen to me. This is the premise of my deal with you." Jiang Xu said, "You know that I must do it voluntarily."

"Very good." Lao Yang turned to look at him, "You are the only one."

"The only one what?"

"Talk to me, I won't be angry." Lao Yang said, the slack made his crooked mouth look less weird.

Jiang Xu smiled sadly: "Do I have to thank you for not fussing with a dying person?"

"I am the same." Lao Yang said, "I have been a doctor, and I know that people cannot live a long life."

"So, Lin Xiaodong has become very important." Jiang Xu said sharply.

"Mimi, has also become very important." Lao Yang said something that only Jiang Xu could understand.

"I won't let her become the second you." Jiang Xu seemed to just say it casually, but the tone was veiled, with a determination that no one could shake.

"Yes, you did your best."

"It seems that the two of us have to fight for the last breath, who is longer." Jiang Xu also turned his head and looked at Lao Yang.

Lao Yang didn't feel offended, but put his hands on the head of the crutch, pressed it hard, and stood up tremblingly: "This place is very good, I really like chatting with you." , Leaning on crutches first.

In the silent deep mountain, the crutch fell on the stone steps, making the familiar "dong, dong, dong" sound.

Jiang Xu looked at his old back, disappeared outside the rusty iron gate, lowered his head, leaving an unremarkable small glass bottle beside him, he grabbed it and put it in his pocket without hesitation.

After sitting for a long time, it became difficult to get up.Holding the moss-covered stone railing, he gathered his strength for a long time, and slowly stood up, step by step, walking towards the outside of the cemetery along the place where Lao Yang walked just now.


In the cafe downstairs in Wan'an Community, Lin Xiaodong parked his motorcycle with a suspicious expression on his face, took off his helmet and walked into the shop.

Jiang Xu was waiting there, and the coffee was already ordered.

"Are you looking for me?" Lin Xiaodong said in surprise. In his impression, since Jiang Xu came back from the snowy area, he lived in reclusive life and never took the initiative to find him. Of course, he felt that Jiang Xu was isolated from everyone except Ye Mimi. meeting people.

When he arrived downstairs from Hualing Nursing Home, he received a text message from Jiang Xu. He was quite surprised, and he rode his bicycle to Xingtiandi.

After all, he was a police officer. Lin Xiaodong glanced at Jiang Xu's shoes: "You actually went out today?"

Jiang Xu smiled: "Walk more while your body is still fine."

"Don't say such things, you look like an 90-year-old man, I think your condition is better than last time." Lin Xiaodong said carelessly.

With a look of understanding, Jiang Xu stirred the ice cubes in the coffee cup with a straw, and said, "I asked Ah Ruo to be Mimi's driver and assistant. In Jiangnan Medicine, she needs someone she can trust. Some I thought about it, except Ah Ruo, only you..."

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