Abyss of ignorance

Chapter 151 The name behind the photo

Chapter 151 The name behind the photo

He tore it lightly, and the photo was taken down.

When he turned over the photo and saw the name written on the back, he didn't expect that the name would shock him more than the person in the photo.

He didn't even need to specifically correspond to the name and the position of the person. Among the many names, he saw a familiar name-"Xu Hangjun", a name that only appeared a few times in the conversation between him and Chen Yu-

Chen Shi's wife, Chen Xu, or now Ye Mimi's mother.

Before that, he hadn't even imagined her appearance. Now that he thinks about it, the sensible Jiang Yichuan and the cheerful Chen Xu that Chen Yu said at the time were not just the result of Chen Shi's cultivation. They must have an excellent mother, who is gentle and beautiful. s.

However, the person in this photo had already died in the snowy region, so why did he appear in front of him alive with the face of a young girl?
The paintings full of death perspectives cannot really come from the hands of ghosts.

He is Lin Xiaodong, he doesn't believe it.

He held the photo in one hand, and propped it on the booth with the other, and fell into a myth. However, there was an inconspicuous groove in the place where he propped it up, which was exactly the size of a palm, and it seemed to be custom-made when placed inside.

Lin Xiaodong moved his palm away in doubt, and looked down at the place. Only this one was sunken, as if someone pressed it for years to form such a curved surface.

He put the photo back in place, looked at this angle of view, and suddenly understood something.

"Someone often comes to see this photo." He murmured, taking a breath.

No matter who is thinking about Xu Hangjun, it must be related to the series of deaths. If it is to the extent that the wooden booth can be deformed, then this person should have been lurking in the Hualing Nursing Home for many years.

The nursing home was the place where he could let his guard down the most. At this moment, it suddenly became completely unfamiliar, even scary.

He couldn't imagine that there was a murderous demon hidden in this peaceful place.

And his grandmother is here.

No, if this person is who he thinks of, his grandmother, maybe the safest one here.

What Ye Mimi said to him made him gradually come to his senses, and everyone found the reason for Lin Xiaodong—he was the weakness of that devil.

I, like the one standing in the center of the storm, with calm waves above my head, but I can't get out of this powerful destructive force.

Lin Xiaodong, who was caught in the maze of thinking, was suddenly patted on the back, startled, and saw his grandma beside him, and asked him wonderingly: "What are you looking around for?"

"No, it's nothing," he replied carelessly, looking out the door.

Outside the showroom, the blazing sunlight leaked from the shade of the trees, mottled like memories, unfolding in the halo.

What echoed in his ears were Mama Lin's words. In the chilly early spring, Mama Lin had said to him: "It's your grandma, I must let you see her."

She also said: "Xiao Ye, I go to the nursing home every weekend as a volunteer..."

Ye Mimi's upturned rose-colored mouth appeared in front of his eyes, and her whisper in his ears seemed like yesterday: "You, instead of coming to my place, why not visit your grandma first..."

Ye Mimi let him come to the nursing home from the very beginning.

And he never knew that she had a deep meaning in saying this.However, Ye Mimi never talks nonsense.

Here, is the starting point of everything.

Or, it should be said that this is the starting point.

"Grandma..." Lin Xiaodong stared at the painting on the wall and called in a daze.

"Huh? Dongdong, what's the matter?" Grandma was obviously worried about Lin Xiaodong's state.

"Ye Mimi, where else would you go besides your usual visit?"

"Xiaoye? Except here, Lao Yang is the one she sees most often."

"Lao Yang? Lin Zhengyang?" Lin Xiaodong felt his heart skip a beat.

"What? Isn't Lin Zhengyang your grandfather who passed away very early? Lao Yang is alive and well, and his surname is Yang, not Lin." Grandma was totally unaware of the problem.

"He's here?!" Lin Xiaodong grabbed grandma's arm with both hands, his eyes were bloodshot.

"Dongdong, what's the matter with you? He's here, a strange and stubborn old man."

"Grandma, I want to see him, you take me to see him!"

"But this old Yang doesn't like to meet strangers. He used to hide when you came here."

Lin Xiaodong, who heard his grandmother say this, became more certain of his speculation.

"Where is his room? What time is it? I'll go find him!" Lin Xiaodong was anxious.

The grandmother who heard Lin Xiaodong's question was stunned, and murmured: "It's true, you said that, every time Lao Yang comes to my place. I really don't know which room he lives in."

"Come to your place every time?" Lin Xiaodong was terrified after hearing this, the grandma in front of her obviously didn't know how many people's blood was on the hands of the strange and stubborn old man she was talking about.

"He actually likes you quite a bit. Here, he insisted on me bringing you the loquat last time." Grandma continued.

When Lin Xiaodong heard "loquat", he immediately remembered the past that his father told about. Before he died, Lin Boyue wanted to eat Linzhou's loquat. Boyue has already left.

This is probably the knot in Lin Zhengyang's heart that he can't let go of in his life.

He took him as Boyue.

For Lin Xiaodong, this was nothing to be happy about, but rather terrifying.

"Dongdong?" Grandma looked at Lin Xiaodong in a trance again, and called him worriedly, "If you really want to see him, let's ask the nurse. It's not a big deal. Although Lao Yang is weird, he is actually kind."

"Nice heart?" To Lin Xiaodong's ears, it was ironic. He took a deep breath and took his grandmother's hand again, "Grandma, it's okay. I was just suddenly curious. I'll take you back to your room to rest. "

After setting up grandma, Lin Xiaodong didn't leave immediately, he had to ask the nurse, grandma was right.

"That old man named Lao Yang, which room does he live in?" Lin Xiaodong asked the nurse who made the rounds.

But the nurse looked confused: "Which old Yang? There are quite a few old people surnamed Yang here."

"Lin Zhengyang?" Lin Xiaodong tried to throw out the name.

But the nurse still shook her head and said, "I haven't heard of this person."

Lin Xiaodong held his temper and changed the way of questioning: "That's right, it's the old man who often goes to my grandmother's place. In that room, the old man surnamed Zhang. My grandmother called him Lao Yang." He pointed to the direction where his grandmother lived.

The nurse went as he expected, and suddenly realized: "Oh! You said him! He is not an old man recuperating here."

"No? That's why he is here?"

The nurse laughed after hearing this: "This nursing home belongs to him, why do you think he is here?"

(End of this chapter)

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