Abyss of ignorance

Chapter 138 Brown Sugar Water

Chapter 138 Brown Sugar Water

"What did he say?" Lin Xiaodong also became interested all of a sudden, the father and father pulled up chairs and sat face to face at the dining table, completely ignoring the voice of Mama Lin urging them to have breakfast.

"They received the money." Lin Zhongyue said, "At least my classmate got a lot of money. A total of 5 yuan was a huge sum of money back then. And he remembered the person who gave the money."

"Dad, tell me, who is it?"

"This person, we all know, is Liu Linhai." Lin Zhongyue looked at Lin Xiaodong and said.

"Liu Linhai? It turned out to be him? I just looked for him before!" Lin Xiaodong was shocked, "I was deceived by him?" Thinking of Lin Xiaodong's frustration, the retired doctor who seemed sincere and honest had perfectly deceived him. A veteran ex-policeman.

"No!" Lin Xiaodong grabbed a meat bun on the table, stuffed it into his mouth, and ran out.

Mama Lin's incomprehensible shout came from behind.


In the dark bungalow, the rough cement exudes a special smell of alkali mixed with sand.

The nanny was lying on the bamboo chair, falling into a deep sleep, showing no signs of waking up. In the enamel cup next to her, a cup of brown sugar water was still steaming.

"Boom, boom, boom..." came a slow and powerful voice.

Liu Linhai sat on the recliner, the sound of rapid and trembling breathing filled the dim room, and as the sound approached, it was as if waiting for the arrival of the god of death.

An equally old figure appeared at the narrow doorway.

The two looked at each other, but they could only see the outline of each other clearly, just like decades of years, covered by smoke and dust, and looking back, they couldn't see clearly the way they came from.

"From the moment you begged me to identify the dead body, I've been wondering when it's my turn." Liu Linhai's vague voice was filled with ashes.

"You know, I care about Xiaodong the most." The blunt and ruthless Linzhou accent sounded here, and he took half a step forward tremblingly. His half-face, crooked mouth corners, and unrefined face, is Lao Yang, no, it is Lao Yang.

"Then you should know that he found me by himself, and I didn't say anything." Liu Linhai seemed to be struggling for the last time, "I just want him to know what kind of person his grandpa is. It's your kind words."

"Xiaodong is still relatively smart, you talk too much." In Lao Yang's words, there seemed to be no emotion forever.

"You have a good grandson, even if it is to accumulate blessings for your grandson, stop it." Liu Linhai begged.

But Lao Yang was not shaken by this sentence, as if he had heard such words thousands of times, on the contrary, he saw Liu Linhai's desire to survive: "It seems that people will never live enough. ’ There was contempt in his assessment.

Cold, inhuman.This is Lao Yang at the moment.

"That person wounded your nerves, and destroyed your humanity!" Liu Linhai said indignantly when he saw that the plea was ineffective.

"No, it's to let me know that this world is for life and death, and there is no compromise." It was rare for Lao Yang to say so much, probably because he was facing his old friend.

After he finished speaking, he sat on a bamboo chair near the door. The old bamboo chair made a "creaking" sound when he sat on it.

"I haven't sat on this kind of chair for many years." Lao Yang said.

"If you want to do it, hurry up." Liu Linhai looked at the tall black shadow swaying outside the door, all thoughts were lost.

And Lao Yang looked at the steaming brown sugar water and said, "The sugar water is too hot, we still have time."

"Why don't you do it?"

"I, like to chat with people who are dying."

"Hmph, because people won't tell your secrets after they die. Thinking about it this way, it's a miracle that I've lived to this age."

"Because you saved me."

"You still avenged your kindness."

"Because Xiaodong is very important to me."

"It's because you have no sustenance, Lao Yang, you are getting old, and suddenly want to find sustenance, I know this, alas! I am dead, can you let the people in my family go. You know, my mouth is tight , I never told them anything about you." Despite the hatred, Liu Linhai had no choice but to continue begging Lao Yang.

"This is the truth I realized." Lao Yang said without beginning or end.


"People, you can't be at a disadvantage. If you are at a disadvantage, your life is not your own."

"But even if I die, I'm still a living person, Lao Yang, you are no longer." Liu Linhai said angrily, "I should have known when I saw you quarreling by the Chuanyun River, Bo Yue's mother didn't jump down by herself, if I had called the police at that time, not so many people would have died."

Hearing this, Lao Yang sat on the bamboo chair without any change.

"Old Liu, I will still regret it."

"Hmph, if you regret it, you should cry more sincerely at her funeral!"

"No, what I mean is that I regret that I listened to her at that time and didn't save Boyue according to my own method. I have no knowledge after all, but I listened to her."

Liu Linhai's elderly face showed a look of horror and surprise: "Didn't you push your wife down by mistake?"

Lao Yang's eyes were completely cold: "Miss? I want her to go with Bo Yue. Bo Yue has no mother, how pitiful the road is."

"You! You are a lunatic!" Liu Linhai was trembling all over, and the bamboo recliner made a harsh "creaking" sound.

Lao Yang glanced at the brown sugar water next to him again: "It's not hot anymore, it's ready to drink."

As he spoke, he stood up with both hands on the crutches, and walked towards the door. The sound of the crutches "boom, boom, boom" became farther and farther away, and disappeared in Liu Linhai's ears.

This was the last sound Liu Linhai heard. From then on, he never heard any sound again, because he was dead.


When Lin Xiaodong arrived at the rough concrete bungalow, the lock on the door was already showing signs of rust.

The yard was empty.

"Is Liu Linhai at home?" He yelled, but no one answered, not even the eldest sister.

After shouting twice, a nearby resident passed by behind him, muttering behind him: "Don't shout, the old man passed away a few days ago."

After hearing this, Lin Xiaodong hurriedly turned around and grabbed the passer-by, asking, "How did you die?"

The man was frightened by Lin Xiaodong's excited appearance, and he stammered: "People will die when they get old, he is so old..."

Lin Xiaodong realized that he had lost his composure, and quickly let go of his hand, and the passers-by ran away cursing.

"It can't be such a coincidence, could it be because I looked for him..." Lin Xiaodong murmured in a daze...

(End of this chapter)

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