Abyss of ignorance

Chapter 129 Ah Zheng

Chapter 129 Ah Zheng
"How do you know that I am Lin Zhengyang's grandson?" Lin Xiaodong asked.

Seeing the way the two were talking, the aunt knew that what Lin Xiaodong said was true, so she put down her guard and came up to open the door for him.

"You and Ah Zheng look exactly the same." Liu Linhai looked at him closely, and when he spoke, it seemed that there was a mouthful of unresolved phlegm in his throat. It was vague, and it was the old Linzhou dialect.

"Then come in and sit down." The aunt became enthusiastic.

"This is the nanny my son hired for me." Liu Linhai did not forget to introduce, he seems to be not confused when he is old, which is very important to Lin Xiaodong.

"Pour Xiaolin some tea." He ordered the nanny, and then enthusiastically pulled Lin Xiaodong tremblingly into the house.

The room has rough cement walls, simple furniture, one bed in the bedroom and one bed in the living room.

"Ah Zheng has a grandson, that's great." Liu Linhai muttered, dragging out a bamboo chair for Lin Xiaodong to sit on, "Ah Zheng's son is called..." He seemed to be unable to remember.

"My father's name is Lin Zhongyue, and my name is Lin Xiaodong."

"Oh, oh, yes, Zhong Yue, Ah Zheng often calls that." Liu Linhai sat on a somewhat deformed recliner by himself, rubbing his trouser legs with his deformed hands due to rheumatism, "Time It’s so fast, it’s been decades in the blink of an eye.”

"You mean..." Lin Xiaodong hurriedly asked.

But Liu Linhai didn't say anything, and just continued to look at Lin Xiaodong with cloudy eyes.

"I won't go around with you anymore. I came here today just to ask about my grandfather. I heard that you were a colleague with him before. I want to know what kind of person he is?"

"I met Ah Zheng when I was sent to the suburban health center after graduating from the health school. At that time, Linzhou had to build health centers in every community and village. There were not so many professional doctors. Ah Zheng used to work as a barefoot doctor in the suburban area. Yes, it was included.

When I saw Ah Zheng, I felt that he was very different from the barefoot doctor I imagined.

Although he didn't go to university, he has a spirit of research on medicine, especially Chinese medicine. Some intractable diseases can only be treated in big hospitals. I think he can treat them with his own methods.

When the health center was just built, it was just me and him, and we had to do everything by ourselves.

I was not very happy at first, because I think about it, I graduated from a regular medical school, and some operations are always professional.Ah Zheng is good at everything, but he has to listen to everything.Then I checked and he was really right.

This person has high demands on himself, and also has high demands on others.

He manages the health center quite well, so I am convinced. Sometimes I am too busy, so I take the initiative to help him, which is considered to admit that he is the attending doctor in the health center.

Alas, it was pretty good at first, but what happened later is really a pity. "

"You mean about my uncle's illness?"

"Hey, I don't have a deep influence on your father. I have a very introverted impression. I still have a strong impression of your uncle. That child, at first glance, is Ah Zheng's son. He has his own ideas since he was very young. It's decent to do some things. Sometimes I can help the health center when I come.

Ah Zheng really liked this son, Ah Zheng would eat pickles for a month just to save money to buy his son his favorite loquat.

Who knew, he suddenly got liver cancer.

What happened later, hey, I know. "Liu Linhai sighed endlessly. It has been many years, and he still remembers it fresh.

"I heard that after my grandfather's accident, you were the one who identified the corpse? Do you still remember the situation at that time?" Lin Xiaodong asked the question he wanted to know the most.

"How could I forget. During the few days when Ah Zheng disappeared, I helped to find it together. At that time, your father was left in the family, and he was still so young. Ah Zheng is good at everything, but he is too serious. Relatives and friends The relationship is general.

I understand him, and the child is also pitiful.

At that time, the police said that Ah Zheng might be found, and the family members needed to identify the body.I thought about it, the child is too young to cast a shadow on him, so I took the initiative to bring it up for me to recognize.Hey, Ah Zheng's appearance is very good, I didn't expect to look like that when he left. "

"You can't even tell what he looks like. How do you know that this man is my grandfather?"

"Because the clothes and shoes belong to Ah Zheng, and Ah Zheng still carries a medicine box that he will never lose wherever he goes. It's quite pitiful." Liu Linhai said.

"Besides the clothes and the medicine box, there are other places. Do you think the deceased is my grandfather?"

Liu Linhai looked at Lin Xiaodong wonderingly: "He is Ah Zheng. I can't think of anyone else besides Ah Zheng. It is impossible for someone to wear his clothes and carry his medicine box, right?"

Lin Xiaodong did not argue with the elderly Liu Linhai.He knew that he couldn't ask Liu Linhai from his own perspective.

"My grandpa, do you have any impression of what happened before he disappeared?"

Liu Linhai shook his head: "If you want to talk about abnormality, his son and wife died in such a short period of time, so it's impossible to be the same as usual. I remember that he didn't talk much at first, and during that time, he was even less talkative. spoke.

He used to be very serious. Before his son got sick, he worked in the health center every day. When there was an emergency at night, he carried a medicine box and went out.

During that time, he didn't come to the health center very often, and I didn't ask him, thinking about such a big incident at home, and there is a young son to take care of, it's normal if he doesn't come.If there must be something abnormal, it is that one time, he suddenly told me that if he had had the opportunity to study before and was a regular doctor, those doctors would have listened to him, and Boyue would not have died.

I also persuaded him that there is no way for cancer, he blames himself too much.

But Ah Zheng said that he knew that his method was useful, but those doctors didn't believe in traditional Chinese medicine. He wanted to bring his son back, but his wife disagreed. Bo Yue could have been saved.

Alas, I don't know how to persuade him. Bo Yue died of advanced cancer, not to mention it was back then, and he probably can't be cured now. He was too sad and was thinking wildly.I thought about it, anyway, he still has a son, so he won't go to a dead end, who knows what happened later.It's really pitiful. "

When he came out of Liu Linhai's house, the sun had already set in the west, and even the wind from the motorcycle could not cool him down in the sultry afternoon.

In his mind, Liu Linhai's words were repeated over and over again. Lin Zhengyang firmly believed that his method could cure cancer. Lin Xiaodong knew that this was not his wild imagination. Time, at all costs, is proving itself.

(End of this chapter)

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