peach mist bubbles

Chapter 109 Mountain Climbing

Although it wasn't the first time Su Tao came to Fu Shi to start a family, it was the first time he entered his room.

The house Su Xuan found for them was in a secluded neighborhood with good environmental security.

Fu Shiqi's room has been rearranged by him, and it is very simple and cold.

Su Tao went into the bathroom, picked up the towel hanging on the rack, and sniffed it gently. It was the scent of white tea on Fu Shiqi's body.

She buried her face in it, and after a while she reluctantly raised her head.

"Well, I'm really looking like a pervert right now."

Su Tao took out a new toothbrush, squeezed toothpaste on it, and brushed his teeth slowly in front of the mirror.

She admired her beauty by the way, with froth in her mouth, "Ah, I'm so pretty."

When Fu Shiqi came in, he saw such a scene.

Su Tao scratched her face with one hand, and brushed her teeth with the other hand.

He leaned against the door and looked at her leisurely: "Didn't you realize that you are so good-looking before?"

Through the mirror, Su Tao and Fu Shiqi looked at each other.

She looked away in embarrassment, brushing her teeth faster.

The shadow of being scratched and disfigured in her previous life made her seldom look in the mirror. After being with Fu Shiqi, Su Tao became more confident.

Su Tao found a step for herself, "How lucky you are to find such a good-looking girlfriend like me."

Fu Shiqi rolled his eyes and smiled, "Well, I'm lucky."

"I said earlier, you look good when you smile." Su Tao finished his long process of brushing his teeth, and pinched his face in satisfaction.

He led her to the living room, "have breakfast."

It's not the first time for Su Tao to taste his handicraft, but every time he tastes it, he will be full of praise.

"Although it's a bit in love to say so, the noodles you cook are really delicious and full of happiness."

Fu Shiqi raised his face and looked at her, "Is there anywhere you want to go later?"

She took a sip of the noodles and thought for a moment, "Mountain climbing?"

"When I went to Sinan Town last time, I really wanted to climb the mountain once. I wanted to experience the feeling of standing on the top of the mountain overlooking the earth!"

Fu Shi raised his eyebrows with a smile, "It just so happens that there is a Baiyun Mountain in Yuncheng, which is higher than the continuous peaks in Sinan Town."

After Su Tao finished eating a bowl of noodles, she got up to clean up the dishes.

He pressed her to sit down, "I'll just do the washing up."

"You've contracted all the work, so what can I do?" She chased after her into the kitchen, "I also want to help you share some."

Fu Shiqi soaked the bowls and chopsticks in the pool and washed them again, "Then help me wash them again with clean water and put them in the cabinet."

Su Tao immediately said hello.

Although it was a trivial matter, she felt it was very valuable to be able to help him.

It was a rare sight to see the sun this morning, and after Su Tao repeatedly assured that it would not be cold, Fu Shiqi agreed to ride there.

After the car stopped at the foot of the mountain, Su Tao helped Fu Shi get off the car tremblingly.

Fu Shiqi took off her helmet, looked at her pale face and couldn't help laughing, "I knew you were trying to be brave."

"It's just that I haven't been so stimulated for a long time, and I'm not used to it!" Su Tao patted her cheek, trying to restore her complexion.

There is a store at the foot of the mountain. The old lady at the door saw a tourist and asked, "Little girl, young man, do you want to go up the mountain?"

Su Tao nodded: "Yes."

The old lady kindly reminded: "There was a heavy rain some time ago, and some rocks on the mountainside collapsed. You should pay attention when you get there."

Fu Shiqi thanked politely: "Thank you for your reminder, we will be careful."

With the grandmother's reminder, Su Tao climbed every step very carefully.

Fu Shiqi walked behind her, always paying attention to her situation.

When I got to the middle of the mountain, I did see the collapsed houses that the old lady said.

Rocks rolled down the hill blocked three-quarters of the way, leaving only a narrow section.

Su Tao looked down the mountain, swallowed in fear, "Ah Shi, why don't we go down?"

Fu Shiqi rolled his eyes and smiled, "Are you afraid of falling?"

She said cowardly: "Aren't you afraid? Anyway, I am afraid. The thing I fear most in my life is death."

He said half-jokingly: "I thought you would say something provocative, for example, the most fearful thing is that I will leave you."

"Actually, I'm also afraid of this," Su Tao tightly clenched Fu Shiqi's hand, "but if I die, how can I continue to be with you?"

Fu Shiqi deliberately teased her: "Desperate mandarin ducks are also good."

She was about to cry: "Fu Shiqi! I'm really scared!"

"Okay, okay, I won't scare you," he comforted and kissed the corner of her eyes, "let's go down the mountain."

"Is anyone there? Help!"

The two had just taken two steps when they heard a faint cry for help from a mountain not far away.

Su Tao stopped walking, "Ah Shi, did you hear that?"

"I heard someone calling for help."

Fu Shiqi saw that she was about to go back, so he grabbed her just in time.

"If you want to see the situation, you don't have to go there in person, just call 119."

Su Tao frowned and listened carefully, "It sounds like a grandfather's voice."

"You just promised not to go," Fu Shiqi frowned, "I won't risk my life to make you worry, and you have to stay here."

Although Su Tao was worried, she obediently agreed: "Okay."

The 119 called by Fu Shiqi arrived soon, and after shoveling away the rocks, he found the caller in the woods.

When the stretcher carrying the injured passed by the two, the old man thanked them gratefully: "Thank you, I almost thought I was going to die there."

Su Tao looked at the old man's bloody leg and frowned, "Did you pass by that narrow path?"

"I climbed up from the hillside," the old man pointed to the steep slope, "I heard that a rare night-blooming epiphyllum bloomed on the top of the mountain. I wanted to see it, but I fell down the slope. Fortunately, Meet you guys."

Su Tao took out his mobile phone, "We are just going up, if you want to see it, you can leave your contact information, and I will send you the photo."

The old man smiled, "Okay, then thank you very much."

Watching the old man being carried down the mountain, Su Tao happily took Fu Shiqi's hand, "We are so lucky, we can go up the mountain smoothly now!"

When reaching the top of the mountain, Su Tao took a deep breath, "The air on the mountain is fresher than the one below."

As soon as she turned around, she realized that Fu Shiqi's face was a little pale, and she nervously helped him up.

"what happened?"

"It's okay, I'm just a little afraid of heights, I'll just take a rest." Fu Shiqi shook his head lightly, "Don't you want to see Ye Epiphyllum, look around?"

Su Tao helped him to sit down by the tree, "We'll go there together when you rest up."

She blamed and felt distressed, "You agreed to climb the mountain even though you were afraid of heights, so you're the one who tried to do it, right?"

Fu Shiqi's face was slightly pale, but he looked at her gently, "I will try my best to realize your wish, what's a little fear of heights?"

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