Star Sea's Strongest Violent Assistant

Chapter 181 The investment is in hand, the Lord of Red Maple Ridge

Chapter 181 The investment is in hand, the Lord of Red Maple Ridge
After entering the door, an old woman was sitting on a chair behind the desk, her silver-white hair was coiled up with a hairpin, her forehead and the corners of her eyes were deeply wrinkled, she was wearing a luxurious dress, and she wore an emerald ring on her ring finger. Noble and full of the majesty of the superior.

"Hi Madam Du Lisa~"

Su Mo bowed slightly.

"Holy Light Mercenary Group, Su Mo."

Madam Du Lisha looked at Su Mo, and a strange color flashed in her pupils.

"Yes, I'm Su Mo." Su Mo nodded.

Mrs. Du Lisha picked up the documents on the table and browsed through them carefully.

Anyone who wants to meet her has to go through strict screening, and a background report is placed on her desk.

Su Mo's background is very simple. He was born on a low-level indigenous planet. He defeated the Space Expeditionary Team in a survival game, and then suddenly appeared on Zatanwei, registered as a mercenary, and established the Holy Light Mercenary Corps.

At present, there are only two members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, he and the Monlites beside him, Beast Mondo.

The other person in the room, Mercedes, was the initiator of introducing Su Mo this time, and he has not yet joined the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

Compared with the long series of introductory texts of other teams, Su Mo's information is only a few dozen lines, which seems a bit shabby.

Madam Du Lisha put down the information and said calmly:
"My time is precious, so I'll cut to the chase. Tell me, what do you want from me? Money, resources, or connections?"

Su Mo said decisively: "I need a sum of money."


Madam Du Lisha rubbed the emerald ring lightly, and said with interest: "I have plenty of money, but not all newcomers can get my investment. At present, there are only two people in your Holy Light Mercenary Group, who are weak and pitiful. Should I invest my money in you?"

Su Mo said slowly: "My next words may sound a little arrogant, but I still want to say that if Madam can invest me with a start-up capital, within five years, it will be returned tenfold, and if you invest in me, you will It is the project with the highest rate of return in Madam's life, bar none."

His voice is calm, without a trace of waves, but anyone can hear the strong confidence contained in it.

This boy is not easy~
The corners of Merced's mouth raised slightly. To be able to say these words in such a majestic manner as Madam Du Lisa, the courage alone killed many newcomers in seconds.

As expected of a man who targets the six major mercenary legions, it's really getting more and more interesting.

Hearing this, Mrs. Du Lisha's eyes flashed a strange look, and she couldn't see whether it was ridicule or appreciation.

"If I invest the money in you, what are you going to do next?" Du Lisha asked.

Su Mo thought for a while and said: "First spend money to rent a territory, then recruit talents and build the city. After the number reaches a certain scale, start to undertake tasks, improve the level of the mercenary group, expand the influence, and attract all forces to settle in. , collect rent and taxes, strengthen the strength of the team, and form a virtuous circle.”

The above is almost a summary of the development trajectory of the six major legions, which was told by Mercedes.

However, Mrs. Du Lisa seemed not very satisfied with this answer.

"If you want all forces to enter the territory, you must have enough attractive points."

"For example, the main business of the Burning Legion is colonization. This business can fatten up hundreds of slave institutions by the way, and they can get very generous material rewards."

"The core business of the Zijin Legion is war employment. It can bring large and small mercenary groups into contact with major civilizations, so as to obtain funds, weapons, and policy support."

"The Tiandao Legion is mainly engaged in the armed escort of energy. In this process, many people can get a share of the pie."

"And you, what core competitiveness does your Holy Light Mercenary Group have, and can form a collection of interests with you as the core?"

Madam Du Lisha's voice was not loud, but it was deafening, making Su Mo fall into deep thought.

Indeed, thinking about it carefully, he really isn't attractive enough at the moment.

At most, in the process of doing the task, it can make the people around you live longer and safer.

But this doesn't seem to have much effect on the development of the territory.

"Master, have you forgotten me?"

Just as Su Mo was silent, Pooh suddenly spoke.

"As long as you have more contact with high-end machinery, I can analyze their structure, material ratio, process flow and other details. With these, are you afraid that you can't mass-produce them?"


Su Mo's pupils opened slightly, as if waking up from a dream.

Before, he only thought that Pooh himself could transform into various weapons, but he forgot the essence of endless armament, which is to analyze the various components of the machine and simulate it.

With various specific data such as drawings, materials, and energy sources, a production line can be built for mass production.

From helmets, battle armor, laser guns, to star destroyers, spaceships, and even motherships, they will all be commodities that he can sell to the outside world in the future.

How profitable the weapon business is, naturally needless to say~
Seeing that Su Mo remained silent for a long time, Madam Du Lisha smiled lightly and said:
"Young man, don't worry, you can think about this issue in the future."

Su Mo bowed slightly and said, "Thank you ma'am for your suggestion."


Mrs. Du Lisha nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "Okay, this is the end of the conversation, I am willing to provide you with 50 enas as a start-up capital."

Hearing this, Su Mo was overjoyed, while Mercedes beside him showed a look of strong shock.

50 inals!

Mrs. Du Lisha was willing to provide Su Mo with a start-up capital of 50 inals. This amount was beyond his imagination.

According to his understanding, the four major mercenary legions only received angel investment of 200 million Enal from Mrs. Du Lisha.

But you must know that the four major mercenary legions at that time were already quite prestigious in the chaotic star field, with nearly [-] members, and their regiment leaders were already strong at the natural disaster level.

As for Su Mo, his Holy Light Mercenary Corps has only two pitiful people, one at the elite level and one at the commanding level, and they haven't even done a single mission. Such an inconspicuous start-up team actually allowed Madam Du Lisha to invest a full 50 Ten thousand.

Madam Du Lisha's vision is notoriously vicious, and almost all the people she likes will achieve some success in the end.

From the 50 Enals, it can be seen how optimistic Madam is about Su Mo.

Unexpectedly, I still far underestimated him.

Mercedes felt a turmoil in his heart.

"Don't be in a hurry to be happy, I won't give you all the 50 in one go."

Mrs. Du Lisha said indifferently: "I will pay you 30 first. As for the remaining 20, it depends on your performance in the future. If your progress is not smooth, or even a major loss occurs, then the 20 It will not be given to you."


Su Mo accepted it frankly. The 30 was far beyond his expectations. As for the next 20, he believed that he would be able to get it in the near future.

"Leave the account number, and the money will be credited to your account later." Madam Du Lisha pushed the paper and pen in front of Su Mo.

Su Mo wrote down his bank account on the paper, then bowed slightly:

"Madam, thank you for your trust in me."

Mrs. Du Lisha smiled lightly and said, "What I trust is my own vision."

Su Mo smiled, and together with Mercedes and Mondo, slowly exited the room.

The door closed gently.

Madam Du Lisha picked up Su Mo's information again, her eyes flickered, she seemed shocked and excited.

Her vicious eyes actually stem from her own abilities.

When she uses the ability, she can judge a person's future from the halo that only she can see.

The brighter the halo, the farther its future will go.

The halo on Su Mo's body can only be described as dazzling. The heads of the six major mercenary legions placed in front of him are nothing more than fireflies under the scorching sun.

Du Lisha dared not imagine how high Su Mo could reach in the future, perhaps the God King was his end.

If it weren't for Su Mo's current strength being too weak to hold onto sky-high wealth, she would have wished to invest half of her family property in it.

A small amount of money can be exchanged for the closeness of a future god king. This sale is enough for any businessman to rush to do it.

Butler Fergie, you really did a great job this time.

After calming down, Du Lisha said in a deep voice to the front of no one:
"Send Colin to meet me!"

"It's Madam!"

The shadow cast by the long table twisted suddenly, and a hoarse voice sounded out of thin air.


"Oh, he's back!"

Seeing Su Mo walking into the room with a blank expression on his face, everyone in the living room couldn't help laughing secretly, and some even had their emotions written on their faces.

If you fail, you fail, why pretend to be calm.

"Head, don't talk about what you have learned, and slap a wave of them in the face?"

Mercedes sent a message to Su Mo.

Su Mo replied: "Wealth does not reveal wealth, let them continue to misunderstand."

Seeing the contents of the text message, Mercedes smiled slightly.

When it should be publicized, it should be publicized, and when it should be steady, it should be steady.

He is indeed a man who can do great things.

Merced didn't notice that his address to Su Mo had already been changed to Captain without knowing it.

"Everyone, today's meeting is over."

Butler Fergie walked into the room, bowed slightly to everyone in the room, and said politely: "Please follow me, and I will take you out of Du Lisa Manor."

Sitting in the car, with the cool breeze blowing against his face, Su Mo's mood was completely different from when he came here.

"I didn't expect to get an investment of 50 Enal all of a sudden. Madam Du Lisha really deserves her reputation."

The corner of Su Mo's mouth raised slightly.

No matter in terms of strength, influence or record, he was no match for the other mercenary groups in the house.

However, none of those mercenary groups could catch Mrs. Du Lisha's attention. On the contrary, he, the Holy Light Mercenary Group with only two members, got a huge investment.

This shows that, in Madam Du Lisa's opinion, his future potential is much higher than those of those mercenary groups.

Look, how else can someone become a famous investor? This old baby's vision is absolutely amazing.


"Lao Mei, I am qualified to rent a territory now." Su Mo said with a smile.

"Of course!"

Mercedes used his thoughts to control the intelligent optical brain, and projected a spherical map of the whole series of projections in the air.

"This is the Zhatanwei planet. There are eight continental plates in total, of which six mercenary legions occupy six of them. They are in an absolute dominant position and do not interfere with each other. The remaining two land plates are relatively small in size, and there are mixed forces from all sides. The fighting was also extremely fierce.”

"Okay, then choose one of these two sections first."

Su Mo said decisively.

The six land plates have already been occupied by the six major mercenary legions, so there is no need to force them into it.

Although the remaining two plates are fighting fiercely, there is more room for him to play, and he will not be restrained by the six major legions.

"Then I suggest choosing this one, Delong Continent."

Mercedes explained: "Compared to another continent of Cyprus, the continent of Delong continent is richer in resources, which is conducive to the purchase of various materials needed for the construction of the territory."

"Okay, then choose from here."

Su Mo nodded decisively.

Seeing that Su Mo trusted him so much, Mercedes felt warmed up, and then zoomed in on the map of Delong Continent with two fingers. After clicking a certain button, the map was immediately divided into large and small red and blue irregular areas.

"Red is owned territory and blue is unowned territory."

Su Mo carefully scanned the blue areas on the map. Some were large and some were small. The rent for large areas was more than 10 a year, while the rent for small areas was only 3 to 5 a year.

"Lao Mei, can all the territories on Zatanwei be rented but not bought?" Su Mo suddenly thought of this question.

"That's right!"

Merced nodded and said: "This is the rule of the Lion King. All the land rights on Zhatanwei belong to his fifth adopted son, Bobo Zhatanwei. Outsiders can only rent but not buy. Besides, considering Zhatanwei In the actual situation of Tanweixing, renting can make more money than selling in one go.”

Looking at the densely packed red areas on the map and the rent figures on them, Su Mo couldn't help but feel deeply moved.

Bobo, he is richer than he imagined, this is the real charterer of the planet~
In terms of wealth, Mrs. Du Lisa, the six major mercenary legions, are not even qualified to give Bobot shoes.

"But then again~"

Su Mo rubbed his chin, "Actually, I feel that the rent is not particularly expensive. Why are there so many unclaimed territories?"

Not to mention the large areas, some small areas only need [-] to [-] rents a year, and the rent for three consecutive years is about [-] or so. For a similar mercenary group, it should not be an unaffordable large amount. .

Mercedes said sternly: "The reason is very simple. After renting a territory, there will be a steady stream of expenses in the future, such as building cities, opening up important roads, laying infrastructure, etc. All of these require a lot of money. The most important thing is The most important point is that during the construction process, other nearby forces will definitely come to find fault or engage in sabotage. Once they cannot be deterred, all investments will be in vain, and even make wedding dresses for others. This is why many servants The main reason why the Corps would rather rent a manor in a big city than open up a territory."

"Does Bobo care about these?" Su Mo asked.

Mercedes shook his head: "Your Excellency Bobo is only responsible for rent collection, and the management of Zatanwei is very loose, and it may not happen once every five years. On this planet, the jungle law of the jungle is followed, and the weak will survive." You should be bullied, no one will make decisions for you."

"In the most prosperous and stable mercenary city, and the territory of the six major legions, this situation will be slightly better, but in other places, you can only rely on yourself."

"That's it~"

Su Mo narrowed his eyes. The rules of this environment are simple and bloody, but it is the most suitable stage for the strong.

"Come on, let's see which territory suits us best."

Su Mo zoomed in on the map again and looked at it one by one. Finally, he and Mercedes both saw the same territory——Red Maple Ridge.

The Red Maple Ridge territory is medium in size, and the rent is 7 a year. Because there is a Red Maple Forest in the area, it is named after it.

The left and right sides of Hongfeng Ridge are unowned lands. When the economy is prosperous in the future, these two lands can be included in the bag.

In addition, Hongfeng Ridge has experienced the rule of several mercenary regiments, and still retains certain old sites and infrastructure, which can save a lot of construction costs.

Regardless of future development or construction difficulty, Hongfeng Ridge is the most suitable choice.

Of course, since it is a land of no man, it means that there are still problems in Red Maple Ridge itself.

The upper and lower territories of Red Maple Ridge belong to the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group and the White Night Mercenary Group respectively.

After investigation, the ghost wolf mercenary group currently has 1200 members, 11 at the commanding level, 130 at the elite level, and the rest are superhumans below the elite level.

The White Night Mercenary Group currently has 1400 members, including 18 commanders and 210 elites. It is obviously much stronger than the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group.

Almost all the previous lords of Hongfeng Ridge fell under the pincer attack of these two mercenary regiments.

This is the biggest reason why Hongfeng Ridge has no owner so far.

"Just it."

Su Mo made a final decision.

Mercedes euphemistically reminded: "Captain, the two mercenary groups Ghost Wolf and Bai Ye are not easy to deal with~"

Su Mo smiled faintly: "Old Mei, I know what you mean, but no matter which territory you choose, you will encounter the same problem. In the final analysis, it depends on yourself."

"Now, the Holy Light Mercenary Group is indeed not their opponent. They will definitely encounter some minor troubles in the early stage, but within a year, the status of the hunter and the prey will be reversed, and it is time for me to trouble them."

"The territories of these two mercenary groups make me quite envious~"

Hearing this, Mercedes raised his brows, he had already started playing tricks on his neighbors before he moved into Hongfeng Ridge.

He is always full of confidence in himself~
"If you really make up your mind, then go to the government affairs hall to pay a deposit first."

Mercedes reminded: "Prevent other mercenary groups from renting Red Maple Ridge before us."

There are hundreds of thousands of mercenary regiments on Zhatanwei, and there are only so many territories. No one can guarantee that other people will also have their eyes on Hongfengling at this moment.

"Well, you're right, hurry up!"

Su Mo, Mercedes, and Mondo boarded the aircraft and hurried to the government affairs hall.


The government affairs hall is the only institution set up by Popo Zatanvi in ​​the city of mercenaries, and its main duty is to rent out the territory.

There were not many people in the hall, only a few dozen or so, which was in stark contrast to the bustling black building.

Looking around, the staff are all robots, which is in line with Bobo's temperament of a disaster-level mechanic.

Su Mo sat in front of a robot, and Mondo and Mercedes stood on both sides of him. Suddenly, a black soundproof shield rose up, confining all conversations to a small area.

"Hi, I'm interested in Hongfengling, and I want to pay a deposit first." Su Mo said to the robot.

The robot's compound eyes flashed red, and it replied with an electronic voice:

"Mr. Su Mo, according to the background information, you have the privilege of renting the territory. You can pay once a year and enjoy a half-price discount. If you are interested, I can directly help you lock Red Maple Ridge."

Hearing this, Mercedes' eyeballs almost popped out.

The rent is paid once a year, and there is a half-price discount.

He had never heard of anyone in Zhatanwiri being able to enjoy such outrageous privileges.

What is Su Mo's background?
He wouldn't be the illegitimate son of some big man in Shihuangling, would he?

I'll go, the terms are so favorable!
Su Mo was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that this must be Bobo's special care for him, and he was very moved.

Buy yourself and Mundo back from Babata, remove the slave chip, and give such great support in the territory.

Bobo's help to him was really great.

After calming down the turmoil in his heart, Su Mo said to the robot, "I'll just pay a year's rent and rent Red Maple Ridge."

Red Maple Ridge is his best choice at the moment. As for other unowned lands, even at half the price, there will be various problems, which are not within the scope of consideration.

Therefore, without hesitation, he directly paid 3.5 inals and rented the right to use Red Maple Ridge for one year.

"The payment has been received. Congratulations, you have become the new lord of Hongfengling." The robot said.

"Thank you~"

The corner of Su Mo's mouth slightly raised, looking at the remaining balance of more than 30 in the account, his mood was overwhelmed.

More than 30 Inal is enough for him to complete the early stage of territory construction, recruit talents, and let the Holy Light Mercenary Group get on the right track.

Bobo, thank you~
The black soundproof cover was removed, and suddenly, a group of people in the hall rushed forward like sharks smelling blood, surrounding Su Mo.

"Sir, I am the manager of the Steiner Consortium. Our consortium has been working on territory construction all year round. If you have any needs, you can contact me at any time."

"Sir, our Jiewei Security Company specializes in providing military protection for new lords, and the price is quite favorable."

"Sir, do you need slaves? We have soldiers, beauties, and housekeepers here."

"Okay, okay, thank you everyone, I will contact you if there is a need."

Su Mo accepted the thick stack of business cards. After he finished inspecting Hongfeng Ridge, maybe he would really need these people.

Walking out of the door of the government affairs hall, Su Mo smiled and looked at Mercedes:

"Old Mei, come with me to visit Hongfeng Ridge?"

Mercedes smiled and said, "I'm more than happy."

The city of mercenaries has an ultra-long-distance teleportation array that directly connects to the other seven continental plates. Of course, the price is quite expensive, at least 200 enals for a single person. Even so, there are endless people queuing up.

After arriving at the continent of Delongzhou, Su Mo chartered an aircraft and headed straight to Hongfengling with Mercedes and Mondo.

An hour later, the red maple forest appeared at the foot. The maple leaves were like fire, and the layers of the forest were dyed. It looked like an endless red carpet, which was refreshing.

From now on, this forest and this territory will be mine!
Su Mo looked down at his feet, feeling a sense of pride in his chest.

Red Maple Ridge is the first piece of his personal territory in his life, and he will use this as a starting point to develop and grow step by step, and gradually write his legend in the universe.

"Stop, Captain, look at that!"

At this moment, Mercedes pulled off Su Mo's clothes, and then pointed to a certain direction on the ground.

Su Mo looked in the direction Mercedes pointed, and suddenly, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes.

I saw that dozens of people below were carrying all kinds of machines and wantonly cutting down the red maple trees. A large area has been felled to nothing. If you look down, there are still many such areas.

Obviously, this is not their first crime.

"Fly down, I want to see who they are from."

Su Mo's tone was so cold that the driver's body trembled and he fell down quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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