Chapter 114 Expression Management

June 10, 20:8 p.m.

Châtelet Theater in Paris.

A huge "French Football" logo has been erected in front of the main entrance, and a long red carpet has been laid on the ground.

On the other side of the road, an iron fence has been set up.

This is to ensure the order of the scene, because many fans have come early.

"Messi! Messi—"


When Messi took his family out of the nanny van, the fans immediately cheered.

Messi wore a suit, smiled, and waved friendly to the fans around him.

At the same time, there were also some high-level football executives present at the scene. When Messi came with his family, they took the initiative to greet Messi.

At the same time, the awards ceremony is being broadcast live in China simultaneously.

Although it was past two o'clock in the morning, the number of people in the live broadcast room reached more than 100 million.

Zhan Jun is still the commentator of this live broadcast. He saw this scene and said with emotion: "It seems that this year's Golden Globe should be won by Messi. If there is no accident. Because it was reported before that Ronaldo will win the Golden Globe tonight. Will not be there. Although he has also been selected for the 30-man squad for the Ballon d'Or."

The female guest sighed: "If he can win the sixth Ballon d'Or, Messi will surpass Ronaldo and become the professional player with the most Golden Globes in history."

In this regard, Zhan Jun remained neutral and said: "Both stars are the best in history. To be able to make it to today, Messi and Ronaldo complement each other. I only hope that Equation can successfully win the Copa Award tonight. Create the history of Eastern football."

The female guest suddenly said pleasantly: "Here, come, Fang Fang has already got out of the car and arrived at the awards ceremony~"

The equation came a little slower, and after getting out of the car, he saw Messi surrounded by people from all sides, like stars holding the moon.

This is the treatment of the king of the ball.

Wait until Messi walks the red carpet and takes pictures under the huge logo board, and then walks into the Châtrelet Theater in Paris.

Then, Equation stepped up and walked over.

When the football executives, newspaper editors, and media people waiting outside saw him, they didn't come over to greet him enthusiastically, but greeted him lightly.

The equation didn't care, and the reaction was neither humble nor overbearing.

After all, it was already a miracle that he could come here.

However, seeing the reactions of these people, he already had a bit of a spectrum in his heart.

I think I should come here tonight to catch some exposure, and then get to know the long-established stars.

As for the Copa Award, it should have nothing to do with me.
He is also dressed formally tonight. Before that, his agent wanted to get a custom-made suit for him.But it was troublesome, so he refused.There are also many famous brand suits in Europe, just buy one that fits.

Speaking of which, I didn't really come to rub the red carpet,
There is really no need for such careful preparation.

Fang Fang took a photo in front of the logo sign, then turned around and was about to enter the theater.

At this moment, there was a burst of shouting from outside.



Fang Fang turned his head and took a look, and saw that Mbappé also brought a large group of family members to the scene.

He couldn't help being amused, it seemed that he was independent, others brought a lot of family members to the scene, but he came alone.

If he had known this earlier, he should have forcibly pulled Lin Qiaoxin over.

Of course, if she doesn't want to come, she can actually ask Yang Ling.
Mr. Mu is in a good mood today. After taking a photo with his family in front of the background board, he asked the reporters to take a photo alone.

After Zhan Jun saw that Equation was present alone, he smiled and said: "Why did Equation come to the Châtelet Theater in Paris alone? To be honest, if possible, I would like to accompany him to the scene."

Another female guest also joked, "If possible, I would also like to go at my own expense."

"But Mbappe just lost to Arsenal in the Champions League. I don't know what he will think when he encounters the equation here." Zhan Jun suddenly smiled and said something meaningful.

In the Château Theater in Paris,
All the stars present sat in the middle, and the surrounding attics were for the family members who came together.

It didn't take long for the stars to arrive.

There are staff in the theater to guide the seats, and there is no such thing as grabbing seats.Equation sits quite forward, in the second row, in front of Modric, Lewandowski, Messi, and Salah.

Zhan Jun and the female guest were a little surprised to see Fang sitting so close.

And there are two hosts tonight,

The male host is the famous Chelsea star Didier Drogba.The hostess is Herbert (Sandy Heribert).

Drogba's figure is as burly as ever, but after wearing a suit, he looks a bit refined.

Before the award ceremony officially started, he held the microphone and said with a smile:
"I'm honored to be hosting the awards tonight. It's a great feeling, especially seeing the atmosphere of the awards ceremony. I'm not nervous anymore. The fact that I'm hosting the ceremony in front of so many people makes me feel like I'm back on the court."

The stars in the seats immediately gave a burst of applause.

Then, the hostess Herbert smiled and introduced tonight's awards process,

They are the Copa Award, the Yashin Award, the Women's Golden Globe Award, and the Men's Golden Globe Award.

Then, three people came to the podium together.

Respectively, last year's men's and women's Golden Globe winners Modric, Hegberg, and Copa Award winner Mbappe,
The two hosts exchanged pleasantries with the three last year's winners.

Then, on the big screen in the middle, the finalists of the Golden Globe Awards were interspersed.

After Modric and Hegberg went down,
Only Mbappe is left on stage.

Drogba smiled and said to everyone present: "After the Champions League game between Chelsea and Barcelona 10 years ago, a little boy came to me and wanted to take a photo with me, but I refused."

"I refused because the referee made a disgraceful penalty in that game. I later learned that this kid is Mbappe. I want to add a photo of him now."

Mbappe smiled, not expecting this football legend to remember such a long time ago.

Then, Drogba took out his mobile phone and took a friendly photo with Mbappé on the stage.

Looking at this scene, Fang Fang felt a little emotional.Because the football culture in Europe is really thick.


Mbappe went to the podium on the other side, and there was already a Copa Award on the table.

Next, it was he who announced the winner of this year's Copa Award.

At this time, the on-site camera specially gave a close-up shot of De Ligt, Equation and Sancho in the audience.
Because the three of them are the most likely to win this year's Copa Award.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

On stage,

President Mu simply opened the paper with the names of the Copa Award winners.

Immediately, a trace of surprise flashed in Mr. Mu's eyes,
Did he read it right?
This year's Copa Award winner
Fortunately, Mr. Mu's expression management is in place, and he only paused for a second.
He raised his head and said into the microphone, "Tonight's Copa Award winner is Equation."

Mr. Mu pronounced these two words awkwardly.

So much so that the stars at the scene didn't hear clearly who Mr. Mu was talking about.

Seeing that neither De Ligt nor Sancho got up, Fang Fang felt a little strange in his heart.

Everyone didn't get up?Who is Namu always thinking about? ?

Fortunately, the hostess Herbert had already known the winner of the Copa Award in advance. She smiled slightly and reminded, "Congratulations to Equation~~"

Immediately, there was a burst of applause in the audience.

The female guest on the domestic live broadcast was stunned for a moment, "Did I hear correctly? Mr. Zhan Jun, do they mean that Equation won this year's Copa Award?"

Zhan Jun became a little excited in an instant, with tears in his eyes, and said: "Yes, he won this year's Copa Award. His performance in the 18/19 season conquered the professional judges in Europe, and once again created a new era. history!"

Immediately, Fang stood up, and Dericht and Sancho beside him hurriedly shook hands with him to congratulate him.

Then, under the gaze of everyone including the camera, Equation walked onto the podium very calmly.

However, this did not affect his inner surprise.

In other words, the winners of each year should be able to know some inside information in advance. For example, after knowing that this year's Golden Globe winner is not himself, Ronaldo did not come to the scene tonight.

Since he won the Copa Award this year,
Then why didn't he get a little bit of news in advance?

The more I think about the equation, the more strange it becomes.


For this result, Mbappe was also very surprised.
However, in the face of the live broadcast, Mr. Mu still remained calm, and he took the initiative to present the Copa Award with both hands.

Fang Fang said thank you and accepted the Copa Award.

At this time, the audience burst into applause again.

Fang Fang stood in front of the podium, saw this scene, showed a polite smile, and said: "Thank you everyone, I am very happy to receive this award. To be honest, I really did not expect that I would be affirmed by everyone. Thank you Arsenal , I learned a lot there. I also thank my friends, teammates, and coaches who have always supported me. Without their help, I would not be standing here. Of course, I also thank the professional judges for their recognition."

At the same time, on the big screen at the scene, highlights of his various competitions in the 18/19 season began to be played.

Facing this scene, Zhan Jun felt very emotional, "We all watched Equation play game by game, and we all know that it is really not easy for him to get to where he is today. It's a pity that we don't see him now. China. Of course, it is also because of his injury that we can see him go to the award ceremony."

"If there is a loss, there must be a gain. I only hope that in the future, he can stay away from injuries and bring us many surprises."

Soon, Equation returned to its place with the Copa Award.

Every star he passed by politely sent a congratulations.

It feels like spring breeze to get everyone's congratulations.

I don't know what kind of experience he will have when he wins the Golden Globe in the future.

And the awards ceremony on stage continued.

The Yashin Award was won by goalkeeper Alisson, because this award is specially awarded to goalkeepers.

Rapinoe won the Women's Ballon d'Or.

Finally, the men's Ballon d'Or, won by Messi.

The entire theater instantly became thunderous applause.

With the help of the staff, Messi's six Ballon d'Ors were all brought up.

Mei Laoliu showed a simple and honest smile on the stage, and took a photo with his six Golden Globes.

The equation below couldn't help sighing, and also gave applause.I can be regarded as witnessing history, this is the history No.1 of the Golden Globe Awards.

After the awards were over, Fang Fang originally wanted to go to Messi to say hello, but who knows, after he won the Copa Award, there were still several stars who wanted to take the initiative to get acquainted with him.

After he chatted with others for a while, he didn't see the club king again.

The club king is also very low-key, thinking that after winning the Golden Globe, he went to spend time with his family.

Fang Fang felt that it was a pity, thinking that he would talk to the club king next time.

After leaving the Châtelet, he returned to the Shangri-La Hotel in Paris.

The agent booked him the best suite here, where he could see the Eiffel Tower at a glance.

I am used to seeing the skyline of London's financial city, and then seeing the night view of the Eiffel Tower, I feel very good.

Although the Golden Globe Awards are over,

However, the editors of the major news are still working, and they are editing for tomorrow's report.

Early the next morning, the Equation Copa Award and Messi's six Ballon d'Ors dominated the headlines.

"Messi's career is undoubtedly a success. Congratulations to Fang for winning the Copa Award. The Golden Boy Award will be announced in a few days. I look forward to that day."

——"World Sports Daily"

"Jun Fang became the first professional player in Asia to win the Copa Award. His performance in the 18/19 season conquered all the European media!"

——"Tokyo Sports News"

"Eastern once again made history and won the Copa Award last night, which is the same award as the Golden Boy Award. However, his Premier League goals are still behind Sun Xingmin."

—— "Kimchi Association"

"The influence of oriental football is about to sweep across Europe. Bayern Munich has noticed this rising football market and they will consider bringing in another oriental player."

——"Munich Zeitung"

"Oriental football is not just one player in the equation. Inter Milan can consider introducing Manchester United's Du, because he urgently needs to get a chance to play. He is also a good oriental player."

——Gazzetta dello Sport

"C Ronaldo did not go to the Golden Globe Awards last night because he went to receive the Serie A Golden Boot, which is also very important to him."

——"Turin Sports News"

"After Cristiano Ronaldo left La Liga, Real Madrid desperately needed to introduce a successful star. Florentino can no longer make wrong decisions."


"It is right for Equation to win the Copa Award. His performance in the 18/19 season was perfect. His success will further expand the influence of the Premier League around the world."

-"The Times"

Fang Fang came up together in the morning, but suddenly it was on a whim. He assumed the same sleeping position that a certain football champion would post in many years, and then asked the hotel attendant to take a photo for himself and the Copa Trophy.

After finishing, Fang Fang looked at the photo, suddenly smiled, and uploaded the photo to his ins
(End of this chapter)

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