Chapter 354 Miguel Mario’s Diary

After Miguel Mario was rescued by doctors, the ECG monitor returned to a curved shape.

But he didn't last long and left two days later.

Martin was with him during these two days. He learned from his adoptive mother Clara Ana that his adoptive father Miguel Mario was found to have terminal pancreatic cancer during a physical examination before Christmas last year.

In order not to distract myself, I lied about traveling to Northern Europe.

I thought I could fight for the 5% chance of being cured, but I didn't expect that the situation was getting worse.

Martin held his adoptive mother who was crying and felt very guilty.

After Christmas last year, I often went unanswered when I called my adoptive parents, which made me a little confused.

Even the video calls were not answered. Later, the reply was that there was no traffic outside. I had doubts in my heart, but in the end I didn't ask further.

Spiritually speaking, he has nothing to do with Miguel Mario or Clara Ana.

However, due to the influence of this body, they are not blood relatives, but they are better than blood relatives.

When the doctor confirmed that Miguel Mario was gone, the memories that had been sealed in his mind surged out.

It wasn't until this time that Martin, who traveled through time, truly regarded Miguel Mario as his spiritual father.

The warm time of more than ten years is like experiencing it personally.


Arsenal, where Martin plays, suffered a 1:5 defeat against Barcelona at Camp Nou, ending their one-year and nine-month unbeaten streak.

When the game was over, Central 5 commentator He Wei said solemnly: "Arsenal, which has lost captain Martin, lost a big score to Barcelona at Camp Nou. Even if they return to home, it will be difficult to get four goals back. At this time, We can use the saying that 'no team has been able to defend the Champions League since its reform'..."

It is worth mentioning that the various discordant versions that originally caused uproar on social platforms have also announced their return to orthodoxy.

Given Martin's popularity and influence, what happened to him at Heidelberg University Hospital was quickly posted on social platforms by insiders.

Countless Arsenal fans, fans of other teams, and even fans of rival Barcelona were praying, hoping that Martin’s adoptive father would get better. As a result...

According to the recent updates on Martin's verified accounts on major social platforms, except for a few who are shouting for beatings, the vast majority of fans are comforting Martin.

As the adopted son of Miguel Mario, Martin needs to handle his affairs single-handedly.

On the afternoon of Thursday, Martin chartered a flight to take his adoptive father's body back to Porto to prepare for the funeral the next day.

Miguel Mario, like Martin, has no blood relatives, but he is easy-going and well-liked in life, plus he has friends and relatives on Clara Anna's side.

Although everything was kept simple according to Miguel Mario's last words, there were many people attending the funeral.

Martin's agent Mendes has a very good relationship with Miguel Mario. After expressing his condolences, he comforted the sobbing Clara Ana and the heavy-faced Martin respectively.


After Miguel Mario's funeral, Martin did not return to London. Instead, he and Emily Sarah accompanied their adoptive mother Clara Anna and persuaded her to live in London.

As the adoptive mother's best friend, Emily Sarah's companionship is only temporary, and she will eventually return to Canada for her family and career.

I would definitely feel uneasy leaving my adoptive mother alone in Porto.

In order to stay with his adoptive mother, Martin was naturally unable to participate in the weekend league.

Only then did he realize the importance of having a virtuous wife who could help take care of his adoptive mother while he was working on his career.

Of course, love is sacred, and it is impossible to fall in love casually just to take good care of your adoptive mother.

Although the 18-year-old Savannah Braid, who accompanied her adoptive mother with Emily Sarah, is now tall and slim.

At this time, the weekend came, and Savannah Blade, whose modeling career was booming, came to Martin: "Brother Martin, my condolences, I can't avoid work matters anymore, I'm sorry."

Martin habitually reached out to rub Savannah Brad's thick brown hair. He felt that his right hand was raised higher than before. Judging from his height of [-] meters, he would probably be taller than himself if he was wearing high heels. Everyone is taller: "I know."

"After I finish my work, I will come to accompany you and Aunt Clara."

Savannah Blade stared at Martin with concerned eyes.

"It's okay, work comes first."


The 2016rd round of the 2017-33 Premier League season goes on as scheduled.

Arsenal, who were visiting the Riverside Stadium, had already won the championship in advance and had to prepare for the second leg of the Champions League quarter-finals against Barcelona at home. After a hard battle for 1 minutes, they finally lost 4:1 to Middlesbrough, the second-last team in the league. Huge upset.

While the unbeaten streak in all competitions was ended, the league's unbeaten record was also fixed at 67 games.

The outside world was very shocked that Arsenal lacked Martin and suffered two consecutive defeats in all competitions.

I thought that Arsenal, which was overwhelming in all competitions, would not be much worse even if they lacked Martin. Unexpectedly... Arsenal, who lacked Martin, dropped directly by two levels.

The defensive level, hardness, offensive threat, and creativity have all dropped significantly.

Although Arsenal fans really want Martin to return for the second leg of the Champions League quarter-finals, they can't say it.


Everyone should put family first.

After the weekend's league games, the focus of the European mainstream media is once again on the European war in mid-week.

The second leg of the Champions League quarter-finals and the second leg of the Europa League quarter-finals.

Among them, Arsenal's home game against Barcelona attracted the attention of football fans from all over the world.

According to insiders, major media and fans have new expectations for this seemingly unsuspicious second leg of the Champions League quarter-finals, believing that the home team is likely to usher in a major reversal.

Although the home team Arsenal lost to Barcelona 1:5 as a guest, Barcelona's defeat of Real Madrid in the El Clasico at the weekend was very costly. On the other hand, Arsenal made a major rotation of the lineup and played at home. Moreover, the media from Portugal broke the news that Martin had dealt with his adoptive father. After Miguel Mario's funeral, there is a high probability that he will return to the starting lineup in the crucial second leg of the Champions League quarter-finals.

The entire Arsenal team at Colney training base is confused. The defeats in the past two games have made them realize that the importance of captain Martin is greater than imagined.

Head coach Wenger is most aware of Martin's current situation. The two sides have communicated and Martin decided to take care of his adoptive mother first, unless he agrees to go to London together.

Therefore, insiders broke the news that Wenger had instructed the media to deliberately release the news, in order to make the entire Barcelona team feel the pressure from Martin and prepare for the worst possible scenario.

Barcelona, ​​which is preparing for the second leg of the Champions League quarter-finals at Gamber Sports City, is indeed affected by the possibility of Martin playing in the second leg, but the actual impact is not big.

After all, they won 5:1 at home in the first round.

As long as Arsenal does not score 0:4 as a guest, they can advance to the Champions League semi-finals.

If a goal is scored on the road, it will be difficult for Arsenal to get the score back even if they have Martin.

While preparing for the second leg of the Champions League quarter-finals, Barcelona star Messi also continued to instill the belief in winning in his teammates and encouraged them for the away games.

But Neymar, Busquets, Pique and other Barcelona superstars are full of confidence and believe that the team will definitely advance.

Messi has always believed in his strong premonitions. Seeing the relaxed and indifferent expressions of his teammates, he felt vaguely uneasy, but he couldn't say too much to his teammates because they were all adults.

Head coach Enrique was cautious and prepared well in advance with the coaching staff.

Two days passed quickly and it was Monday.

The second leg of the Champions League quarter-finals between Arsenal and Barcelona kicks off at 1:4 on Tuesday night, so the two sides will attend a regular pre-match press conference on this day.

Enrique, who was the first to attend, was interviewed by the media and fully expressed his expectation of advancing to the semi-finals.

Messi, who attended the regular press conference before the game, was asked by reporters about the second round. He pondered for a moment: "Winning the first round by a big score did bring great hope to the team, but not being able to play against Martin is not good for me. Personally, it’s a pity and I hope to see him in the game tomorrow night…”

At the same time, Martin, who was at home in Porto, was bored and switching TV stations. He happened to see Barcelona's regular pre-match press conference. Listening to Messi's interview answers, he raised his eyebrows slightly and suddenly remembered that Arsenal was a guest a few days ago. A disastrous defeat at Camp Nou.

In the corner of the second floor that Martin didn't notice.

Clara Anna looked at her adopted son with a tangled look on his face, and her mind couldn't help but think of the warm scene of a family of three. Her original idea of ​​staying in Porto became no longer so firm.

"If Miguel is still here, I think he definitely doesn't want you to be immersed in the sorrow of the past. Go to London."

Emily Sarah, who was accompanying her, said softly next to her: "Change the place, change the mood, and... I just heard Savannah say that the agency hopes that she will go to London for development. By then... we can stay together every day. …”     “I want to think about it carefully.”


Early the next morning, Martin got up early and was about to go out for a morning run. He heard his adoptive mother's voice from the second floor: "Child."


Martin turned around and looked up at the second floor: "Mom?"

"Pack your things, we are going to London today."


Martin was stunned when he heard this: "Go to London?"


Seeing Clara Anna nodding, Martin stopped going for his morning run and went upstairs to help pack things.

In fact, there are not many things to pack, just some memorable things.

After a while, he heard Clara Anna's voice from the room on the second floor: "Martin, go to the utility room and help me get the two storage boxes under the desk."


Martin came to the utility room on the first floor and immediately saw several dusty storage boxes placed under the desk in the back.

He carefully avoided the messy items that had been placed randomly by his adoptive father Miguel Mario. Although he was careful, his left elbow still inevitably knocked over a cardboard box.

Martin, who reacts very quickly on the football field, is also very quick in life, but he forgets that there is little room for display in the utility room that is almost full of things...

The falling carton was indeed caught, but it accidentally hit something else.

"Hold the grass!"

Looking at the debris scattered on the ground, Martin subconsciously said the quintessence of Chinese culture.

He took out several storage boxes, rinsed them, dried them and brought them to Clara Anna. Then he returned to the utility room and sorted out the items scattered on the floor.

After sorting it out for about half an hour, Martin picked up a very dated notebook on the ground and flipped through it curiously.

The first page is written in scrawled Portuguese: Documenting the professional journey of the talented boy Miguel.

Martin couldn't help but laugh when he saw this, and became curious about the content behind.

[July 1987, 7, Sunday, sunny weather]

After eight years of youth training, I finally waited until today. Mr. Francisco, the youth training director, told me that starting from tomorrow, I will go to the first team to train with the big guys, and I will be one step closer to participating in the Portuguese top league, ^_ ^~

[July 1987, 7, Tuesday, sunny weather]

It's so cool to train with the big guys of the first team. Antonio Sosa told me that if he has the talent to be a world champion, he will definitely become a well-known superstar in the future. I asked, can he be comparable to Pele? He said that as long as you work hard, OK, Super Miguel, come on!

[August 1987, 8, Thursday, cloudy to sunny day]

It was a really bad day. I accidentally injured my ankle during training. The coach said I have to rest for two weeks and the new season is about to start. When will my professional debut come? Bit sad……


[Wednesday, September 1987, 9, light rain]

Hahaha~ With my outstanding performance in the youth league, I heard from the gossip that I have attracted the attention of the national U19 youth team. This handsome guy is very likely to enter the national team! Although it is only a small U19 youth team, I believe... the future is bright... we must enter the national team in the future! Led the national team to win the European Cup and the World Cup!

[October 1987, 10, Monday, cloudy day]

The first team is currently short of players, and I was informed that I could participate in first team training. By the way, at the end of the training, a guy named Jorge Mendes said that he valued my potential very much and wanted to be my agent. He Too young for me to believe him.

[October 1987, 10, Monday, sunny weather]

That guy named Jorge Mendes came to see me again, but I still think he is a liar. He is only a few years older than me and yet he is able to get me a chance to play in the first team? Really good at joking...

[November 1987, 11, Monday, moderate rain turned to light rain]

I really admire this guy named Jorge Mendes. I have to say that he is really perseverant. If he comes to me again tomorrow, I will agree to be his contract player and plan my career...


[Thursday, December 1987, 12, the weather was fine]

Today is a really bad day. I was fouled by an opponent's player in the youth league that just ended. My knees feel very bad, as if they no longer belong to me. I'm waiting for the checkup tomorrow, hoping for good news...

[December 1987, 12, Friday, the weather was still sunny]

The test results came out. I had torn both cruciate ligaments in my knee. The doctor told me that if I want to be able to walk like a normal person in the future, I was advised to say goodbye to professional football. I was in pain and I really didn’t know what to do...

[Thursday, December 1987, 12, the weather... was bad]

Today is Christmas Eve. I didn’t want to stay in the ward, so I called Jorge and asked Jorge to take me out to play. While sitting in a wheelchair and waiting for a taxi, I saw something I will never forget in my life. Girl, she was so beautiful. Under Jorge’s instigation, I actually walked over and started talking to her. God, it was unbelievable. But I didn’t ask for her name or contact information, but she said that if she came back tomorrow, Let me know if you encounter it...

[December 1987, 12, Friday, the weather... was very nice]

I was sitting in a wheelchair looking for a whole day, but I didn’t see the girl who haunted me yesterday. But just when I was about to give up in frustration, she appeared. Later I learned her name, well ~Clara, her name is really nice, she is from Argentina, I hope to date her in the future, (*^▽^*)


Martin looked at his adoptive father's diary, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but raise an arc.

Later, he successfully met, fell in love, got married, and prepared for pregnancy with his adoptive mother Clara Anna...

It also focused on the car accident that resulted in a miscarriage and never being able to get pregnant, going to the Dragon Kingdom to relax, adopting oneself and daily life, etc.

As the time of recording in the diary went by, Miguel Mario seemed to be less fond of writing diaries, and the intervals became longer and longer. Apparently, he began to like using photos to record life.

Unless I can't record with a camera, I will use the most primitive way of writing notes.

Soon, he turned to June 2014.

The handwriting is much clearer than what I saw before, and of course, the handwriting is also much better looking.

[Saturday, June 2014, 6, the weather is sunny]

This guy Martin is really going to piss me off! He actually restored the Dragon Kingdom nationality without telling Clara and I. I’m really angry! Originally, I thought he would be able to represent the Portuguese national team and participate in the World Cup, making my dream come true! But the reason why I was angry was not that he got the Dragon Kingdom passport, but that this guy didn’t tell me in advance, huh~ He didn’t have a few meals of roast duck, bullfrog, and hot pot, and he was [-]% uncoaxable!


[July 2014, 8, Sunday, sunny weather]

The brat has moved to Wolfsburg. Jorge is very optimistic about him and said that he has the potential to be the world's number one right back in the future. He is very happy, but also a little disappointed, because the brat has been naturalized in the Dragon Kingdom and will not represent him in the future. Cristiano Ronaldo of the Portuguese national team is too tired to carry him, and he doesn’t know if he will be able to see his country win the World Cup in his lifetime.

[October 2014, 10, Saturday, light rain]

Hahaha~ My brat was shortlisted for the 40-person European Golden Boy Award. His superb passing ability is terrifying. He is one step closer to becoming the world's number one right back, but... I feel relieved at the same time. It's a pity that with his current ability, he can definitely be shortlisted for the Portuguese national team...


[Thursday, August 2015, 8, the weather is cloudy]

8500 million euros + 1500 million euros! This kid Martin is going to be unlucky! Setting a record for the highest transfer fee in the Premier League, many media and Arsenal fans are questioning it, but what I want to say is, you guys have made a lot of money, okay? In his first season, he set a single-season assist record in world football! 30 times! Just asking you whether you are awesome or not? But every time this time comes, I feel very depressed. This kid has offended the Dragon Country Football Association. When will he recover from his mistakes and regain his Portuguese passport? I really want to see him wearing the national team jersey to compete in the World Cup...

[Saturday, May 2016, 5, the weather is sunny]

The season of this brat Martin is over. What a fantastic season, unexplainable data, and he is not yet 20 years old! It will definitely surpass Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo in the future! So happy! No wonder he is my son, he has the same demeanor as I did back then!


When Martin saw the last page, he suddenly remembered an inexplicable post his adoptive father posted on his social account about two months ago.

I have forgotten the specific content, but the general meaning is: If there is a regret in life, it is that I cannot be a permanent companion, take care of my children, and have the God Grail come to me.

Combining the contents of the two diaries, Martin guessed the life regrets of his adoptive father Miguel Mario.

Due to illness, he was unable to accompany his adoptive mother until she grew old. He could not wait for the day when he would get married and have children and when the Hercules Cup would come to Portugal.

Perfectly merging his personal talent and memory, he, who had always been calm, had an impulse.

Supporting and caring for his adoptive mother, marrying a wife and having children are all things that will inevitably be completed in the rest of his life. However, the arrival of the Hercules Cup will never be obtained by letting nature take its course, at least he will not see it until he travels through time.

Having carried everything from his predecessor, he should make a return.

(End of this chapter)

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