NBA: I am a master dealer

Chapter 241 Hard Gang Alliance

Chapter 241 Hard Gang Alliance
There is no suspense about the final result of the game.

The Heat were beaten by the Cavaliers 81:107.

Xue Liancheng played for 53 seconds and swallowed a lot of zero eggs.



No, his foul box is quite full.

3 fouls, one bad foul and one technical foul.

For a top star who just won the regular season MVP, this statistic is extremely bleak.

of course.

Xue Liancheng does not feel that he is miserable, there are many people who are more miserable than him.

For example, the referee.

After the game, when passing through the tunnel, the three referees encountered another wave of saliva and popcorn leftovers.

When Xue Liancheng stood up to leave, the remaining fans shouted at the top of their lungs: "Xue, we will always support you..."

These fans used this way to tell him that he was not alone.



Xue Liancheng reached out and gestured, which was considered a response.

But he couldn't get away.

Reporters at the scene all gathered around.

"Xue, can you tell me how you felt after being whistled for three fouls?"

"Xue, as the new MVP, you were called for three fouls in less than a minute. Were you very angry at that time?"

"Xue, why didn't you play in the next game? Did you refuse to play or was it arranged by the coach?"

"Xue, such a large-scale riot occurred, what do you have to say about it?"

Xue Liancheng stretched out his hand to press down.

All the reporters stopped talking.

But the long guns and short cannons were still shooting at Xue Liancheng, trying to catch his every expression.

Xue Liancheng didn't stop him.

Instead, after a pause, he fired directly: "This is the Eastern Conference Finals, a much-anticipated game. Everyone's eyes are focused here. As a result... in less than 1 minute of the opening, I was whistled three times in a row. Fouls, one of which was a bad foul, and in addition, there was a technical foul. This was simply unbelievable. I didn’t even know what happened, so I had to sit on the bench. I can’t accept this kind of penalty. , I can’t understand it, and the reaction of the fans at the scene also illustrates this. They can’t understand it, let alone accept it, which leads to such a vile riot. I will respond to the team later and ask the team to report to the league I will do my best to seek justice and an explanation. Then, I will be out indefinitely because I was called for three fouls in less than 1 minute. I don’t know how to play the game. The penalty has made the game meaningless. I can't even find the feeling of basketball that I once loved. I'm tired..."

The reporters were stunned on the spot.

The look he looked at Xue Liancheng was full of disbelief.


Another collective explosion.

"Xue, what do you mean, if the alliance doesn't say anything, you don't have a return date?"

"Indefinite truce? Xue, are you serious?"

"Xue, are you expressing your disappointment with the alliance in disguise?"


This is simply the biggest news among the biggest news!

A new star who had just won the MVP suddenly fell before he could even rise.

Indefinite truce...

As the name suggests, it is possible to miss all subsequent games.

Or to be more precise, Xue Liancheng may also miss all games during the contract period.


Just retire.


It's just crazy.

This means that the Heat, who have reached the Eastern Conference Finals and are only one step away from the championship, officially bid farewell to this season.

This means that a 20-year-old talented basketball player may say goodbye to his career.

There is no bigger news than this.

It is clear.

Xue Liancheng is a tough alliance!

There are no turns, no adaptations, just go straight up and hit the wall head-on.

This is simply earth-shattering news.

Even more explosive than the riot at the American Airlines Center.

Xue Liancheng!

The youngest MVP, the best rookie of the season, the single-game scoring record holder in the rookie season, the single-game assist record holder in the rookie season, the best first team, the All-Star vote leader, a top player who averaged 23.2 points, 10.8 assists and 5.7 per game. , there is a faint trend of the new king of the alliance.

The influence is not small.

In the sport of basketball, and even in the entire world of sports, he is definitely considered a superstar.


Just finished the first season... No!Before the first season was finished, he announced an indefinite hiatus.

In the international sports world, this is considered a depth bomb.

Originally, based on how out-of-control the situation was today, the alliance would definitely punish Xue Liancheng.

As for the extent of the punishment, no one knows.

it's good now.

No need to guess.

The league is a no-brainer, too.

Xue Liancheng chose to take an indefinite truce. There is no more serious punishment than this.


Take the path of the alliance and leave the alliance with nowhere to go.

Now reporters don't have to ask Xue Liancheng whether he is worried about league punishment.


They've called an indefinite truce, and they've even punished me...

But amidst the reporters' chattering questions, Xue Liancheng didn't say a word, but turned around firmly and left.

Enough said.

If the inner beauty is strong, it will lead to inferiority.

It is even more undesirable to express anger.

People will just think that he is incompetent and furious.

Slow down, well-founded, and unhurried accusations are enough to express his disappointment in the league and his disdain for unfair referee decisions, while at the same time maintaining his own position and gaining the support and solidarity of more people.




The major media outlets frantically reported on Xue Liancheng's speech, even suppressing the riot at the American Airlines Center.

As for the result of the game, there was not even a word or mention about it.

"Heavyweight!"Xue Liancheng announces indefinite truce"

"Shock!Xue Liancheng's tough alliance announces indefinite truce"

"The new MVP encountered an unfair penalty and declared a truce directly on the spot"

"Unprecedented, as soon as the front foot won the MVP, the back foot immediately announced an indefinite truce"

"Xue Liancheng: The game has become meaningless"

"No. 1 in the history of basketball, Xue Liancheng is tough in the NBA league, bluntly saying that the game cannot be played"

"The basketball world is shocked, the new MVP is disappointed with the league and announces an indefinite truce"

"Xue Liancheng bombards the referee, tough alliance"

The news that Xue Liancheng announced an indefinite truce directly dominated the entire network and even the entire world basketball world.

Especially in China, it has set off a monstrous wave.

"The rice grain country of Dog Day bullies our Brother Shui."

"Those three referees are pure beasts. I suggest you take them to target practice."

"I'm really mad. In less than one minute, I got three fouls, plus a technical foul. Damn it, I really feel like I'm in my own living room, I can call it whatever I want!"

"At the home court of the American Airlines Center, it is really shocking to blow so outrageously."

"Brother Shui, let's come back. Don't suffer from this cowardice."

"If the league doesn't come up with an explanation, we won't have to watch this game from now on."

"Support Brother Shui, this game is really unplayable."

"The fans at the scene are good, so you shouldn't be used to them."

"Why didn't you beat those three referees to death?"

"It's so irritating that anyone else would have to leave."


Almost all of them criticized the referees and the league.

Across North America, stormy waves also formed.

"I'm really pissed off. I committed three fouls in one minute and kicked him off. How can I still play in this game?"

"Wang Defa, I spent a lot of money to buy tickets to see the passion clash, not to watch your whistle blowing conference. It's really disgusting."

"This is how we should protest, let the game return to the dimension of fairness and justice, and let competitive sports return to its origins."

"An indefinite truce! Xue Liancheng is indeed tough enough and will never compromise."

But the difference is that most people are also criticizing the referees and the league.

But some people are in Yin Yang Xue Liancheng, and even take pleasure in others' misfortune.

"Threaten the alliance with an infinite truce? Haha...who do you think you are?"

"As soon as he won the MVP, his tail was raised to the sky. We must not coddle him and let him rest indefinitely."

"If there is a problem with the referee's penalty, he should not incite fans to riot. He must be severely punished. Otherwise, how will the league operate?"

"Destroying the image of the league and blatantly attacking the referee's penalty standards is destroying the NBA's brand. It is recommended that Xue Liancheng be banned forever."

"If you can't beat me, you can't beat me, and you have to rely on the referee." "When you see him acting crazy like this, you know he is definitely going to cause trouble."

"Players threaten the league. This is the first of its kind in history. So what's the point?"

"Hey, seeing him unlucky makes me inexplicably happy."


There are many such voices.

It shows how huge the number of Cavaliers fans is.

As those with vested interests, they naturally would not feel the same way, and even wished that Xue Liancheng would not be able to play in the future, or even be banned forever.

Then this season, they have unlimited hope.

After the Heat, it's the finals.

no doubt……

In their view, James once again proved his strength.

As for what kind of changes the Heat have suffered?Are the main players dead?
I care about you.

Anyway, I won.

This is enough.

Some fans even think that there is no problem with these penalties and they should be sentenced as such.

It would be best to send off Xue Liancheng, Wade, and Gasol.

Uh... and there's PJ Tucker, that kid should be permanently suspended as well.

This is the correct judgment...

In addition to the voices of countless fans.

Many media outlets also expressed support.

Frank from "FOX Sports" even directly said: Face up to Xue Liancheng's value.


American Airlines Center caused chaos, and Xue Liancheng, the new MVP, announced an indefinite truce.

These are two big things that happened today that shocked the basketball world.

In other words, there is actually only one thing.

In less than a minute, Xue Liancheng was called for three fouls, plus a technical foul, and was directly forced to rest.

We should have watched the game.

There is no problem with calling the offender.


The remaining two are within the confrontation range.

Especially the last one, I have no idea where the foul is.

And that technical foul was even more nonsensical and confusing.

You know, this whistle was blown in less than 1 minute!

In less than 1 minute, three fouls and one technical foul, can you believe it?
The Heat, who have home court advantage, not only did not get the whistle offset, they were also targeted infinitely.

And the person who was praised is still the new MVP!He became the best superstar in the league in his rookie season!
Simply incredible.

I understand Xue Liancheng's mood at that time.

Because I was watching the game at the time, and when I saw such an outrageous call, I was so angry that I almost smashed the TV. As a person involved, one can imagine Xue Liancheng's anger.

Can the game be blown like this?

This is incredible.

Now, I don't want to discuss these issues.

Now I want to change the angle and talk about Xue Liancheng's value.

This season, Kobe Bryant's comeback has been unsatisfactory, Duncan's offensive performance has become increasingly weak, Nowitzki has lost his chariot power, even Pierce, who performed well, has shown his age, and Garnett has returned to his roots.

That's right.

I listed these players, they were all once top players, but there is not much time left for them.

The league lacks new blood.

At this time, Xue Liancheng appeared and turned out to be the best performance in NBA history.

He filled the void of top stars and prevented a massive loss of fans.

He revitalized the league, continued the topic and popularity, and even preserved the NBA's status as one of the four major sports in North America.

This is the first value.

Second, the arrival of Xue Liancheng has completely opened up the Chinese market, and the league is now negotiating for broadcast rights.

And this broadcast fee is as high as 15 billion US dollars.

You know, during the negotiations last year, the broadcast fee was only US$4 million.

One can imagine how valuable Xue Liancheng is.

Third, with the rise of Curry, Harden, Westbrook and others this season, the young storm is coming.

As a member of the storm, Xue Liancheng's contribution is immeasurable.

NBA ratings have hit new highs this season, and Xue Liancheng definitely deserves a share of the credit.

Fourth, the NBA, as a basketball palace, tolerates players from any country in the world. It is precisely because of their arrival that the NBA is more competitive and influential.

As a leader of international players, Xue Liancheng's role cannot be underestimated.

If he is out indefinitely, the NBA's globalization will take a big step back.

In summary.

I think Xue Liancheng has become an indispensable member of the league, and his value and influence are extremely huge.

He is one of the faces of the league, and the NBA cannot lose him.

And to do that, the league has to make changes.

First, start by “letting the players decide the outcome of the game.”


This can be considered a clear-cut effort to put pressure on the alliance.

Reading between the lines, it is said that Xue Liancheng's value is explained.

In fact, it is hope that the alliance will surrender to Xue Liancheng.

There are many reports like this.

"Yahoo Sports" even directly asked: Is this person a must-have?The last time the Heat and the Cavaliers met, the Heat's encounter with the black whistle has already caused a huge response, but the league did not learn from the lesson, but intensified it.
Can't we just let the game go back to normal?

Do you have to create a gimmick to alienate the players?

Do we have to squeeze out the value of the game quickly and make a large number of fans leave sadly?

This is drinking poison to quench thirst, which is not advisable.

It is hoped that the top leaders of the league can clearly understand the problem and not go back on the wrong path forever.


"Sports Illustrated" also made a big move: Game [-] of the Eastern Conference Finals between the Heat and the Cavaliers broke the conference finals ratings record, the highest ever since the NBA was founded.

but in the meanwhile.

This game also set another record, that is, the lowest playoff ratings record since the establishment of the NBA.

That's right!

It's the lowest ratings record in the playoffs.

It went from having the highest ratings in the conference finals to having the lowest ratings in the playoffs. This is what happened in one game.

How unbelievable.

It can be seen how disappointed the fans were after Xue Liancheng refused to play.

Not only the Miami fans were disappointed, but all the fans who followed this game were disappointed.

Isn't this problem serious enough?

As a sports league, once it is marked as unfair and unfair, the entire NBA will be doomed.


of course.

"Sports Illustrated" did not tell everyone that the highest ratings for the conference finals occurred during the riot at the American Airlines Center.

The lowest record in the playoffs was in the fourth quarter after the riots.

Because at that time, all the fans were surfing the Internet. Who had the time to pay attention to a game whose result was no longer important.

But it is also true that one game can create two extreme ratings.

Except the media came out with crazy reports.

Many active top players, or retired celebrities, were interviewed and expressed their opinions on the event that shocked the sports world.

O'Neill: "Xue has a very unique personality, and I like him more and more."

Barkley: "Many people can't stand the league's greedy approach, but no one dares to really stand up. There is no doubt that Xue Liancheng is a warrior."

Nash: "This is a good thing. Someone has to be a pioneer and change the world."

McGrady: "Xue is much more interesting than Yao, but I am not worried about Xue, because the market behind him is enough to make him invincible, and the league will not punish him too severely."

Nowitzki: "I am the victim of inaccurate penalty decisions, so if you ask me what my attitude is, of course I support Xue."

Du Xiaoshuai: "Xue Liancheng is very respectable, I don't hate him so much anymore."

Davis: "The reaction of the fans actually says it all."

Iverson: "The league must stop its stupid behavior. I look forward to Xue Liancheng's return and show us more exciting games."

Kobe Bryant: "Xue Liancheng was born in the wrong era. If he were in the same period as me, it would be very interesting."


Almost all the players supported Xue Liancheng.

Those who have retired feel the same way, while those who have not retired want a fairer competitive environment. They and Xue Liancheng are on the same front.

Even Wall, Butler and others, who didn't deal with Xue Liancheng very much, expressed their support.

There is only one exception.

That person is LeBron James.

When a reporter asked him what he thought of this incident, he hesitated and said: I believe the league will handle it well. I am a basketball player. I only care about playing basketball well. I don’t pay attention to other things.


I got the bonus, you ask me if the existence of the bonus is unfair?

It's simply murderous.

These reporters are so annoying and hateful!
(End of this chapter)

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