Chapter 101 Don't Take Lao Li Seriously

Katayama Shotaro hated the Chen Ziyun artillery. Without them, he would have had lunch in the 358 regiment's defensive position!
So he repeatedly explained that Koichi Mori's artillery team should suppress the artillery battalion no matter what, and effectively support the infantry breakthrough.

The major captains of several infantry brigades also hurriedly expressed their opinions. They promised that as long as the artillery battalion was suppressed, they would be able to break through immediately.

"Your Excellency, brigade commander, we have roughly locked their positions during the shelling just now."

"In the next battle, our artillery team will shell with all their strength, and we will definitely be able to suppress their artillery team!"

"I promise that they will not let their artillery have another chance to launch shelling and prevent our troops from attacking."

Koichi Mori immediately saluted, and he said vowedly.

The Little Devils artillery unit has a large number of equipment and technical personnel, which can effectively enhance their artillery combat strength.

After Chen Ziyun's artillery battalion bombarded, the Japanese artillery team had already deduced the approximate location of the artillery battalion based on various means.

In the next battle, if we want to completely destroy the artillery battalion, the Japanese artillery cannot do it.

But to suppress them and effectively cover the infantry attack, Koichi Mori is confident that he can still do it.

"Yaoxi, as long as we can suppress their artillery, then we can easily take their positions."

"As long as all the highlands here are captured by us, the 358th regiment will be a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and it will not be our opponent at all."

"My gentlemen, I hope that before noon tomorrow, the 358th regiment of the Jinsui Army can be completely resolved."

"Before it gets dark tomorrow, completely eliminate the Eighth Route Xinyi Regiment, so that we can launch a raid wantonly!"

Katayama Shotaro showed a playful smile on his face, and he said directly to his officer.

When these little devil officers heard the sweep, their faces were full of anticipation.

For them, the so-called mopping up is naturally burning, killing and looting!
Of course, judging from these words, Katayama Shotaro is going to spend an afternoon to annihilate the Yangcun Xinyi Regiment.

Obviously, the little devil didn't take Li Yunlong's new group seriously.

And they didn't take the famous Li Yunlong seriously!

If you don't take Lao Li seriously, the consequences will be very serious.

Yangcun, the headquarters of the new regiment!
Before Li Yunlong got the news that there was an assembly of puppet troops of [-] days, he was gearing up excitedly!
Li Yunlong is unhappy if he does not fight. Now that there are so many Japanese and puppet troops, how can he be unhappy?
But up to now, Li Yunlong's face is gloomy, and he has scolded his mother a lot in the morning.

The members of the regiment knew his temper, and they had long been hiding away, for fear that they would become a punching bag.

"Regimental Commander, the Jinsui Army's battle is over, and the 358th Regiment blocked the attack of the Japanese and puppet troops."

"Preliminary estimates show that the 358th Regiment caused at least 500 casualties to them."

"I have to say that the overall weapons and equipment of the Jinsui Army are really good, and their combat effectiveness is not too weak."

"Especially their artillery, it's really amazing to shoot one by one!"

At eleven o'clock, Zhang Dabiao came to the regiment headquarters to report.

When Li Yunlong heard this, his eyes widened and his face was even more angry.

"What the hell do you mean by the Japanese and puppet soldiers, don't you use our old Li as a dish!"

"It's okay to deal with the Jinsui army first, we haven't even deployed the fucking containment troops here."

"Back in Cangyun Ridge, the Sakata Regiment deployed at least four infantry artillery to scare the 358th Regiment!"

"It's good now, even his mother's puppet army hasn't been dispatched, it really doesn't take our old Li seriously at all!"

Looking at the battle map in front of him, Li Yunlong stared and scolded his mother at the top of his voice.

Especially when thinking of the Cangyun Ridge battle, the Sakata Regiment deployed four infantry guns to contain the Chu Yunfei Regiment.

As a result, not to mention the little devil troops, even the puppet troops have not deployed to contain the new regiment.

Li Yunlong's fiery temper couldn't stand it, and his anger level was immediately full.

To say that the overall strength of the new regiment is not weak now, after the battle in Wanjia Town, the whole regiment has nearly forty light and heavy machine guns again.

Twelve grenadiers, one infantry cannon, and a cavalry company!

At the beginning, the new regiment only had a few light and heavy machine guns and a 60MM mortar, and he, Lao Li, dared to fight against the Sakata United.

Now that he has such weapons and equipment, he can't wait to drag his troops to fight too far!
However, the Japanese and puppet troops assembled tens of thousands of troops to fight in the Yangcun area, and he couldn't accept that they didn't send troops to appear here in Yangcun.

"Regimental Commander, this Japanese puppet army is not simple. According to the report of the reconnaissance team, they have dozens of artillery pieces!"

"And they also have a lot of heavy machine guns. When attacking the 358th regiment, more than 30 heavy machine guns were set up in one machine gun position."

"They don't come to attack us..."

Zhang Dabiao said softly, he thought it would be good if he didn't come to attack, after all, the wealth of Xinyituan couldn't compare with the Japanese puppet army.

But seeing Li Yunlong's monstrous anger, Zhang Dabiao didn't dare to speak out.

"Hey, old Li is afraid that they don't have heavy weapons."

"Look, what a wonderful thing. If these heavy machine guns are captured, each battalion can have a machine gun company."

"They still have mortars? That's even better, I'm planning to form a mortar company!"

"It's impossible to stay like this. If you continue to wait for passive defense, you won't be able to catch up with any dish."

"Da Biao, we have to take the initiative to attack. The machine gun company and the artillery platoon have been strengthened to the first battalion."

"Your first battalion has advanced here secretly... When it's night, let's greet this Japanese and puppet army!"

"The Japanese and puppet troops don't take our old Li seriously, so let our old Li let them know how powerful our new regiment is!"

Li Yunlong pointed to a location on the map and directly issued an order.

He, Old Li, is not someone who can stand by while the fight is in full swing elsewhere!

The Xinyi Regiment began to move secretly here, and they are ready to take the initiative.

And here at the position of the 358th regiment of the Jinsui Army, the Japanese and puppet troops made a comeback again!
The 90mm mortars of the mortar brigade began to shoot, and grenades and smoke bombs hit the position one after another.

As patches of smoke appeared in front of the position, a large number of Japanese and puppet troops attacked again.

At the same time, Koichi Moriki's artillery team waited quietly.

The artillery observation post they set up carefully observed and wanted to judge the location of the artillery battalion more accurately.

Around 12:30, the little devil once again assembled three independent infantry brigades, and one regiment of the puppet army launched an attack.

They still adopted the old routine, broke through in the center, and the first battalion position became the main attack direction of the Japanese army again.

But this time, the regiment headquarters personally commanded here, and Chu Yunfei continued to convey combat orders through the phone.

The infantry of the Japanese and puppet troops jumped forward alternately, but this time even though they advanced to the 200-meter position, they still did not suffer any blows.

(End of this chapter)

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