Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2.

Chapter 534 Tell me a tongue twister

Chapter 534 Tell me a tongue twister
The Land Rover in Yan Qingqing's hand was driven away by the old man. Qian'er's mother was sitting in the back seat holding Jia Yi, and Han Qian stood beside the car and whispered.

"You should have a good rest after you go back. Don't be tired. Jiayi, please be obedient when you go back. Your grandma is not in good health. If anything happens, just help. Dad can't go back until after the New Year, old man. You drive slowly, if anything happens, just ask Xia Ziyi, oh! I..."

The old man looked sideways at Han Qian and frowned.

"Are you done with your ink? I'm going to the battlefield? Remember to go back early."

"Okay, okay, Dad, don't miss me!"

The old man got out of the car and kicked Han Qian's butt twice, and then drove away. Looking at the tires skidding on the ground, the old man must have wanted to go back to his hometown very early. Yeats stood aside and said with a smile.

"You deserve it, you are so verbose, but Mr. Han, I may not go back with you during the Chinese New Year. I want to go back to the capital, and maybe I will go back to the Magic City with my mother."

Han Qian put his arm around Yeats' shoulders and sighed with sad eyes.

"Look at the legs!"

Yeats pushed Han Qian away and got into the car. Han Qian was sitting in the passenger seat with a sloppy posture.

"Well~ An An is pregnant."

Yeats replied.

"Yes, I also saw the war between Ji Jing and Beloved, and the disharmony between Wen Nuan and Ling Dang! So I won't give birth! Mr. Han, please get out of here~ I want to rest for a few days."

"Oh. Just look at my legs and let you rest."

"No legs."

"Your Ye Zhai Pavilion needs to be improved. The zoo is at the back. If it focuses on game, you might think I built a kitchen in the back."

Yeats rolled his eyes and was too lazy to argue with Han Qian. When Yeats didn't speak, Han Qian stretched out his hand and put it on Yeats's leg. Yeats took a deep breath.

"Mr. Han! If you tease me again, I will sleep with you!"

"Come and sprinkle, come and sprinkle, come and sprinkle, whoever doesn't come will be the grandson."

How could he be so mean?
When Yeats sent Han Qian to Shiju Bureau, Han Qian's legs were weak when he got out of the car. Yeats lay on the car window and looked at Han Qian with a smile.

"Mr. Han, come and have fun~"

Han Qian turned around and took a deep breath, ran to the car, held Yeats' face and kissed him hard, and then spoke forcefully.

"One day, I will hold the flag of victory and wave it! Then, Miss Ye, I won't even give you a chance to beg for mercy."

"Yes, yes, you are the most powerful, okay? Why are you acting like a child?"

"It's dignity."

Han Qian turned around and strode into the yard. Yeats leaned on the car window and smiled.

"Yeah~general dignity!"

Han Qian was furious and gestured with Ultraman's death ray to shoot at Yeats. Yeats curled his lips, closed the car window and said a childish sentence, and then opened the car door.

"Six Meridians Divine Sword~biubiubiu~"

Han Qian stood there pinching his waist and looking up and laughing. Yeats smiled and walked forward to straighten Han Qian's collar and said softly.

"Wear more and eat more. I may be returning to the capital soon. I haven't been with my parents for a long time. They miss me very much."

Han Qian nodded seriously.

"After the New Year, I will go to the Magic City or the capital to pick you up."

Sitting in the office, Han Qian watched Qin Yaozu sigh one after another, and Qin Yaozu smiled.

"You came here to mourn?"

Han Qian frowned and sighed.

"I was in a good mood just now, but now I feel bad when I see you like this. Why did you suddenly change from the provincial department to the persimmon bureau? Tong Defeng put pressure on you, right? Tell me, Liu Was that Nana from the Shengge family forced to death by Tong Defeng?"

Qin Yaozu shook his head and Han Qian said again.

"She probably knew she had to die. I've seen this little girl twice in Binhai, but Liu Shengge couldn't seek revenge from Tong Defeng. In the end, she even took away my cemetery."

Qin Yaozu smiled but said nothing, and Han Qian sighed.

"Okay, okay, I can't embarrass you. Your daughter has returned to Shengjing. You can't say anything when you come to Binhai. But don't worry, I will definitely not go to Tong Defeng for revenge. No matter how arrogant I am, I can't say anything. Are you going against the government office? Are you right? Then tell me, does Tong Defeng want to arrest me?"

Lao Qin smiled and shook his head, then shook his head again, and Han Qian curled his lips.

"Are you sure? He is decentralized in Fengtian, and he should still want to return to the capital, right? Hmm... Do you think there is a possibility that he deliberately made some of us uncomfortable, deliberately disgusted some of us, and we can't What to do to him? After all, he was appointed by hand. We can only find a way to send him away. Aixinjueluo, Fang Xiong, and Father Gu can talk to each other even after they retire, right? He encouraged us Just to send him back?" Qin Yaozu smiled and nodded, and Han Qian stood up and said angrily.

"Are you mute? Did your vocal chords forget the brothel?"

Qin Yaozu stood up and slapped Han Qian's buttocks twice. Han Qian didn't take it seriously and lit a cigarette and continued.

"It doesn't matter if you're in Binhai, will you go back to Shengjing during the Chinese New Year?"

Qin Yaozu shook his head, Han Qian took a deep breath, and then dialed the number of the Second Hospital.

"Get ready over there, I have an old man here who is mute."

Qin Yaozu stepped forward and slapped Han Qian on the back of the head, frowning.

"I have been suffering from oral ulcers for the past few days and I don't want to talk. You always ask me to say whatever you want me to say. Talk, say, whatever you want me to say."

Han Qian looked at Qin Yaozu with extremely sincere eyes.

"Tell me about an eight hundred pacesetter running for the North Slope."

Qin Yaozu looked at Han Qian for a long, long time, and finally reason defeated his impulse. How could he be so mean?

After returning to the chair and sitting down, Qin Yaozu handed Han Qian a document.

"Liu Ding's gun has been confiscated. Please clean up the things in your hands."

Han Qian whispered.

"Nonsense, Feng Lun gave it to me. I just didn't have time to hand it over. Tell me how many people in Binhai are Tong Defeng's spies."

Qin Yaozu curled his lips, then seemed to have touched the wound in his mouth. He stood up, grabbed Han Qian's collar and threw him out, telling Han Qian to be a normal person recently.

After leaving the Yamen Gate, Han Qian ran to find Li Jinhai. After saying three words, Li Jinhai was furious.

"Second brother didn't see you when he came back?"

"Dole hasn't found a girlfriend yet?"

"Second uncle, aren't you the second oldest child in ten thousand years?"

When he left the Yamenmen, Han Qian was in a good mood and called Cheng Jin.

"Old man, let's have lunch together!"

I made an appointment with Cheng Jin for Korean food. This place was not a favorite of Han Qian's, but it was close to the Yamen Gate.

A bowl of soup, a bowl of rice, and more than ten plates of pickles, Cheng Jin sipped the soup.

"Why do you have time to come to my place today?"

Han Qian smiled.

"I'm going back to my hometown for the Chinese New Year, and I'm leaving after the Little New Year. I'm afraid you'll be lonely... It tastes pretty good, but it's just not that good."

Cheng Jin laughed.

"This is called remembering the bitterness and thinking about sweet rice. Why do you suddenly want to go back to your hometown during the Chinese New Year? Are you tired of staying in the seaside?"

Han Qian shook his head.

"It's cool. It doesn't feel like Chinese New Year here. Do you have anything to do this afternoon? Are you going fishing?"

While they were talking, the store door was pushed open, and Baitao and Lin Zongheng came in. Lin Zongheng smiled and greeted Cheng Jin.

"Mr. Cheng."

Han Qian took a deep breath, turned his head, and smiled.

"The white spine is good~"

Then watching the three guys sit down, Lin Zongheng picked up a spoon and took a sip from Han Qian's soup bowl, and then shouted to the waiter.

"I don't want anyone like him."

Han Qian nodded.

"Yes, yes, give him some bastard soup."

 It's two o'clock, I'm going to bed

(End of this chapter)

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