Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2.

Chapter 226 I, Liu Guangming, Deserve It

Chapter 226 I, Liu Guangming, Deserve It
Bistro, two people, three dishes, cheap original barley.

A pack of cigarettes, a bottle of wine, and a lighter with big girl on it.

The two wine glasses collided, and Liu Guangming drank all the wine in the glass in one gulp, and then ate the food. After he sat down, he didn't say a word, and kept drinking and pouring wine, eating food and smoking, for fear that he would be idle.

Han Qian didn't speak, I will accompany you when you drink, and I will light cigarettes for you if you smoke.

The two drank a case of beer, and Liu Guangming collapsed, lying on the table and crying bitterly.

"Qian'er! Qianer! If...if..."

A man in his fifties was crying so hard that he couldn't utter a complete sentence, Han Qian still poured the wine with a smile on his face, and said softly.

"Blame me! The source of everything is because of me, and I caused you to lose everything."

A bottle of wine poured three glasses.

Han Qian picked up a glass of wine and smiled.

"It's best if I'm not reckless!"

After drinking it in one gulp, he picked up the second glass of wine.

"It's best if I don't lose my memory!"

He picked up the third glass of wine and drank it all in one gulp.

"It's best for me to kill!"

Liu Guangming covered his face with his hands, Han Qian opened a bottle of beer again, this time he didn't pour it into the glass at all, lit two cigarettes, handed one to Liu Guangming, and said with a smile.

"My amnesia has caused your current pain. I understand the pain, I can feel your pain, and I want to protect the people around me, but I find that after trying my best, I can't stand the car, powerless, and blame myself. In the end, I can't go into the abyss and leave a light for the people around me! I call Gao Xun, Vice President Gao, Wei Tiancheng and Wei Dao, and you are the only one who calls me brother! Brother Liu, come back."

Liu Guangming raised his head and wept bitterly.

"Brother Han! Brother, I want to go back, I want to kowtow to the think hall, I want to go back and discuss women with Luo Shande, I want to have mutual suspicion with Gao Xing, I don't want to be in Bin County, even if I am regarded as my ancestor here, I want to go back to Binhai and let Wei Tiancheng call me an old rascal!"

Liu Guangming picked up a bottle of beer and drank it with his head up. He hiccupped, let out a long sigh of relief, and choked up.

"I met Old Wei and Xiao Gao, and they both talked to me a lot. Gao Xing even knelt in front of me, saying that if I didn't have me, he might not live until you come back! The grandson Wei Tiancheng said something with red eyes, and my heart was really moved."

Han Qian's eyes were slightly red. He knew what Wei Tiancheng said, and also why Gao Xingchen knelt down.

They all begged Liu Guangming to die!Beg Liu Guangming to give himself a face!
Liu Guangming wiped his tears and choked up again.

"Brother Han, you don't know, you really don't know, the sniper rifle is on my shoulder, and the infrared light has landed on Xiao Siguan's forehead! I'm holding an arrest document, and I'm carrying the sniper rifle on my shoulder. I'm listening to Chen Qiang's phone call with Liu Shengge, ah!!! Desperation, very special despair! I gritted my teeth, Siguan died, Lao Luo was arrested, and Liu Shengge will take away Gao Xing's shares!"

Han Qian took a deep breath, and Liu Guangming continued to cry.

"Xiao Siyi just touched his happy life, no shortage of money, there was a boyfriend who regarded her as a baby, how can I want to be my sister! Lao Luo's half of his life, was finally caught and squatted? His son also entered the official career. How can I bear to see my old friends in jail! Yes, I can finally be the master of my own home. How did I destroy the right he just got! "

Liu Guangming wiped his nose and lit a cigarette again.

"I, Liu Guangming, enjoy too much in my life. I eat and let people feed me. I have more than a dozen women, luxury cars, beauties, money, and rights! I am like an emperor in Shuncheng. There is nothing I Liu Guangming has not enjoyed in my life. Betrayal, loyalty, love, affection, friendship, delicacies, beauties, wives and concubines, and horses and horses! Enough is enough. If Liu Guangming does not go to hell, who will go to hell? If Liu Guangming does not go to hell, who can protect the people I care about? I am not as good as hell. !"

"Wei Tiancheng and Gao Xingzheng both begged me to die, and I died! They will justify my name, and my child can get the protection of the Han family, but how can I die? If I die, how will I know that Chen Qiang is looking for someone to harm your party? If I die, Si Guan, Lao Luo, what if I am in danger? I want to do business for Chen Qiang. I will be Cao Ying Xu Shu, and I will do whatever he asks me to do!"

"I can't go back. What will you do after I go back? I am a betrayer and I am still your brother Liu. No matter how loyal others are to my brother in the future, they will think that they will not have any trouble if they betray you. Wei Tiancheng wants me to die, and Gao Xingshi wants me to die, but my death is worth it! You are back, I am relieved! But there is one more thing I am worried about, brother! Men can't be too kind, and they can't be too kind."

After that, Liu Guangming took out a pistol and put it on the table.

"Kill me! My brother is the first dead person in your hand. You have passed my level, Liu Guangming, and you will not hesitate to kill others! Kill me, Han Qian, you killed me, I betrayed you, I am not good to you, I just want to hug Chen Qiang's thigh and kill me!"

Liu Guangming picked up the pistol, opened the safety and loaded it, aimed at his forehead and grabbed Han Qian's hand.

"Kill me! Brother Han, I know that I hold a very important position in your heart. If you kill me! You will eliminate your demons. You can't be too soft-hearted! Kill me! Kill me! After killing me, no one will dare to hurt the people around you. They will be safe! My will has already been handed over to my lawyer, and I said that I committed suicide! Han Qian!"

Han Qian took a deep breath, held the pistol, picked up the wine glass, and poured a glass of wine on Liu Guangming's face.

"I took the gun away!"

He stood up and patted Liu Guangming on the shoulder.

"Live well, I can solve all troubles! I, Han Qian, can solve everything!"

Liu Guangming sat on the chair with confused eyes and helpless face. Han Qian staggered out of the tavern. Cui Li and Yeats hurried over to help Han Qian. Han Qian handed Cui Li the bungled pistol, then pinched Yeats' face and said with a smile.

"How could I kill someone?"

Han Qian took a deep breath, raised his head and shouted.

"The world is broken and broken, the puppy is sewing and mending! Barking barking!"

Drank too much!
Yeats helped Han Qian into the car, and within 3 minutes of the Mercedes-Benz leaving, a GL8 stopped at the door of the tavern. The door opened and Chen Qiang pouted at the tavern. He walked into the tavern and looked at Liu Guangming, whose face was full of tears. Chen Qiang stepped forward, picked up an empty wine bottle and smashed it on Liu Guangming's head, Liu Guangming's face was blushing.

Chen Qiang said indifferently.

"Last time! Liu Guangming, I will give you this chance!"

At the end of the sentence, Chen Qiang picked up the wine bottle and smashed it on his head.

"It's the last time I will do it to you!"

Hua Luo picked up another wine bottle and smashed it on his head, the blood instantly covered his whole face, Chen Qiang grinned.

"The whole family should be tidy! We have to go to the hospital together!"

Liu Guangming was confused. Seeing the blood on Chen Qiang's face, he was really confused.

Returning to the car in Binhai, Yeats said in a low voice.

"Chen Qiang and Liu Guangming are in the hospital."

Han Qian rubbed his head and didn't speak. He heard it, and he knew what Chen Qiang meant, but he couldn't say it now.

After being in a daze for a long time, Han Qian's cell phone rang, and Yeats took the phone and it was a text message, Yeats said softly.

"The good news is that Song Qian has been found. The bad news is that Li Shaoqi is here! It seems that Song Qian didn't listen to Liu Guangming."

"Where is the person... Xu... hiccup... Lao Xu parked... I... got... vomit... vomit..."

Before Xu Hongchang stopped the car, Han Qian had already opened the car door. This guy was drunk and obsessed with cleanliness. He knew he couldn't vomit in the car. Xu Hongchang braked, and Cui Li hurriedly got out of the car and helped Han Qian who was about to get out of the car to vomit.

Rinse your mouth with two bottles of water and wash your face.

Han Qian took off his suit jacket and wiped his face with his shirt, while Yeats stood aside and said helplessly.

"Do you still know that coats are more expensive than shirts at this time?"

Back in the car again, Han Qian was bare upper body, patting his face with both hands.

"Binhai hasn't changed owners yet!"

"Okay, master, you sit down!"

 I'm sleeping, posting regularly.Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, and some comments!too little!
(End of this chapter)

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