Chapter 179

Han Qian didn't dare to stay at home at night, so he found an excuse and ran to the prison.

He lived in prison for three days at a stretch.

According to unreliable news from Guan Junbiao, they have been arguing for three days.

"Brother Han! According to reliable sources, the nanny in the capital temporarily has the upper hand, who is likely to coerce the emperor to order the princes, followed by the princess and the princess. The empress of the East and West Palaces is currently at a disadvantage, but it is not obvious. All the concubines in the harem There are quarrels, but they are all small fights!"

Han Qian lay on the small bed in the prison and sighed.

"Brother Guan, have you stopped watching palace dramas?"

"I've been fascinated by watching the Three Kingdoms recently! Will you go to the party at Yamen's Gate tomorrow?"

The sound of the TV came from Guan Junbiao's side, and Han Qian whispered.

"Be careful with your eyes! I haven't received an invitation to tomorrow's party. I guess Mr. Cheng doesn't want me to go. Shall Tu Xiao go?"

Guan Junbiao turned off the TV and said in a low voice.

"My master is going, but I don't know whether I will go or not! What fun things do you have?"

Han Qian thought for a while, then smiled.

"I'm going to the capital in the evening of the Dragon Boat Festival, will you go with me? Then I may fly to Sichuan."

"go with!"

After hanging up the phone, Han Qian turned his head to look at Su Liang, who shook his head.

"Don't go out! I won't go to the capital with you either. Tomorrow Li Li may go to the party. I'm going to take the child to my mother-in-law's house. They've been pushing Lai Lai since I was imprisoned! You're busy with your work. I'm busy with mine, so don't go at night, your life is in trouble! But if you are happy and relaxed for a few days, something will come to your door, so go to the capital as soon as possible."

Han Qian sighed.

"I also thought, when it comes to the New Year's Eve, I'm busier than that New Year's pig. Cheng Jin won't let me go to the party. I have to bring my things to the festival in the morning. Forget it! I'm leaving, I'm I have to go shopping, your parents..."

"Don't worry about it, just do your own thing!"

Han Qian left the prison, An An's car had already parked at the gate of the prison, a very cheap Lexus.

After opening the door and getting into the car, Han Qian stretched out his arms to hug An An, kissed her face hard, and then the two looked at each other. An An leaned forward slightly and pecked at the corner of Han Qian's mouth, and the two continued to look at each other.

After about 30 seconds, Han Qian raised his hands in surrender.

"You look at me for a while and we have to have sex."

An An muttered softly.

"It's not that I haven't rolled over~ It won't take long!"

The seemingly unintentional move was like a knife piercing Han Qian's heart, and Han Qian turned his head to look at An An.

"You! Get out of the car and come to the co-pilot! I, drive!"

An An should be the only girl who doesn't dislike Han Qian for driving slowly.

As the Lexus was driving slowly on the road, Han Qian asked while holding the steering wheel with both hands, a cigarette in his mouth.

"What's going on at your house? Are you still unrepentant?"

An An turned her head and sighed.

"Dogs can't change eating shit! As long as they don't hinder me, they can do whatever they want! They came to look for me after you disappeared. It seems that Chen Qiang looked for them, but I ignored them! I returned it to them, or returned it to them ten times, so that's it! It's good to be alone, I spend the Dragon Boat Festival with my parents at home, I won't go back to the capital, and I don't want to go to the party."

"Then I won't go. I told you yesterday. There's no need to flatter anyone and smile. Come with me to choose some gifts. I'm going to Aunt Qian's house for dinner tonight! Are they arguing fiercely?"

An An nodded, and replied with an embarrassed expression.

"It's very fierce. They don't have to worry about work by themselves. Four people will quarrel when they get together. It sounds annoying! I don't know where they get so much energy."

Han Qian remained silent.

The car stopped at the shopping mall, and there was very little intimacy between Han Qian and An An.

Hand in hand!Hug your waist!
An An didn't like it, but Han Qian found it too hot.

It was very troublesome to choose things for Qian Ling. She didn't like ordinary things, and she had things that were too expensive. An An stood in front of the counter and bent over to look at the bracelet inside. Han Qian frowned.

"Does this kind of thing feel a little too old-fashioned?"

An An nodded.

"Then look at other things. Do you know what Aunt Qian likes?"

Han Qian pointed to his nose seriously.

"Like me! You call Qian Wan and ask her, if I call, she's going to make a fuss and go back to Binhai again."


An An is very obedient, as long as Han Qian says, she will not refuse.

I called Qian Wan, and Da Qianer was arguing and wronged over there, saying that he was buying a train ticket and wanted to take the train back to accompany his aunt for the festival, but her aunt seemed unwilling to let her go back, An An turned to look at Han Qian, and Han Qian nodded. Nodding, An An said softly.

"Then you come back. The Dragon Boat Festival is on holiday, and no one is in the company. It doesn't matter if you are there. I just happen to be in Binhai recently! Come back and accompany me."

What Daqianer promised was a joy, and he stopped taking the bullet train, and now he will drive back at 180 miles!

Letting Big Qianer go back to Binhai is like a dog seeing a bone.

I don't know why she likes this city so much.

After hanging up the phone, Han Qian asked An An if he had asked Aunt Qian Wan what she liked. An An was taken aback for a moment, and when she called again, she stopped answering the big money. An An frowned slightly, and Han Qian smiled.

"There's no need to call, she's worried that she won't be allowed to come back for the second call, and won't answer it! Forget it, the two of us... Mom? Dad? Is it such a coincidence?"

I ran into Li Jinhe and Wen Shu in the shopping mall, which made Han Qian, who brought An An to shop, somewhat embarrassed.

An An bent over and saluted with her bag in both hands.

"Sister Jin He, Uncle Wen!"

Li Jinhe hummed with his nose, looked An An up and down, and curled his lips.

"I don't like girls who are similar to little white-eyed wolves, including that Cai Qinghu! Little Han Qian, are you free today?"

Han Qian shook his head quickly.

"No, no, no, I'm not idle~ Thinking that tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival, I will pick out some gifts for you. I was worried that tomorrow would be very busy, so I brought An An over in advance, Mom~ Let's go shopping together?"

Take the third son to go shopping with the ex-mother-in-law and the old man, and now the ex-wife is still arguing with the current wife.

Han Qian should be the only one.

Li Jinhe walked in front, and Han Qian moved half a step away to follow the ex-mother-in-law beside him. Li Jinhe asked Han Qian what his plans were for tomorrow, and Han Qian scratched his head.

"Yeats probably set a time for me. I probably won't go to Cheng Jin's party tonight. I plan to arrive in the capital before nine o'clock. I guess there are still a lot of things to deal with!"

Li Jinhe nodded.

"Understood, don't go to my place tomorrow, and you don't have to go to Qian Ling's place. We will all go to your house for the holidays, so I can save you some time! Ann!"

An An trotted for two steps and said in a low voice
"Here I am!"

"Don't follow Han Qian back to the capital tomorrow! You are the first one to find this bastard, go home and spend the holidays with us tomorrow, the more I look at the warmth, the angrier I am now, I really regret that she was not strangled to death when she was born , I don’t grow meat or head every day, I’ll see if there’s anything I like! I bought it as a gift for the Dragon Boat Festival! Ann!”

"Here I am!"

"This bastard is not my son-in-law, but my son. Wen Nuan is my daughter-in-law. Don't be so cautious. I prefer obedient children! I don't like stubborn ones."

Han Qian smiled.

"Just say you don't like warmth at all~ Mom! Aren't you going to the party tomorrow?"

Li Jinhe said coldly.

"Why should I go? He invited me to Cheng Jin's party, and I'm going? No, he won't match you and Cai Qinghu, and you and Wen Nuan will remarry. It's annoying to see him. Han Qian, get out, I'll take you with me." Take An'an for a walk."

An An turned her head to look at Han Qian, who had a bit of helplessness in Han Qian's eyes, at this moment Wen Shu said with a smile.

"Let An An stay, Han Qian and I go out for a walk! Your sister Jin He has been arguing for you to come back and bring her to choose some clothes these days. An An has a fashion magazine company under her name, right? You should have a good vision!"

Then Wen Shu took Han Qian and left.

After leaving the mall, Han Qian handed Wen Shu a cigarette and asked in a low voice.

"What's the matter today? Why do you feel that my mother is a little unhappy?"

Wen Shu sighed with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Yesterday I met your aunt Xian when I left the warm hospital. Just in time for her to get off work, your mother said that I stared at her a few more times and came to buy clothes today. Life is not so easy! The trouble over there solved?"

Han Qian shook his head, one old and one young sat on the steps.

Han Qian sighed.

"Chen Qiang said he smelled a little trouble, but I feel that this grandson should smell a little cake. In short, there is nothing wrong now, but there are a lot of messy things. I really don't have to go home tomorrow?"

Wen Shu said with a smile.

"No, it's not like I won't see you for a year or so, just busy with your own affairs!"

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Han Qian stood in the living room of Qian Ling's villa, with his hands in his pockets, looking at Qian Wan who was pinching Qian Ling's shoulders and legs.

She doesn't want to go to Fushan anymore, she's talking good things!

Toyosuke stood beside Han Qian and said in a low voice.

"Aniki, I didn't make Qian Wan feel wronged at all! I work during the day and play games with her at night..."

"You two live together?"

Han Qian frowned, and Toyosuke kept shaking his head.

"No, no, no, now it's the brothers who sleep on the bunk beds, the kind of iron buddies."

The most worrying thing still happened, Han Qian patted his forehead with one hand, at this time Qian Wan ran to Han Qian with a bag.

"Brother, the clothes I bought for you! You, the son-in-law, will be busy again tomorrow, so you have to dress up! Although Toyosuke can't fight, he has good eyesight, brother! You put it on, the inner one Don't look at you guys, go change your young master's clothes!"

The maids rushed forward and pushed Han Qian into the fitting room. When he came out again, Han Qian put on a blue suit, still without a tie, and the collar of the shirt inside was unbuttoned to match the tattoo on his neck. , Toyosuke took a deep breath, put his hands on the trouser line and bowed to Han Qian.

"Smimasai~aniki, Oliva..."

"speak English!"

"I lost Zhou Le."

With embarrassment and guilt on Toyosuke's face, Han Qian smiled and said
"What kind of trick?"

Toyosuke whispered.

"After he answered a phone call, he stayed in the company all afternoon by himself. At night, he told me that he was leaving. I asked where he was going and didn't say anything. He just said that he would take me and Dong Bin to pretend to be cool and take us away. Fly, then the person disappears, and I won’t answer any more calls.”

Han Qian let out a long sigh, and at this moment Qian Ling spoke.

"You can ask your aunt at night, maybe she can give you some answers, bring some things over there after dinner, they are all ready for you, I guess you don't know what to buy for Chinese New Year, eat Right! You're busy recently, so don't cook today."

After dinner, Han Qian drove away from Qian Ling's villa and went to the hospital. He opened the door and looked at his aunt Qian Hong who was lying on the hospital bed and Nursery Rhyme sitting beside him. Nursery Rhyme was holding a half-eaten banana. Qian took the banana and stuffed it into his mouth, mumbled
"Aunt, Zhou Le may have betrayed."

(End of this chapter)

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