Chapter 126

Lu Tianhe knew that Lu Zhiyong said he was here to exchange some noodles, but in fact he came for the luncheon meat and vegetables.

After asking Qin Zhi, he pretended to serve three or four people.

"Thank you for your kindness, my old Lu owes you another favor!"

Lu Zhiyong was also helpless, the master had a sudden illness, he couldn't drink water and rice, and when he smelled meat, he felt nauseous and had a fever.

The prepared food is easy to carry, but the taste and texture are not so good, and the easy-to-digest porridge and soup are very bland, and it looks even less appetizing.

Yesterday, he occasionally tasted Lu Tian and their bowl of noodles, and he was really amazed. This morning, the master didn't eat anything, and he looked sluggish.

Lu Zhiyong had the cheek to come over to beg Lu Tianhe.

After more than half an hour, Lu Zhiyong didn't come over, but a young man came instead.

It is obvious that he has disguised himself by his attire, but by his temperament, he is far away from Lu Zhiyong Limara. With a refined appearance, he is obviously a pampered rich man.

"My surname is Xiao. The one who is unwell is my eldest brother. Thanks to the food you gave, my brother just used some noodle soup. He has already fallen asleep at this time, so I am here to thank you."

"No, no, no, Mr. Xiao doesn't have to worry about such a small matter."

Lu Tianhe waved his hands again and again.

"Brother Lu is really polite."

This Mr. Xiao still politely saluted, "I'm quite curious, so I would like to ask, brother Lu, where did you buy such fresh vegetables this season?"

When this matter was mentioned, Lu Tianhe's face turned pale, and he said:

"Hey, this season, you can't buy this vegetable anywhere. We grow it ourselves."

"You planted it yourself?"

Mr. Xiao looked surprised, "Which one is it?"

The words he asked were really presumptuous, but Lu Tianhe was dressed as a commoner, in the eyes of the other party, he was just an ordinary citizen, and he didn't think there was anything wrong.

Lu Tianhe didn't give a damn, he pointed to the roof of the bus and said:

Xiao Gongzi was even more astonished when he heard it.

"On top of the carriage?"

"Hey, that's right."

Lu Tianhe looked like he was in a relationship with Rong.

When Qin Zhi remodeled the carriage, he didn't quite understand it. He always felt that the roof of the carriage was just a canopy, how could it be made like a shelf.

After the transformation, I saw that this "shelf" is quite practical, and it can hold so much luggage.

Qin Zhi also got a few wooden boxes, which were obviously covered, but there were still a lot of seams.

It looks quite big, but it is not used to hold things. Instead, I got some soil and planted vegetables!
When the weather is good, open the lid to bask in the sun, cover it when it is windy and rainy, and put some warm surroundings around it, and grow vegetables on the roof of the carriage.

Of course, from Qin Zhi's point of view, these are nothing more than cover-ups, just to cover himself with fresh vegetables from the space.

After hearing this, Mr. Xiao really refreshed his cognition.

"Brother Lu, I have an unfeeling request, can I pay a visit to your owner?"

Although Qin Zhi seldom showed up, the other party had already understood clearly that Lu Tianhe and Yu Dongcheng were just following along.

"This is a bit inconvenient, let's talk about it later."

However, to Mr. Xiao's surprise, Lu Tianhe actually declined. Of course, he also followed Qin Zhi's wishes.

"That's right, I was being rude, and when I have a chance in the future, I will definitely thank you in person."

Mr. Xiao saluted again before leaving.

When camping at night, Lu Zhiyong came again.

"Brother Lu, is your Mr. Xiao better?"

Lu Zhiyong was taken aback, and said, "After eating noodle soup in the morning, I felt better, but after sleeping, I vomited twice again, alas!"

"Could it be that the doctor you invited didn't prescribe the right medicine?"

Lu Tianhe is quite talented sometimes, and he gets to go with many people.

"Oh, that's a doctor from the countryside..."

Lu Zhiyong also looked indescribable.

Lu Tianhe didn't ask why he didn't hurry to find a bigger town and see a doctor.

"Actually, there's nothing serious about it, it's just that I may have eaten some inappropriate food before."

Lu Zhiyong chatted with Lu Tianhe in a low voice. Judging from his appearance, he probably felt a little stressed these days and wanted to find someone to talk to.

"What did you eat?"

"It's nothing special. I just ate half a salted duck egg two days ago. My son never eats these things. Who would have thought that the cold wind blowing at night would make him feel uncomfortable."

"No way, I just ate a salted duck egg, maybe I ate other unclean food."

"No, I'm used to eating other things every day, so I only tried this when I was trying something new."


The man's mouth was broken, and he was quite able to chat, because Lu Zhiyong had a good impression of Lu Tianhe because of the search for medicine before, and the noodles. After chatting, the more he chatted, the more speculative he was, and he confessed a lot of things. It's turned upside down.

Qin Zhi also heard all these words, she thought, isn't this the stomach flu called Sha in many places in the south?She doesn't know much about medical skills, but she also knows some folk remedies and indigenous methods. After all, in the last days, when there are no hospitals and people with healing abilities, many ailments can only be relied on, especially for ordinary people without abilities. .

"You said, if this nobleman recovered from his illness, wouldn't he leave with us?"

She whispered to Yu Lecheng.

"I don't think so. They obviously want to use us as a shield."

"So let their master get well quickly, so we can find an excuse to part ways."

Qin Zhi was also helpless, why did this group of people rely on her? Judging by their situation, they probably have some kind of background.

The reason why she took the risk to leave Shangjing was because she didn't want to be dragged down, and there was an inexplicable burden along the way, so how could she justify it?

In fact, this kind of minor illness can be cured by pouring two bottles of Huoxiang Zhengqi water, but Qin Zhi doesn't have so many points to exchange, and besides, even if there is medicine, people may not dare to drink it.

Hey, no, when she was stockpiling medicine with Dr. Yan, she seemed to have seen Zhengqi Powder or Zhengqi Pill, and she didn't know whether the effects of the medicine were similar.

Qin Zhi rummaged through the medicines prepared on the carriage, but she didn't find them. She secretly searched for the pile of medicines in the space with her thoughts, and she really found a few packets.

"Lu Tianhe, come here and tell you something."

Qin Zhi called Lu Tianhe and whispered a few words in his ear.

"Can this work?"

Lu Tianhe was surprised.

"I don't know, let's try."

Qin Zhi is also very bachelor, she looks indifferent.

"That's fine, I'll talk to Brother Lu later."

Lu Tianhe's greatest strength is that he obeys Qin Zhiyan, no matter how unreliable something is, as long as it is said by Qin Zhi, it is simply an imperial edict.

(End of this chapter)

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