The full-level boss is going to escape the famine

Chapter 119 No Problem, I Can Help You

Chapter 119 No Problem, I Can Help You

Before Qin Zhi could speak, a stream of blood suddenly gushed from the corner of Cheng Qi's mouth, his head tilted, and he passed out.

Qin Zhi was startled, did she have internal injuries?

She frowned, poked her head out, and gave instructions to a few guys.

"Did you call for a doctor? Go fast and invite Doctor Yan to Qin Ji!"

"You guys, hurry up and open the way, if there is anything unusual, sound a warning immediately!"


Cheng Qi was not only burned, but also internally injured, which was obviously plotted against.

Qin Zhi checked him quickly, the burn was not too serious, and there was no broken place, Cheng Qi asked people to water the burn all the way, this treatment was very useful.

However, his internal injuries are a bit tricky. If the organs are damaged, in this era, I am afraid that there will be more or less disaster.

"You two go down, and someone else comes up."

Qin Zhi asked the two guys to get out of the car in a deep voice. Taking advantage of this gap, she slipped into the space and started drawing prizes without thinking about it.

After almost completely clearing the points, Qin Zhi successfully exchanged for the medicine she wanted, a bottle of Baiyao.

Just out of the space, the next second, a guy climbed into the carriage.

"Shopkeeper, continue to water Mr. Cheng?"

"No, you use this veil to blot the water gently, and then apply these to the burnt area, lightly on your hands!"

Qin Zhi handed him a porcelain bottle, which contained the comfrey oil she had poured into it.

Cheng Qi's burnt area has been sprayed with cold water for more than 15 minutes, and it is ready to apply medicine.

Comfrey oil is a holy product to heal burns and burns. If it is used on Cheng Qi, it is estimated that there will be no problem. It is his internal injury...

Qin Zhi gritted her teeth, turned her body sideways, avoided the man's sight, and opened the bottle of Baiyao. She remembered that each bottle of this medicine contained a life-saving pill.

Sure enough, when she opened the bottle cap, she saw a small pill the size of a sesame seed.

Qin Zhi picked it up and stuffed it into Cheng Qi's mouth.

It's just that Cheng Qi passed out and couldn't swallow by himself.

Qin Zhi reached over, lifted his neck slightly, stuffed something to cushion it, scooped up half a bowl of water, supported Cheng Qi's chin, and poured some water.

I don't know how she did it, but the water was poured in, and the pills were also taken in.

Qin Zhi checked again to confirm that the pill had been swallowed, and then she put Cheng Qi's head flat, turned around, and began to apply the medicine to him as well.

The buddy was stunned, and all the movements of his hands stopped.

Is the shopkeeper so aggressive?Don't you feel pity for fragrance and jade at all?
Qin Zhi glanced over, the little boy trembled in fright, quickly lowered his head, and continued to apply the medicine.

After a while, Qin Ji's buddies also arrived. There were a lot of people, some cleared the way ahead, and some helped push the carriage, and they went back to Qin Ji smoothly.

Human life is at stake, Doctor Yan has been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Cheng Qi, he immediately felt his pulse.

After looking around and asking about it, Dr. Yan prescribed a prescription and asked people to grab the medicine.

"Shopkeeper Qin, although Mr. Cheng has bleeding in his viscera, it is no longer a serious problem. I think he has taken some elixir before?"

Although Doctor Yan was getting old, he still couldn't help asking Qin Zhi.

It was Cheng Qi's injury that made him too curious. Given his many years of practicing medicine, it was supposed that this Cheng Qi's injury shouldn't be like this, but when he took a pulse, he was surprised.

The pulse seemed thick and strong, it didn't look like he was vomiting blood after being injured.

"Oh, by chance, I got a Jinchuang medicine before, and I fed it to him on the way."

Thanks to the underdeveloped information in ancient times, and there was no way to verify it, Qin Zhi made up a lie, which didn't make Dr. Yan suspicious.

It's just that he looked fascinated, "Really? I don't know what kind of holy medicine has such a miraculous effect."

As for comfrey oil, Qin Zhi didn't hide any secrets, and explained directly.

"Really? This, the comfrey used for dyeing, can actually have such a miraculous effect?"

Dr. Yan was shocked, and he stuttered a little, "But, but, Qin, why did Shopkeeper Qin just tell this, such a wonderful recipe to this old man?"

"It's okay, doctor Yan saved lives and healed the wounded. I don't know how many people he has rescued on weekdays. This is just a prescription."

Doctor Yan stayed there for a long while, then straightened his clothes suddenly, and respectfully bowed to Qin Zhi, which scared Qin Zhi to back away.

"Doctor Yan is trying to shorten my life?"

"Miss Qin is so virtuous, I am ashamed of myself."

"I also got it by accident. Doctor Yan doesn't need to do anything."

When Cheng Qi's injury was under control, Qin Zhi didn't stop thinking, so she told Dr. Yan the method of making comfrey oil.

"Ordinary use only needs to soak in sesame oil or tea oil?"

Doctor Yan was shocked again, isn't this too simple?
According to Qin Zhi, the efficacy of this comfrey oil is amazing, it can be used on burns and scalds, and the price is so cheap that ordinary people can afford it at home. This is obviously a magic medicine for the benefit of the people.

Qin Zhi nodded. This comfrey oil is indeed a magic medicine. The reason why it appeared in the mother and baby area also has a wonderful effect, that is, it can be used to prevent and treat diaper rash, and it can also be used for general skin itching. get on.

She is quite emotional, these herbal prescriptions are practical and cheap, but they are often ignored by people in later generations. Instead, they use some hormone-containing medicines, which are expensive and prone to sequelae.

Dr. Yan did not expect that he would get such a prescription just for a visit to the doctor.

After learning that Qin Zhi didn't hide his secrets and could publish the recipe for free, he was even more excited and praised Qin Zhi's great virtue repeatedly.

After seeing off Dr. Yan, Qin Zhi asked someone to guard Cheng Qi, while she asked someone to call Li Dafei back.

"Go and take over the porridge stall outside the city and bring more people. If anything goes wrong, just be smart."

"Hey, I see, don't worry!"

Li Dafei was very surprised at first, and he did not expect that Qin Zhi would have people give porridge outside the city, and even after such a thing happened, Qin Zhi did not stop giving porridge.

"Shopkeeper, you are truly a bodhisattva!"

"go quickly!"

Qin Zhi couldn't bear the gratitude of others.

The porridge stall outside the city is the main source of her points. Although Cheng Qi was attacked, this matter must be investigated carefully, but the porridge stall cannot stop, this is her biggest reliance.

After busy messing around for a long time, it finally fell into the night, and Qin Zhi didn't wait until late at night, and went out early.

We have to ask Wei Yeliang for help in this matter.

"No problem, I can help you."

Wei Yeliang looked at her indifferently, and Qin Zhi took out a note from his bosom.

"This is the method of making comfrey oil, which has miraculous effects on burns and scalds."

Wei Yeliang took it, but didn't look at it.

"You didn't just give me this prescription."

"Yes, I also gave it to Doctor Yan. After all, it is for the benefit of the people."

Qin Zhi said frankly that she already knew what happened to Qin Ji, and she couldn't hide anything from Wei Yeliang.

Wei Yeliang was noncommittal, but just looked at her quietly.

This is obviously not enough chips!Qin Zhi secretly ground her molars, and took out another small paper bag.

"Here are some wound medicines, but I really don't know the prescription for this, and this was given to me by a foreigner back then."

It was good in ancient times, and if there is anything that cannot be explained clearly, it can be pushed to all kinds of strangers.

(End of this chapter)

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