Zhou Huinan was indeed lucky, she hoped that the man was just confused for a while.

I hope he can take her with me, but the reality is often crueler than she hopes.

Looking at the son in his arms, Zhou Huinan couldn't say a word.

How could he leave his child behind? It was his son?

"Because it wasn't born by him, he didn't go through the gate of hell, so it doesn't matter."

Xi Huan answered her confusion, "Generally any species, as long as they are males, they are inherently selfish, let alone human beings, because their natural advantages, from physiology to psychology, are all selfish."

Xi Huan continued, "It's just that some people can restrain themselves. Selfishness is an instinct, and restraining selfishness is the skill."

Zhou Huinan hugged her son and looked at her, "Can I go back?"

Xi Huan twitched the corners of her mouth, "They're gone, no one will fight against you, and there's no one in the house, you can take your son back."

Zhou Huinan couldn't feel her malice. In fact, Xi Huan didn't need to be malicious towards her. Everyone cared about different things.

It’s just that in the last days, it’s not wrong for everyone to live for themselves. If it’s an era of war, everyone has the same goal, believe in comrades, and believe in comrades-in-arms.

But because of natural disasters, there may be too many.

What is more terrifying than war is the natural disasters that happen to people who live in a peaceful and prosperous age.

This is an unsolved question.

When Xi Huan returned home, Xu Simiao came over and asked, "How is it?"

Xihuan changed her shoes leisurely, "Let's go, her inhuman husband threw his son to her, got on the helicopter and left."

When Xi came back, she met the neighbors who rushed out from Joy. They all thought it was rescuers who had arrived. She explained to everyone, and the neighbors around started to scold the man.

He Yizheng stood aside, looked at Xihuan, and silently took a step back.

Xi Huan looked over, "What are you doing?"

He Yizheng looked at her with evasive eyes, "Do you really hate men?"

Xi Huan nodded, "Yes, and no, I hate people without humanity, but this is human nature. I look down on the current people as equals. I can't flatter or imagine the human nature under natural disasters."

He Yizheng felt a little confused.

A few days later, the water level began to drop slowly. After the heavy rain, there must be a big epidemic. Seeing the giant view of the rotting corpse slowly emerge, Xu Simiao just opened the window and smelled that smell. There are many bacteria on human beings, not to mention It's a corpse.

Xu Simiao just glanced at it, then ran to the toilet and vomited.

At this time, people in protective clothing suddenly went to salvage these corpses. Xihuan seemed to see that there were still some people struggling for the order of the country.

The leader shouted with a loudspeaker, "Residents in the community, please pay attention, do not go out or walk around during this period, our medical staff will hang a bag of medical kits at your door, which contains disinfectant, you can use them at any time." disinfect.

We actually send water to everyone as much as possible, and don't drink tap water. "

Xi Huan looked at these people and smiled.

After the scene downstairs was processed, they started to disinfect.

It's just that suddenly a medical staff started to tremble, and when he saw that he was about to bite someone, he was controlled by everyone.

He Yizheng also saw the scene below, "What is that?"

Xihuan: "Zombies."

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