After Su Xiao left, he didn't pay any more attention to the Qin family, and continued to do his own things every day in an orderly manner.

The Qin family dispatched a lot of manpower for her.

Qin Yumei woke up the next day, still feeling uncomfortable and anxious, so she called Gu Tingjiang.

When Gu Tingjiang received Qin Yumei's call, he almost fell down in excitement, "Yumei, are you willing to talk to me?"

Qin Yumei was noncommittal, but said indifferently, "Do you know that Mr. Hua has a young apprentice?"

"Ah, there is such a thing." It has been circulated in the circle, Gu Tingjiang thought for a while and said, "Is there any problem?"

"She's from Nancheng, and she's about the same age as our Lulu. Besides, she looks five points like me. Do you think it's okay?" Qin Yumei was always so aggressive when facing Gu Tingjiang.

This kind of courage is the result of Gu Tingjiang's connivance over the years.

"Yumei, don't worry. I will definitely investigate this matter."

"Tell me some news." Qin Yumei replied coldly.


The phone on the other side hung up.

"Hello, Yumei." Gu Tingjiang hung up the phone in frustration, and then, thinking about what he just said in his mind, Hua Lao's apprentice, suddenly, a young face appeared in his mind.

That girl, he once suspected, is it her?

Gu Tingjiang grabbed the clothes on the side, and walked while wearing them.

Today is Sunday, Su Xiao rarely slept a little late.

Get up in the morning and do your exercise first.

"Bang bang, is anyone there?" Gu Tingjiang had a cigarette in his mouth, his brows were tightly knit.Clouds of smoke narrowed his eyes.

He recalled that he had doubts at the beginning, but he denied it. One of them was that she brought a letter to Qin Huifang and found him with the jade pendant.If she was his child, she should also have a jade pendant like that. Could it be that the jade pendant was lost?
The second is that she also treated Qin Huifang's illness.

He subconsciously classified her as one with Qin Huifang.

Indeed, there is no such thing as a coincidence.

When Su Xiao opened the door, he saw a decadent middle-aged man, who had the warm and jade-like aura when he first saw him.

"Mr. Gu, why are you here?" Su Xiao asked, and stepped back calmly. The smoke was too smoky, and she didn't want to inhale second-hand smoke.

Although Su Xiao was careful, Gu Tingjiang still sensed something was wrong, and quickly threw away the remaining half of the cigarette butt and stamped it out.

"I'm here to see you, can we have a chat?" Gu Tingjiang was a little nervous.

"Please sit down, what do you want to ask?" Su Xiao didn't expect him to come, she thought it would be the Qin family who came to find her.

"You, you are Hua Lao's apprentice?" Gu Tingjiang's palms were sweating.

"Yes." Su Xiao smiled calmly, "Grandpa Hua is my neighbor. I grew up under his nose. I met him again last year, and I became a teacher and studied medicine with him. What's wrong? What's the matter? What's wrong?"

Gu Tingjiang shook his head, took out a jade pendant and showed it to her, "Have you seen the same jade pendant?"

Su Xiao could tell at a glance that it was the piece that Qin Huifang brought her to Gu Tingjiang.

"Same? No."

Su Xiao didn't change her face, she really didn't see a jade pendant that was exactly the same, she only saw similar ones.

The patterns on the two jade pendants are both simple phoenixes, but their orientations are different, and ordinary people really can't find them.

Gu Tingjiang's face was gloomy, but he did not give up and said, "Do your parents treat you well?"

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