white night syndrome

Chapter 215 183 The meaning of eternal life

Chapter 215 183. The meaning of eternal life (asking for monthly votes)
"A lie..."

Shanshi stood there thoughtfully, and then he took out the photo and looked at Mizuno Maria. The ferocious face, coupled with his sharp wounds and the dark barrel of the gun, were enough to deter anyone from telling the truth.

"Is that you in this photo?"

A look of fear flashed across Maria's face for a moment, but she only glanced at the photo and turned away.

"I don't know, I don't know why you have my photo!" Maria pointed her slender white fingers at the rocks and shouted in a very rude tone, "Don't get me wrong! I have nothing to do with this man! "

"Miss Mizuno, who has been telling lies, doesn't she really think that she can make us believe her with her bad words?" The corner of Li Ming's mouth raised slightly.

"I don't know, I really don't know! I really don't know why he has my photo! I don't know who this man is! It's the same if you don't believe me. Believe me, that's the truth!"

"To shut up."

Shanshi raised his hand and pulled the trigger. The bullet passed through the wall, leaving a hot bullet hole.

Faced with such intimidation, Maria seemed a little relieved. She suddenly showed an indifferent sneer, and then fell silent.

What a strange woman.

Li Ming glanced at the others. Everyone understood his intention and continued to search the room.

When Maria Mizuno saw that no one was looking at her, she immediately clutched the briefcase in her hand tightly, and then struggled to break free of the handcuffs.

Seeing the woman who seemed to be unable to feel pain, her frantic expression, and her bloody wrist with visible bones, Li Dang felt a sense of fear, but in the process of breaking free, she did not drop the briefcase that was in the way. The grip is tighter.

From this we can see that there must be some secret buried in this briefcase.

Yuan Qingyu glanced here, as if waiting for instructions, but Li Dang did not intend to scare the snake, and he shook his head silently.

Mr. Shanshi was a bit extreme. He raised his gun and threatened Maria. He left the reception room and went to the hall, giving everyone present ample space and time to investigate.

Li Ming had a complicated expression on his face. He didn't pay attention to the situation outside. Instead, he drifted his eyes around and looked at different corners.

Someone wrote the number "92575" in blood on the west wall of the reception room.

What does this number mean?
Was it written by Mary?

A strange black robe was stuffed under the cushion of the sofa. It could just cover an adult man from head to toe. In fact, it was more like a cloak than a robe and could be easily put on and off. The neck part of the robe was There was some dried blood on it.

Apart from that, there is nothing else worth noting.

Everyone came to the archives room, which is the second door on the west wall of the exhibition hall. It can be opened by turning the door handle as before.

Inside is a place that looks like an ancient library. It is very clean and tidy, with bookshelves lined up in it.

After a casual search, Li Ming quickly found some noteworthy items on the bookshelf with his keen observation.

The first is a paper signed by Mitsuru Takei.

This is a thick stack of paper information, which seems to be a paper published in a well-known magazine.

The author is an archeology professor named Mitsuru Takei, and there is a photo of her. She is an old woman in her sixties who is wearing fieldwork attire and wearing glasses. She looks energetic.

The title is "Eternal Life: A Study of Ancient Sacrificial Customs in East Asia, Europe and America"

"Since ancient times, human beings have never stopped pursuing eternal life, and this desire is fully reflected in the sacrificial customs of ancient times.

This paper will explore the ancient sacrificial customs in East Asia, especially Japan and Europe and the United States, to gain a deeper understanding of human beings' desire for eternal life and their reverence for gods.

[-]. Ancient sacrificial customs in East Asia
①Japanese ancient sacrificial culture
Ancient Japan has a rich and diverse sacrificial culture, many of which are closely related to the pursuit of eternal life.

For example, Japanese Shintoism attaches great importance to the power of nature and believes that there are countless gods in nature, including mountain gods, sea gods, river gods, etc.

Japanese sacrificial activities often focus on worshiping these gods and praying for their blessings in order to achieve eternal life.

In addition, there is a special custom in Japan's sacrificial culture. This custom comes from Japan's farming culture. People will perform sacrificial activities during the harvest season to thank the gods for the harvest.

Through sacrificial activities, people hope to obtain the blessings of gods, ensure a good harvest of crops, and achieve the continuation of life.

②Sacrifice culture in ancient China
The sacrificial culture of ancient China is equally rich and colorful, many of which are also related to the pursuit of eternal life.

In ancient China, people generally believed that everything in heaven and earth had spirituality, and believed that gods had the ability to control life and death.

Therefore, Chinese sacrificial activities often focus on praying to gods for eternal life.

In ancient China, the emperor often played an important role in sacrificial activities, praying to the gods for the peace and prosperity of the country.

At the same time, folk sacrificial activities focus more on praying to gods to bless their families with safety, health and longevity.

[-]. Ancient sacrificial customs in Europe and America
①The sacrificial culture of ancient Greece and Rome
In ancient Greece and Rome, people believed in the existence of gods and believed that gods could influence human destiny.

Therefore, people prayed for the blessings of the gods through sacrificial activities in order to obtain eternal life or at least longevity.

Sacrificial activities in ancient Greece were mostly focused on the Olympian gods, such as Zeus, Apollo, Athena, etc. People expressed their respect for the gods through sacrifices, dance, music and other means.

At the same time, ancient Greek sacrificial activities also included athletic competitions, such as the Olympic Games, to demonstrate human strength and wisdom and please the gods.

Sacrificial activities in ancient Rome were mainly focused on Roman gods, such as Jupiter, Minerva, Mars, etc.

Sacrificial activities in ancient Rome were closely related to political life. Emperors and officials often hosted grand sacrificial activities to demonstrate the country's prestige and prosperity.

In addition, ancient Roman sacrificial activities also included animal fighting performances and theatrical performances to entertain the gods and people.

② Sacrifice customs in Nordic mythology
The sacrificial customs in Nordic mythology also reflect human beings' desire for eternal life. In Nordic mythology, the gods have powerful power and can influence the destiny of human beings.

Therefore, people in the Nordic region pray for the blessings of the gods through sacrificial activities.

Sacrificial activities in Norse mythology are mainly about sacrifices. People will sacrifice food, livestock and even humans to the gods in exchange for the gods' favor.

In addition, people in the Nordic region will also hold grand banquets, such as the Viking feasts, to show human bravery and boldness and please the gods.

Generally speaking, whether in East Asia or Europe and the United States, the sacrificial customs in ancient times reflect human beings' pursuit of eternal life.

Through sacrificial activities, humans pray to gods for blessings in the hope of gaining long life or even eternal life.These ancient sacrificial customs are not only an expression of mankind's reverence for gods, but also reflect mankind's exploration of the mysteries of life and the universe.

[-]. The impact of sacrificial customs on future generations
Although modern society has moved away from the sacrificial customs of ancient times, these traditions still have a profound impact on later generations.

The following points can illustrate the influence of sacrificial customs in later generations:

①Inheritance of religious beliefs
The sacrificial customs in ancient times laid the foundation for the religious beliefs of later generations.In East Asia, Shintoism, Taoism, Buddhism and other religious beliefs are closely related to ancient sacrificial customs.In Europe and the United States, monotheistic religions such as Christianity and Judaism are also influenced by ancient Greek and Roman mythology and Nordic mythology.

These religious beliefs retain to a large extent elements of ancient sacrificial customs, such as prayers and sacrifices.

②Source of inspiration for artistic creation
The sacrificial customs of ancient times provided a rich source of inspiration for the artistic creation of later generations.

Many literary, painting, sculpture and other artistic works use sacrificial customs as their themes, showing human beings' reverence for gods and their desire to pursue eternal life.

For example, Dante's "Divine Comedy" and Michelangelo's "Genesis" were all affected by sacrificial customs.

③Inheritance and evolution of social customs

Although modern society has moved away from the sacrificial customs of ancient times, these traditions still exist in some form in our lives.

For example, harvest festivals and ancestor worship activities can be regarded as the inheritance of ancient sacrificial customs.

In addition, some modern entertainment activities, such as concerts, sports competitions, etc., can also be traced back to the sacrificial activities of ancient Greece and Rome.

Fourth, the conclusion

Through the discussion of ancient sacrificial customs in East Asia, Europe and the United States, it can be found that mankind's pursuit of eternal life and reverence for gods have existed throughout history.

Although modern society has undergone earth-shaking changes, these sacrificial customs from ancient times still affect our lives in some form.

Therefore, understanding and studying these ancient sacrificial customs is of great significance for a deeper understanding of human history and culture. "

There are some traces of confusion in the middle, and it seems that some words have been altered.

"However, no matter whether people are in the East or the West of the earth, no matter which gods they turn to, no matter how hard they try, the barrier of death can never be broken.

Since ancient times, human beings have been seeking ways to break through the boundaries between life and death, but in the face of reality, all efforts seem to be in vain.

Breaking through the boundaries between life and death is the eternal long-cherished wish of mankind.

People who constantly challenge the majesty of death in their own culture cannot escape the shadow of death in the end.

Therefore, we have to re-examine this issue——

Since the end of life cannot be crossed, human beings must strive to continue the glory of the past.

If we believe that the soul can exist forever, then time itself loses its meaning.

With this concept, we can let every moment cycle continuously. As long as the end is not reached, the moment can become eternity.

This means that human beings can continue their lives in eternity by repeating past experiences, wisdom, and cultural traditions.

This concept makes up for the regret that humans cannot break through the boundary between life and death to a certain extent.

By promoting and inheriting excellent cultural traditions, human beings can leave an eternal mark in the long river of time.

Although the life of an individual is limited, human spiritual culture can be continuously passed on and become an eternal existence. "

The paper ends with an annotated printed note, the content of which seems to have a huge relationship with this time cycle.

Or maybe they are rationalizing these behaviors...

It's incredible.

Alongside this paper is a tattered book.

It is a hard-cover book that looks to be old, and the gilded English fonts on the cover are worn and difficult to read.

Yuan Qingyu frowned and looked at the words above, thoughtfully.

"Have you found anything?"

"This book records some spells in English, some somewhat blasphemous spells." Yuan Qingyu said solemnly.

Seeing that Li Ming in front of him had not yet understood the meaning of the words above, Yuan Qingyu translated it in English hastily and handed it to the young man in front of him.

"Spell: Ritual of the Door"

A spell that seals a "door" somewhere.

The conditions for the execution of this spell are quite stringent, and the magic power required is obviously beyond what humans can afford.

However, if some kind of blasphemous "sacrifice" or "summoning" is performed, it should be easy to gather such magic power.

The same method is used to remove the spell, which requires the support of a huge amount of magic power.

Obviously this concept has gone beyond Li Ming's three views. He pursed his lips and didn't know what he was thinking.

There is a string of Arabic incantations recorded at the end, and it seems that someone marked the pronunciation in katakana. At the end of the book, someone wrote in elegant ballpoint pen handwriting: "In Kalgoorlie, Australia, 28th year of Heisei."

After seeing these words, Li Ming only felt that the words on the book were like buzzing and flying mosquitoes, lingering in his mind. While feeling sick, his body was also dominated by uncontrollable fear.

In addition to these strange items, Li Ming also saw a strange item in the corner, which was a Bible.

The Bible seemed to be well preserved, brand new and clean, as if it had never been turned over. The content was the ordinary Japanese version of the Bible without any changes.

The book of Hebrews is bookmarked——

"For we know that whoever says, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay," and "The Lord will judge his people," is terrible to fall into the hand of the living God! 』

When I turned to this page, something shiny fell from the page and fell to the ground.

Li Ming looked intently and rubbed his somewhat confused eyes.

It's a small key.

While everyone was holding their breath, they overheard the conversation between two people in another room. They were tired and nervous. The bell-like female voice seemed inexplicably calm, while the man's voice was as emotionless as ever.

"Why don't you carry out your mission?"

"I don't understand what you mean."

"You don't have to pretend to be stupid in front of me. I know everything about you. Why didn't you kill them? What's with that photo?"

(End of this chapter)

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