white night syndrome

Chapter 210 178 I don’t want to repeat it a second time

Chapter 210 178. I don’t want to repeat it a second time (please vote for me)
With this idea in mind, Li Ming and others went to the library of Shanying University together with Kujo Sakurako.

South American expeditions, insect research, these keywords shortened everyone's search time.

After several hours of searching, everyone finally found two articles on insect research in an early bibliography of Shanbaimeng.

The first article was titled "Survey of Insect Ecological Communities in South America: A New Fire Ant Social Community" in 1955.

"Abstract: A new type of fire ant with three-dimensional vision was newly discovered in the South American rainforest. Compared with ordinary two-dimensional vision ants, this new type of fire ant has demonstrated powerful three-dimensional structure building capabilities to adapt to the complex rainforest. Environment, this discovery is of great significance for studying the behavioral changes of organisms induced by the environment.

Keywords: [South America], [Fire Ants], [[-]D Vision], [Environmental Adaptation], [Behavioral Research].

I. Introduction
As a social insect, ants' behavior and ecological adaptability have always attracted the attention of researchers.

In the South American rainforest, we have discovered a new species of fire ant with the ability to see in three dimensions and create complex structures in three dimensions.

This article will conduct an in-depth analysis of the ecological adaptability, behavioral characteristics of this fire ant, and its behavioral changes induced by the environment.

[-]. Ecological adaptability of fire ants

In the South American rainforest, fire ants face a complex ecological environment. In order to adapt to this environment, fire ants have evolved a unique three-dimensional vision ability. Compared with other two-dimensional vision ants, this new type of fire ant can better perceive and understanding objects in three-dimensional space to more accurately perform behaviors such as foraging, nesting, and defense.

[-]. Behavioral characteristics of fire ants

The first little point, foraging behavior

Fire ants are efficient foragers.

Through three-dimensional vision, fire ants can accurately determine the location, distance and size of food, thereby finding food more efficiently.

In addition, fire ants also use three-dimensional vision to judge the environment and choose an appropriate path to find food.

The second small point, nesting behavior

The nesting behavior of fire ants exhibits a distinct three-dimensional structure.

Research has found that fire ants are able to use three-dimensional vision to identify and select suitable nest sites.

In addition, during the nest building process, fire ants can adjust the nest structure according to factors such as terrain and lighting to achieve optimal ecological adaptation.

The third point, defensive behavior

The defensive behavior of fire ants also has three-dimensional characteristics.

When facing an intruder, fire ants can quickly determine the location, size and speed of the intruder and adopt corresponding defense strategies.

At the same time, fire ants can also use three-dimensional vision to cooperate in groups and effectively resist intruders.

[-]. Behavioral changes induced by the environment
Fire ant behavior is significantly affected by environmental factors.

For example, when light conditions change, fire ants adjust their nesting strategies to adapt to the new light conditions.

When food resources are scarce, fire ants will expand their foraging range to increase their chances of survival.This phenomenon shows that fire ants have strong ability to adapt to the environment.

[-]. Conclusion
A new species of fire ant discovered in the South American rainforest has the ability to see in three dimensions.

This discovery is of great significance for studying the behavioral changes of organisms induced by the environment.

Future research can further explore the three-dimensional vision mechanism, behavioral strategies and interaction between fire ants and the ecological environment, in order to provide more theoretical basis for studying biological adaptability. "

In fact, to be honest, this article seems a bit messy. He insists on going on so much about something that can be summarized in just one sentence.

The title of the second article is "Research on Ant Colony Algorithm Optimization Under the Dominance of Pheromone", 1957.

"Abstract: This paper discusses the optimization strategy of insects from the perspective of computer science, and conducts experimental research using ants as an example.

In the case of simulated waypoints, ants can find the shortest path between all waypoints in a short time, which is a task that is currently difficult for humans to complete.

If this ant algorithm is applied to scientific research, the development prospects of biological computers can be seen with the naked eye.

Keywords: [Insect Optimization Strategy], [Ant Algorithm], [Biological Computer], [Scientific Research Application], [Future Outlook].

I. Introduction
Insects have developed various efficient optimization strategies during their long evolutionary process.

In recent years, researchers have begun to explore these strategies from the perspective of computer science, hoping to provide new ideas for solving complex problems.

Italian scientists have achieved important results in this regard. They conducted experimental research using ants as an example and found that ants can find the shortest path between all path points in a short time.

I will elaborate on this research result and discuss the application prospects of biological computers in the field of scientific research.

[-]. Insect optimization strategy: ant algorithm

As a social insect, ants are highly organized.During the foraging process, ants use pheromones to guide their movement and find food sources.This pheromone-based optimization strategy is called the ant algorithm.

Research has found that the ant algorithm has high efficiency in solving combinatorial optimization problems.

[-]. Experimental research: using food to simulate waypoints

In order to verify the effectiveness of the ant algorithm, Italian scientists designed an experiment in which they used food to simulate path points and observed the behavior of ants when searching for the shortest path.

Experimental results show that ants can find the shortest path between all path points in a very short time, and as the number of path points increases, this advantage becomes more and more obvious.

[-]. Application of ant algorithm in scientific research

It is of great significance to apply the ant algorithm to the field of scientific research. Biological computers, that is, computing models based on living organisms (such as insects), can use the optimization strategies of insects to solve complex problems.

This computing model is even better than traditional computers in some aspects. For example, biological computers have higher computational efficiency when dealing with a large number of nonlinear problems.

[-]. Development Prospects of Biocomputers
With the continuous development of biotechnology, the application prospects of biological computers in the field of scientific research are becoming increasingly broad.

In the future, biocomputers are expected to play an important role in the following areas:

The first small point, drug screening and design:

Biocomputers are used to simulate the three-dimensional structure of drug molecules to quickly screen drug candidates with potential therapeutic effects.

The second small point, climate model predictions:
Use biocomputers to process large amounts of climate data to provide climate models with more accurate predictions.The third point, big data analysis:

Biocomputers have advantages in processing large-scale, high-dimensional data and can be used in data mining and analysis in finance, medical and other fields.

[-]. Conclusion
The optimization strategy of insects was discussed from the perspective of computer science, and experimental research was conducted using ants as an example.

Research has found that ants are efficient in finding the shortest path.

Applying this ant algorithm to the field of scientific research, biological computers composed of ants may be able to complete some calculations that are difficult to achieve by humans.

In the future, biocomputers will have broad application prospects in areas such as drug screening, climate model prediction, and big data analysis. "

These were the only two articles on entomology research by Shan Bai Meng. In the following years, Shan Bai Meng never published another paper on entomology.

Thinking of the previous phone call between Shirai Kuranosuke and Yamashiro Yume, people may think of some cooperation between them, but the specific content of the cooperation is not mentioned in the document.

Searching for clues in the library had consumed most of their time. It was already very late when they came out of the library, and everyone had to part ways.

"By the way, Yuan Qingyu, there is a question I've been wanting to ask you for a long time, and now I finally have time, so can you listen to my question?"

On the way to the hotel, Li Ming looked curiously at the dream expert beside him and asked.

"It's about the world of white dreams. What is known now is that some white dreams are adapted from past history. If we continue according to the direction of history, we will have the same ending as reality, right?"

"That's right." Yuan Qingyu nodded.

"So if we violate the original history, will the ending be the same as before?"

"Of course not. You said that the Baimeng world is adapted from past history, so he has been an independent individual since the adaptation. No matter what we do in Baimeng, the final ending is unique. It won’t affect reality.”

"But you said before that the memory of characters in the real world will be affected by the history in white dreams." Li Ming paused, "Aren't the two completely contradictory?"

"It seems like this, but... the experiences in white dreams are just dreams for people in reality, and they are still potential dreams. If you mention the elements, they who are weak-willed will mistakenly think that they did it. Dreams are memories of the past, and you can get close to them in reality. Of course, this is just my opinion and not a hint."

"Understood." Li Ming nodded, and then became thoughtful.

Back at the hotel, because they had inquired before, the boss notified them immediately when a room became available.

But what surprised the boss was that none of the three guests in front of him were willing to break the original status quo and still maintained the original appearance——

Li Deng and Kurosawa Mika lived in a double room, while Yuan Qingyu still lived alone in a single room.

Feeling the heat in their arms, Li Ming and Kurosawa quickly fell asleep.

This was the second time they actively hugged each other. Neither of them said anything, but all their movements seemed so natural.

Silent all night.

In the early morning of the [-]th, Li Ming and Kurosawa woke up from nightmares at the same time. The days of hard work made them extremely tired. They mustered up their energy and ushered in a new day.

But the phone call that followed made them choke again. Another murder happened last night.

When Li Dang arranged his clothes and rushed to the Metropolitan Police Department, the first thing he saw was the noisy crowd crowded at the door of the detention room. After barely separating these people, he saw Sato lying on the floor. Zhengzhi.

Sato Masaharu put one hand on his chest, while the other limbs were naturally spread out. Looking at his face, you can see that his face was purple and his mouth was drooling, which was suspected of being poisoned.

The detention room of the Metropolitan Police Department has no other furnishings except a bed. Everyone can see on the bed half-lifted blankets and messy sheets.

"The cause of death of the deceased... was suspected of cardiopulmonary failure." Kujo Sakurako looked at the corpse in front of her with a pair of dark circles under her eyes and a yellowish face holding a folder. "I tested his blood and found that Mr. Sato Masaharu died of ingestion. Cardiopulmonary failure due to an overdose of anesthetic, the same anesthetic that was in Kuranosuke Shirai's system."

"And after seeing yesterday's documents and papers, the second autopsy conducted by Shirai Kuranosuke showed that both had small bleeding spots on the inside of the mouth and under the nose."

Bleeding spots...?
Li Ming put his right hand on his left arm and held his chin in deep thought.

"What about Kurosawa Naoki?"

"President Kurosawa expressed his heartbreak and regret for Mr. Sato's death, and believed that he finally chose to commit suicide out of fear of crime." Saito Sobayashi stepped forward and said, "But even so, President Kurosawa still lamented his contribution to the company. , is willing to provide a maintenance payment for his parents."

"Has the hypocrisy started now?" Kurosawa Mitsuka sneered.

It seems that since knowing the true situation of Bai Meng last night, Kurosawa Mika and her father in Bai Meng have increasingly broken up.

"So what do you mean..." Saito was about to ask Kurosawa what he thought when footsteps came from behind.

—is heavy and calm.

"Okay, the case has been investigated to this point. Thank you very much for the efforts of the police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department. Now that the suspect is dead, the case should be concluded. In this way, I will explain to Shan Bai at the Shangying University meeting tomorrow. There is also an explanation for the dream."

It was the voice of the top police chief of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Li Ming raised his eyebrows and turned his head stiffly. The case was obviously not over yet. It was just a little bit away, just the last bit, before he could learn the final truth.

For the police chief, it is not important to convince Sato Masaharu whether he is the real murderer. What is important is whether the case can be concluded.

"No, the case cannot be closed like this yet. We don't even know the cause of their death..."

Li Ming wanted to continue speaking, but was rejected by the man in front of him with a wave of his hand.

"Okay Li Ming, I know you are very focused on the investigation of the case, but the most important thing now is the meeting at Yingying University. Tomorrow is when the meeting starts, and we can't waste any more time."

"But...!" Li Ming wanted to continue speaking impulsively.

"All right!"

The police chief shouted sharply.

"I don't want to repeat it again. This Shanbaimeng fire case is over! Now, I will distribute to you the document about the security issues of tomorrow's meeting that I just wrote in the office. Everyone should rest as soon as possible to prepare for tomorrow's security issues. .”

"As for you, Li Ming, if you continue to be so stubborn, don't blame me for dismissing you!"

(End of this chapter)

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