white night syndrome

Chapter 151 121 It's a pity that human beings will cease to exist in the future

Chapter 151 121. It's a pity that human beings will cease to exist in the future
【Kyoto Channel 11】

""Who doesn't want to be a god?Ridiculous!Only Wendigo is the master of the whole world!Only the Wendigo is the destination of the entire human group. No, not everyone can become a god. Where there are gods, there must be garbage, dregs! "

(*gasps) (*sound of pages turning) "Our pilots are running out of time anyway, so I'll go ahead and read some more stuff I found elsewhere, and let's wish our In the sound of my reading, the driver can become the food of the gods, become the sacrifice of the gods, and sacrifice for the righteousness." ""

The host of Channel [-] said it was very good. It is true that there is not much time left. Li Ming can clearly feel that the creatures behind him are moving faster, and Kurosawa is also working hard on the gas pedal.

This sense of powerlessness made it difficult for him to control himself.

He wanted to help Kurosawa Mika, but he couldn't do it. He could only sit in the passenger seat and stare at the indifferent rearview mirror.

【Kyoto Channel 11】

"(*sound of increasing excitement) (*sound of pages turning)" Here I found Basil Johnston, a Chippewa teacher and student from Ontario, giving a description of the Wendigo, and I Take a look... It seems that our shareholders are constructing gods according to this description. "

"Need me to read it to you, Pilot? You're going to be terrified, you're going to feel the urge to gag after hearing these descriptions! Haha! Haha!"

(*soft coughing sound) (*extremely excited and distorted morbid voice) "The Wendigo feels emaciated and emaciated, his dry skin stretched tight over his bones, leaving his bones exposed under his skin, his face The gray of death, his eyes were set deep in the hollows."

"Wendigo as a whole is like a skeleton that has just been opened and closed from the grave, with blood flowing from the burst lips, the uncleanness and pain can be felt from the festered flesh, and from the strange and weird smell of decomposition, To be able to feel death and corruption."

(*sound of pages turning) "Meanwhile, the Wendigo is plotting a gluttony of greed and dissatisfaction, never content with killing and eating humans, who will continually seek new victims, and in some traditions are Human beings who are overwhelmed by greed may turn into Wendigo, so this myth becomes a story that warns people to restrain their greed."

(*laughter hammering the table) (*extremely loud noise) "Haha! Ridiculous! Ridiculous!"

"Among them, Krychippewa, located in the east of the West Main Swamp, in the eyes of the Naskapi and Inu, the Wendigo is called a giant, many times larger than a human, while in the Algonquin Wendigos in other cultures don’t have that trait.”

"Is it actually an artistic creation? Humans are really interesting, aren't they? It's really interesting to beautify a god in order to curb their own greed. It's a pity that human beings will cease to exist in the future and become sacrifices to gods." "

Why does this person have a second taste in his speech?

Li Ming shook his head self-consciously, he continued to stare at the black shadow in the rearview mirror, always vigilant about the shadow's actions.

【Kyoto Channel 11】

""According to the legend, whenever Wendigo eats a person, he will change in size when he just finished eating, so he can never be full, so Wendigo will continue to gobble and overeat because of hunger , so as not to become emaciated. ""

(End of this chapter)

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