white night syndrome

Chapter 149 119 Fake Justice

Chapter 149 119. Fake Justice

【Kyoto Channel 11】

"(*sighs) "However, some indigenous tribes believe that this symptom is actually a manifestation of the upper body of the evil spirit. If he is not killed by the upper body in time, then he may become a Wendigo to harm the world... If That's the truth, I wish I could experience the possession of a great god too. ""

While feeling the high speed of Highlander driving on the highway, Li Ming listened to the narration of the host on the radio, feeling a little overwhelmed, but more of an inexplicable sense of comfort.

——I don’t need him to drive anyway.

Reasonably speaking, as long as Li Ming always pays attention to whether the monster behind him is following up, and then reminds the cheongsam girl beside him by the way, there is basically nothing to do with him.

So although this kind of radio station sounds a little weird, it can be regarded as a little bit of leisure.

It's not that Li Ming is heartless and cold-blooded, it's just that he can't help at all in his current state.

It's impossible for him to ask Heisawa to stop, and then drive by himself, won't he be chased by the monster directly?

And when observing the situation behind him, he couldn't be tense, because he was triggered by the white dream before, so he was afraid that he would fall into the complication of repeated dreams again, and then he really couldn't get rid of the dream.

【Kyoto Channel 11】

"(*sound of turning pages) "I also found a story here, which is more interesting, and it is completely opposite to the previous story... I shouldn't say that, sorry, I am a little incoherent, it's just so close It is very exciting to learn about our gods through words. "

"The audience should be able to understand it. It doesn't matter if they don't understand. Anyway, our audience can only end up dead."

"Oh, that's right... There is another way to go besides death, and that is to sign our employee agreement and become one of us...

Hey... what's the use of me saying this?Anyway, our audience always likes to resist us, they won’t get too close to us, and they won’t understand our good intentions. Such people will be killed if they are put into society, and they will die sooner or later. death, it is better for us to judge. "

(*chuckles) "I'm sorry, sorry, I seem to have strayed a little bit, and stole the lines from my No.13 colleague. I'm really sorry."

(*Extremely excited voice) (*Mixed with the sound of paper shaking) "Then we will officially start the next story, about a murderer, of course this is related to the gods, anyone who has listened to my program knows , I will only tell stories about my beliefs, I am not interested in anything else." "

Either die or join.

What novel standard villain idea...

Li Ming smiled self-deprecatingly, and continued to sink into his seat to listen to the radio program.

【Kyoto Channel 11】

"(*sound of flipping paper)" There was once a (*noise) chief named (*noise) who was imprisoned for killing a woman because she had turned into Wendy Ge's tendency, and in order to prevent him from completely turning into a monster to hurt people, so he killed her. "

"Although many (*noise) clansmen protested the (*noise) court decision afterwards, and (*noise) himself also stated in the above statement that he is the leader of the tribe and he has the responsibility to protect his tribe from monsters s damage.

Therefore, according to the long-standing tradition, such a person should be killed before it completely turns into a monster. "

"False justice is ridiculous.""


(End of this chapter)

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