mad fairy

Chapter 59: Ancient Immortal?blood tree?

Chapter 59: Ancient Immortal?blood tree?
In the faint voice of the fairy voice, an old fairy with a white beard wearing a white Yin-Yang Tai Chi fish robe slowly walked out of the mist.

The old fairy is holding a dust whisk in his hand, and his clothes are fluttering. Just one glance can make people feel admirable.

It can be seen that the old fairy survived, but his heart was shocked, and he subconsciously recalled the white bearded "fairy" he saw in Shenshu Village back then.

The 'immortal' of Shenshu Village also walked out of the white mist.

Also holding a whisk.

Even the Yin Yang Tai Chi fish robes they wore were all of the same style.

The 'Ancient Immortal' obviously no longer exists in the world.

But they seem to be everywhere, like some kind of immortal
in the forest.

Seeing an 'immortal' walking out of the white mist, the old monk Wu Sheng patted the storage bag on his waist, and took out a golden tin staff from it.

He held the tin rod in his hand and pressed it heavily on the ground.


Accompanied by the sound of the Buddha's name, an invisible energy spread from the tin stick to all directions.

When the 'immortals' touched the energy, they turned into five pools of pitch black mud one after another, leaving only the dust whisk, fairy sword, wine gourd and other things left in place.

These 'fairies' are dead.

The way they died was almost exactly the same as that in Shenshu Village back then.

Shenghuo glanced at the treasures on the ground, and said calmly: "Master, how do you plan to divide the treasures on the ground?"

Wu Sheng smiled and said: "It's just some useless decorations, if you want it, just take it."

In fact, it's not just Wu Sheng.

Among the group of seven people including Shenghuo, apart from him and Tieniu, the other monks who were traveling with him didn't pay much attention to those fairy treasures.

It was as if those treasures were just a bunch of useless decorations.

These people seem to be clueless
Survive look around.

Seeing that everyone really didn't care about the treasures on the ground at all, he walked forward as if nothing had happened, and put all the whisks, wine gourds, fairy swords, etc. into the storage bag.

A group of seven people continued to move forward in the forest.

On the way, Chenghuo asked the old monk Wusheng: "Dare to ask Master, do you know where the 'immortals' in the white mist come from?"

"Those are afterimages of the 'Ancient Immortal' from ten thousand years ago."

Wu Sheng explained: "In addition to this blood forest, like the 'Ancient Immortal Ruins', or other dangerous places with white mist, there is a possibility of encountering the afterimage of the 'Ancient Immortal'."

"The afterimages of the 'Ancient Immortals' are strong and weak, like the afterimages we encountered just now, they only have the beginning and middle stages of worshiping gods."

"And if we forcibly break into the blood forest before the white mist dissipates, then the afterimage of the 'Ancient Immortal' we encounter will most likely be at the embryonic stage, or even at the blood pill stage. "

No wonder one had to wait for the white mist to dissipate before entering the blood forest.

That's it
Survival suddenly.

He asked again: "Does the master know how these afterimages of 'ancient immortals' are formed?"

Wu Sheng shook his head and said with a smile, "These afterimages of 'ancient immortals' may have existed ten thousand years ago. Because the age is too long, it is almost impossible to find out the reason."

People walked and chatted.

Not long after, I saw another group of 'immortals' wearing yin and yang Tai Chi fish robes, walking out of the white mist.

In the same way, this team of 'immortals' still only had the early and middle stages of worshiping gods.

No need for Survival and others to take action, the old monk Wusheng repeated his old tricks, and easily killed the 'immortals' with just a wave of his tin stick.

This time, the killed 'immortals' did not leave behind the treasure of 'wine gourd'.

In order not to attract Wu Sheng's attention, Sheng Huo purposely did not pick up the Immortal Sword, Yin Yang Tai Chi Yupao, etc.
In this way, after cleaning up several teams of 'immortals' afterimages, the white mist in front suddenly became thicker.

Seeing this scene, Wu Sheng showed joy.

He looked ahead and said, "No accident, then the front should be the blood tree we were looking for."

Survival followed the eyes of the old monk, and he saw a blood-red tree shadow looming in the white mist in front of him.

Everyone quickened their pace.

Survival only found out after getting closer.

What kind of blood tree is this? It is clearly an 'ancient fairy' with a height of 30 meters, buried in the ground, and whose body resembles a dead tree!
Of course, some people hold different views on this.

Yuan Xiujie frowned and said, "How did this blood tree look like a human? Could it be that it has already become a spirit?"

"No, no, no."

Tieniu's opinion is consistent with Shengsheng: "I think it's more like a certain 'ancient fairy' growing into a tree."

"Improbable." Yuan Xiujie retorted, "After all, no one can grow to a height of 30 meters."

The blood tree in the blood forest, in addition to being shaped like an 'ancient fairy', has countless red 'blood fruits' growing on its flesh-like branches.

Just like the 'Dao Fruit' in Shenshu Village.

Survival only glanced at the 'blood fruit', and a clear realization that 'the blood fruit is likely to be a great tonic' surged in his heart.

But out of caution, he didn't rush to pick the fruit, let alone eat it.
at the same time.

It is different from Survival and others' curiosity about the blood tree.

After the old monk Wu Sheng saw the blood tree, there was an undetectable excitement in his eyes, and he inadvertently glanced at the iron bull.

Survival, who was silently observing from the side, had a panoramic view of this subtle movement.

The old monk was obviously not tortured by the 'power of pain', but after seeing the blood tree, he showed an even more excited reaction than the Iron Bull.

This old monk is weird.
Under the blood tree.

Seeing that Shenghuo and others were standing there, unwilling to be the first to stand up and drink the blood tree juice, the old monk Wu Sheng took the initiative to say: "Shenghuo, since other people have concerns in their hearts, then you will get the blood tree juice." Be the first to drink!"


Tie Niu hesitated.

He hesitated where he was.

Judging by his performance, he doesn't seem to trust his master that much.

Seeing that Tieniu refused, the old monk didn't insist anymore.

He clasped his palms together, looked at his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose, and stood on the spot without saying a word.

So deadlocked for a long time.

Finally, Yuan Xiujie, who had the lowest cultivation level in the team, said, "Let me do it!"

The news that 'blood tree sap can relieve pain' was heard by Yuan Xiujie from his friend.

Out of trust in his friend, Yuan Xiujie came to the tree, cut open the trunk with a dagger, and then took out a porcelain bowl from the storage bag to collect the juice from it.

The blood tree not only looks like a fairy.

After being cut open by the dagger, the flesh-like tree trunk actually seemed to be scratched, and blood continued to ooze from it.

What makes Survival even more incredible is that not long after the blood tree sap flowed out, the wound healed itself like flesh and blood.

Hemostasis, scabbing, until finally complete recovery.


Seeing this strange phenomenon, Yuan Xiujie's eyes were shocked, and he subconsciously pulled a certain distance away from the blood tree.

He said with a look of disbelief: "This blood tree, couldn't it really be transformed from 'Ancient Immortal'?"

Looking at the blood tree whose wound has healed, Survival's eyes showed thoughtful expression.

The ancient immortals and ancient Buddhas thousands of years ago, what happened to them?
What was the world like?
(End of this chapter)

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