Transformers Begins with War for Cybertron

Chapter 149 Fanwaiwei Zhentian Arrives!

Chapter 149 Fanwaiwei Zhentian Arrives!

Karon, the most chaotic city on Cybertron, of course, it was only once, and now all Cybertronians know that the most chaotic city is Iron Fortress, the Iron Fortress run by Titianzhu.

Tianzhu, formerly known as Orlean Pax, was an archivist. Because he was dissatisfied with the peacefulness of Cybertron ruled by the Supreme Council, he chose to seize the power of the Supreme Council.

After Orion Pax gave speeches across Cybertron and gained a large number of followers who were dissatisfied with the rule of the Supreme Council, he launched into action.

In disregard of the constitution, he forcibly transformed the bodies of his followers and Orion Pax himself, making their bodies stronger and better at fighting.

Afterwards, Orion Pax officially changed his name to Titian Prime, and his followers called themselves Liars.

They began to seize the ruling power of the Supreme Council by force, recruited those prisoners of war every time they conquered, and executed those who did not want to join them.

Liars are very powerful, and Qing Tianzhu is the best among them. In order to deal with those Transformers who resist him, Qing Tianzhu even hired a mercenary organization named "Thunder Rescue Team".

This special operations force fights fiercely, and their captain is a guy called a terrorist.

This mercenary organization has been bullying the weak and plundering resources on Cybertron since Qingtianzhu's rebellion, and then they became hired by bullies for the greater good, or hired by Qingtianzhu .

When Qing Tianzhu continued to attack the residents and forces on Cybertron who did not obey him, the members of the Supreme Council also completely split after losing the Supreme Leader.

Councilor Flying Cloud, Councilor Shockwave, Councilor Bat Spirit chose to continue to resist, while the other councilors either died at the gunpoint of Qing Tianzhu, or fell at the feet of Qing Tianzhu.

After the Prime Minister gained control of most of Cybertron, many revolts broke out, but most of them ended in failure until the Transformer stood up.

Wei Zhentian (Megatron)!
"The Cybertronians will finally usher in peace"

The tall, white-painted Transformer speaks his proclamation for the first time after helping the rebels fight back from their trap.

Then, with the help of Wei Zhentian, the escaped rebel army regrouped and began to fight with Liaoren for millions of star cycles. They fought in every corner of Cybertron.

On the way, a large number of compatriots willing to follow Wei Zhentian appeared behind him. They called themselves Tianhu and resisted the bullying hegemony.

On the way, Transformers who failed in the previous uprising joined Wei Zhentian's team one after another.

For example, the big dinosaur Salas who is always worried about the safety of his subordinates, the peace-loving giant Sark, the righteous six-faced beast with seven transformations, the Shockwave councilor who was transformed by the Supreme Council and was overwhelmed by sympathy, and the councilor Flying Cloud Leading a large number of Air Force soldiers.

These brave fighters have added a lot of combat power to Wei Zhentian's troops, and the arrival of the Digger, the maintenance force of Crystal City, has enhanced the self-protection ability of the soldiers of Wei Zhentian.

As the civil war intensified, the bully finally began to investigate Wei Zhentian's past, and obtained information about Wei Zhentian when he was a professor.

Wei Zhentian is a young teacher or professor. He teaches at one of the most famous universities in Cybertron. During the teaching process, he uses known social data to research an equation that can predict social development trends. Group.

When these trends point to the Cybertron Civil War, Wei Zhentian became alert and informed his colleagues of his conjecture.

However, his colleagues did not believe his research results and regarded Wei Zhentian as a deranged guy.

Wei Zhentian knew that he could not convince his colleagues without evidence, so Wei Zhentian did not continue to promote his ideas, but accumulated strength to prepare for the upcoming war.

When Qing Tianzhu began to send troops on Cybertron, trying to wipe out all the existences that dared to resist him, Wei Zhentian was ready.

Wei Zhentian invented transformation, which is to use their transformation gears to disguise himself. At the same time, Wei Zhentian restructured his body to make himself another aerial vehicle with powerful firepower.

When Qingtianzhu was spreading his destruction and conquest, Wei Zhentian advocated compassion, courage and called on those residents who did not want to submit to Qingtianzhu's hegemony to resist with him.

The war was stalemate, from the Cybertron Civil War to the colonies, and even the earth was finally reduced to a battlefield.

On the earth, Qing Tianzhu and the others discovered a super energy body that could be mined. Wei Zhentian and the others hurriedly came to stop it when they learned about it. Here, the leader of the bully and the Tianhuo once again had a fierce confrontation.

Wei Zhentian lost. In the death fight with Qingtianzhu, he was punched on the breastplate. Then, he saw Qingtianzhu's scarlet optical mirror looking at him indifferently.

Just when Wei Zhentian thought that Qing Tianzhu would kill him, he saw the light, or a tunnel formed by some kind of energy fluctuation, and the strong suction made Wei Zhentian, whose body was scarred, unable to get rid of it.

At the last second of being sucked into the tunnel, Wei Zhentian saw Qing Tianzhu holding a melting ax to resist the suction of the energy tunnel looking at him, and the scarlet optical mirror reflected his body.

After that, Wei Zhentian's body went offline. He didn't know whether it was caused by the signal interference of the energy channel or the damage to his own body.

When Wei Zhentian's body came online again, he saw the metal buildings unique to Cybertron, as well as Luna [-] and Luna [-] hanging in the starry sky.

"Am I back on Cybertron?"

"That energy tunnel actually brought me back to Cybertron from Earth. I don't know what's going on with the battle between Tianhu and Liaoren on Earth."

"No, I must go back as soon as possible, Starscream and Shockwave need my help."

After Wei Zhentian simply repaired the damaged position of the lower body, he looked at the city full of Autobot flags everywhere, and when he was about to find a way to return to Karon City, a voice suddenly interrupted Wei Zhentian's thoughts.

"Commander Megatron (Megatron)? You're back? So soon, I thought you'd be back later!"

Megatron turned around, and he saw the deceitful officer Zhan Ji looking at him in surprise, as if surprised that he would return to Cybertron at this time.

But, why did he call himself Commander?

Looking at Zhan Ji, Wei Zhentian always felt that something was wrong.


"There is one thing you don't understand. Complete victory means complete destruction." - "Mirror Universe: Tightrope"

"Don't be afraid, super big guy, this is Sonic, I bring you happy news!" - "Mirror Universe Sonic"

 Thank you for your support, I will try to write a chapter about the mirror universe. If you want to read it, I will occasionally update the plot of the mirror universe.

(End of this chapter)

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