After retreating, they came after them

Chapter 371 6 Stars Lianzhu

Chapter 371 Six Stars in a Row
  This place has almost turned into a deep pool. Simon's footsteps are no longer brisk. It seems that the distance is getting closer with every step he takes. It is always a few dozen meters away.

Thousands of evil spirits invaded crazily and issued vicious curses in his ears, stimulating Simon's mental level to bursts of pain.

But correspondingly, the healing power of the holy light that continuously poured out of Simon's body fed him back, refreshing him and allowing him to fight again and again.

"I don't fight alone." Simon relied on the support of his teammates, and his indomitable belief in reaching the summit supported him in moving forward.

The more anxious the enemy becomes and the more they oppose him, the more Simon will do. This means that Simon is on the right path.

Not long after, Simon felt that there were hallucinations in front of him, but the previous methods were no longer useful to Simon. Simon became immune to this and saw through them one after another with his eyes of nothingness.

For Simon, as long as he sees through it, it will not affect him, and no matter what mental attacks are made, they are false.

Thousands of evil spirits attack the heart in vain, and they become frustrated and frustrated.

Some demons began to sacrifice themselves. After one started the sacrificial ritual, other demons also started the ritual.

In the blink of an eye, Simon's ears were filled with the sounds of ritual sacrifices, mysterious fluctuations descended around him, and countless demons responded one after another, sacrificing themselves to the sky, longing for the arrival of the God of Nothingness.

The more Simon listened, the mantra of the sacrificial ceremony was engraved in his memory.

Will the God of Nothingness come?
  Simon's eyes were dark, like the background of the universe without stars. In his eyes, the God of Nothingness had not come, and the so-called sacrifice ceremony seemed to be a wishful sacrifice by the evil spirits.

While constantly seeing through it, the first skill star in the sea of ​​consciousness vibrated, upgraded to a level, and entered the third level state.

In this case, three skill stars will appear in Simon's second sea of ​​consciousness.

Previously, Simon and Xiaoqian had exchanged skills. After reaching the full skill level, they fed a skill book as the second skill star, which allowed Eye of Nothingness to be promoted to LV2.

At this moment, Eye of Nothingness is already at LV3, so Simon unexpectedly awakened the third void system skill.

This was not a skill forcibly obtained through a skill book, but a breakthrough on the spot. Even Simon was a little surprised that he had acquired a new skill at this time.

But before he had time to see what the new skill was, Simon stood in front of the artifact before he knew it. He stretched out his hand and grasped the staff's body.

The beautiful star spiral on the top of the staff rotated quietly, and the body of the staff was formed by the intersection of two spirals of magic starlight. It was both illusory and unreal. But the moment he held the staff, he felt that he had mastered a small world.

And the mysterious ritual that thousands of evil spirits must start even if they sacrifice themselves has just completed the summoning. Simon stands in the center of the ritual, with a unique formation.

"Please come, great 'nothingness'!"

Simon holds the artifact "Nothingness" and listens to the calls of the demons with a calm expression.

There were two stand-ins looming behind him. One stand-in was wearing armor and was huge, and the other stand-in had a vague outline and was extremely mysterious.

The demon screamed and saw the holy light tearing apart the space, pouring down like a waterfall from the sky, and the pure white holy winged angel flashing away.

As far as Simon could see, all the demonic gases were swirling around the eye of the formation. With the artifact in hand, his aura increased infinitely, becoming unfathomable and difficult to understand.

The life avatar attached to the back felt his eyes go dark and his heart trembled.

The Simon in front of him suddenly became very strange. He was standing in the center of the group of demons holding an artifact, and the corpses of "evil demons" were spread under his feet. The sacrificial ceremony eventually led to the artifact in his hand, and the breath of the God of Nothingness did indeed arrive.

At this moment, he seemed like a god descending.

The indescribable blurry outline of the avatar is full of the aura of the gods and is terrifying.

The aura of the God of Heavy Shields is probably nothing more than this.

Bai Gu once prayed to the God of Heavy Shields. Her main profession, Heavy Shield Hand, was a revelation from God. Now, she had a question - can a person become a god?

Although there is always a story circulating in the world, climbing to the top of a mythical dungeon can ignite the divine fire and become a god on the spot.

But it is a story after all. Nowadays, no one can reach the top. Everyone just regards it as an unfounded fantasy. Now that she sees Simon's appearance, she feels that this is no longer a fantasy, but a hope.

At this time, Simon felt something in his heart. He glanced at the newly born third position skill and wrote:

"Sacrifice Ritual: Nothingness (LV3)"

"Sacrifice yourself and invite the gods to come."                                                   wealthloy by the God of Nothingness.

Simon put a question mark in his mind.

Because in the column of adventurer’s real-time BUFF status, it says:

"The power of the God of Nothingness:???"

A string of question marks, the BUFF effect is unknown.

But there is no doubt that Simon seems to have awakened extraordinary skills.

No wonder that during the process of breaking through the evil invasion, the difficulty suddenly dropped and I got the artifact instantly.

It turns out that Simon sacrificed his life bar and successfully invited God to come.

The holy light that is constantly injected into Simon's head is the cross-world layer treatment of sugar.

Her guardian angel resurrection skill was transmitted into Simon's body through the holy light, and she completed the self-resurrection after the sacrificial ceremony.

Simon felt a little confused, always feeling that there was some divine will behind it.

The God of Nothingness may not be sleeping. His BOSS-level perception is not sharp enough, and he has acquired the wrong perception, thinking that the god has not awakened.

In fact, Simon thought he was on the fifth floor, and maybe the God of Nothingness was on the thousandth floor.

"During the first sacrificial ceremony, the God of Nothingness noticed me, and I have been under observation ever since. It was the illusion of God that blinded my BOSS-level spiritual sense..." Simon noticed this layer of truth, and then What comes is another upgrade of the Eye of Nothingness.

Yes, the first skill, Star, once again broke through due to "seeing through", which is unreasonable.

But after seeing through the illusion of god-level, the experience of this realization is immeasurable. Simon instantly felt that the spiritual power of the second sea of ​​consciousness was overflowing, and brand-new skill stars were rising from the sea.

They formed a line in the starry sky of the Second Sea of ​​Consciousness, with six stars in the sky glowing black.

With the emergence of six skill stars, Simon instantly stepped into the level of a six-star professional. The invisible power fed back to him, and his attributes continued to increase.

Except for the first and second skills, none of the following skills can be chosen by yourself.

But Simon took a cursory glance and was glad he hadn't chosen it himself.

As expected, skills are better learned by oneself.

Although this "accidental realization" has the influence of the God of Nothingness, so what.

That is a mythical BOSS, and you can learn skills through his hands. This is countless times better than the shining skill books collected by Simon.

Simon calmed down and originally planned to start working on it as soon as he got the artifact. He even had the prepared props ready.

Now that Simon has seen through the game played by the gods, the LV6 Eye of Nothingness can see more things.

This kind of "seeing" even includes the improvement of spiritual intuition. Simon can clearly sense that the God of Nothingness is high above and observing him secretly.

Simon tried to get the idea to look at the bright eyes to test whether his spiritual intuition was responding.

The conclusion is that there are dangers, but not a mental breakdown.

This time is different from the past. Simon has entered the six-star class. He is a main class with spiritual attributes, and his second class is a void class. The fourth position skill he obtained later is a mutated "psychic barrier", which is an extremely rare spiritual defense. technology, greatly reducing the risk of watching the mythical BOSS.

I can see the introduction of this skill as follows:
  "Nothingness: Soul Barrier LV1"

"After "seeing through", you can build a strong mental barrier and have a huge damage reduction threshold for mental damage attacks.

Additional bonus: 99% damage reduction to void spiritual attack skills. "

This skill is strongly bound to the No. [-] skill. Once it is broken through, a spiritual barrier will inevitably be established, and the mental attack skills of the void system can almost be said to be immune.

(End of this chapter)

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