After retreating, they came after them

Chapter 355 The possibility of 6 stars in advance

Chapter 355 The possibility of six stars in advance

Simon's reason for returning here is simple: to search for the artifact "The Void".

There may be other warlock cultures elsewhere, but nothing as important as artifacts.

And Simon discovered in his dream one night that he must return here, as this is the source of everything.

Whether it is the magic accumulation warlock, the practice system of the demon hunting team, or the evil demons in the other world, if you want to investigate the power system of these three, you need to combine on-site investigation to find the truth.

Search for the truth, solve the puzzle of space dilemma, and find the artifact.

As for the God of Nothingness, he may be the object of sacrifice by the demons, or he may be a god believed by the local people.

Maybe the two are one.

The reason is also very simple. This layer is the land of the God of Nothingness, and other gods cannot exist.

Whether you are looking for the God of Nothingness through the clues of a warlock, or searching for the God of Nothingness through the channels of demons, the ultimate point is Him.

Simon thought as he brought the furry fox girl to the city quickly.

When he arrived, his double had already attached itself to the mecha, reducing its presence.

However, he knew that in the eyes of some warlocks and demons with extremely keen inspiration, his mecha was like a shooting star, drawing a silvery blue light from the sky all the way to a certain alley in the city. , and then disappeared.

In just such a short moment, I don't know how many big shots were alerted.

But never mind.

Simon needs them to move, so that he can know who has touched the "truth" and who knows the tip of the "truth" iceberg.

All those who practice magic are deeply bound to the late-night rules of this world.

No one can use magic spells outdoors at night, otherwise there is a risk of being invaded by evil spirits and going crazy.

But Simon already knows that demons are evil spirits, so theoretically evil spirits are everywhere. Even if Simon hides in a dark corner, he cannot avoid the gaze of something.

They will come after you.

Simon remembered the reminder that the BOSS-level spiritual sense once gave him.

Yes, even if Simon didn't go looking for them, danger would chase them, so he chose to expose himself.

After the mecha landed, Simon opened the mecha hatch.

"You should leave quickly. I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. How about giving you a warlock's staff?"

As Simon spoke, he took out a master-level warlock's staff from his space backpack.

This is the master-level staff he used before, but now it has been replaced with an extraordinary-level staff, and the old one can no longer be used.

Mao Hu was surprised. Judging from the workmanship of this staff and the magic fluctuations it emits, it is undoubtedly a master-level work.

In the local market, a master's staff is worth tens of millions, and its status is no worse than those skill books.

"Don't you need it?"

"My staff is here." Simon said as he showed off his new staff. The short black wooden staff seemed to grow out of the soil and looked very explosive.

Simon uses an extraordinary-level staff, which is more advanced than the master-level staff in terms of material and fluctuation.

On top of this, there are also king-level weapons, legendary level, and epic level.

'Are you really not a demon? You are so generous. ' She thought to herself, feeling Simon's financial resources and thinking of her own experience.

It seems that it is not impossible to accept his apology, after all, he himself does not lack this thing.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

She took the staff, and a slight numbness stung her hand. At this time, she noticed the red lightning lines running through the body of the staff, which had a strange and real texture.

When he looked at Simon again, he saw that the mecha body had disappeared without a trace, and Simon didn't know where he went.

Immediately afterwards, groups of black shadows flashed across the sky. They were wearing the hunting robes of demon hunters, moving vigorously and imposingly, as if they were catching someone.

Are you trying to catch Simon?


Simon is hiding in a dark corner, and an indescribable substitute is possessing him. To outsiders, he has the same color as the corner.

The figure that flashed quickly in the sky did not look down. Perhaps it was due to intuitive negligence or instinct. In short, no one from the demon hunting team noticed Simon.

Simon secretly observed the active demon hunting teams in the city and remembered them one by one.

He had such a good memory that he watched all day long, from morning to night, and memorized in his mind the routes of all the demon hunters who had been on the roof.

"Very good, there are a total of one hundred and eight demon hunters, and their addresses are..." Simon mentally took stock of today's harvest, simulated a map of the city in his mind, and marked each address on the map. Then draw a warning circle for each witcher's address.

If a demon hunter's home is attacked secretly, it may cause some kind of movement. This circle is the movement range, which is used to simulate the support relationship between the various demon hunting teams.

Soon, he found in his mind a dozen or so scattered and isolated witcher families, with almost no witcher neighbors within 500 meters of them.

In addition to the demon hunters, Simon also discovered some individuals who were tracking the demon hunting team during his observation. They were all orthodox warlocks, and their bodies exuded the magic power fluctuations of the warlocks. The source of the magic power was the magic accumulated in the body.

They are very likely to be powerful people in the warlock group, they may be people who have touched the truth, or they may be evil spirits in disguise.

After all, every warlock has the theoretical possibility of becoming a demon.

As for whether Simon himself wants to practice the magic scum, his current answer is that he is not sure.

The furry fox girl is afraid of the evil spirit because she cannot fight against it.

Simon's performance last night was to directly destroy the evil invasion of the other world. Simon felt that his spiritual attribute skills had a miraculous effect on the evil spirits.

After all, it takes many days for a warlock to be invaded by evil spirits to corrode his spirit.

Simon's mental attributes are innately strong, and coupled with acquired self-training and strengthening, he is basically not afraid.

Even if it were to be a riverside campfire quiz with rules and weird stories, Simon would still be able to get through it with a substitute.

"To practice magic accumulation, you can use the local skill book. If the skill book can really print skills, I may be able to enter the six-star class early..." Simon thought to himself.

There is no level for adventurers. It is more about the suppression of the star panel, followed by the combination of skill mechanisms, and then the chemical reaction with teammates.

If you can enter the six-star class in advance, you may have your six-star skills mixed with water, just like the old Four Heavenly Kings in Haizhen Dungeon, who used rubbish skill potions to advance to the next star level.

However, Simon is different from the Four Heavenly Kings of Haizhen. He has an advantage that others cannot match - that is, there are many types of local skill books!

If he can pick a powerful skill book that suits his heart, then the so-called six-star "moisture" will naturally be gone.

If you don't have a skill book with reasonable strength, it doesn't matter if you don't practice the magic scum.

(End of this chapter)

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