After retreating, they came after them

Chapter 227 Tranquility and Nature

Chapter 227 Tranquility and Nature
The visit of the snow mountain adventure group did not make the old local adventure group vigilant.

On the contrary, they also welcome young people from Haizhen to come and travel.

Collecting tolls, entrance fees, mining fees and so on can be regarded as injecting a little new vitality into this stagnant dungeon world.

And it's even more flattering that the snow mountain adventure group is so rough and bold, and they book the venue for several days as soon as they come up.

When Simon entered the Valley of the Rest, the surrounding environment fell into a fog.

Xiaoqian felt the breath of the soul, and there were ghosts here.

It's just that the wild monsters of the ghost department existed 80 years ago?
Xiaoqian secretly looked around, but unfortunately she didn't find where the ghost was, but just smelled the "smell".

The little shark opened his eyes, and in the darkness, he felt the gaze cast by Mingming.

"Over there!" The little shark pointed in one direction.

Everyone immediately rushed to the route she designated. After a while, everyone saw the mist lifted, and the bright water spread on the ground. The water surface was as smooth as a mirror, reflecting the silhouette of a white two-horned deer.

The white two-horned deer is about one meter tall, lying in a lazy posture in the center of the lake. Its whole body is pure white, emitting a faint white light in the dark night, like a sacred representative.

This time, everyone put out the mood to kill it.

The main reason is that this wild monster looks too friendly and can't afford to kill.

This is the same reason that human beings can't move their legs when they meet a cute little pig.

Before Simon came, he had only read the text in "Geography".

There were no corresponding pictures in that book, and the description of this wild monster was only superficial, it only recorded that it could have two bodies, and it could imitate the appearance of a human.

In addition, its meat and skin can be used as medicine, which is regarded as a great tonic. In the sixth floor, it is the first echelon of precious meat products, and people come in to hunt them from time to time.

Since the monsters born from each generation of the mother are new wild monsters, they don't know what kind of ferocious adventurers they are about to face.

Fortunately, Simon didn't come to eat meat today, but brought Xiaoqian to find inspiration.

Xiaoqian thought to herself, luckily she didn't use the auxiliary skills.

Seeing the immaculate white deer now, looking at the other white deer reflected in the lake, Xiaoqian understood the state of the soul of the two-horned white deer at the moment.

This is a peaceful, two-body change.

Compared with her No. [-] skill, which separates the soul into two bodies, Bailu's soul body splits more naturally. The other figure reflected on the water surface is its other soul. The two are perfectly connected in the form of water surface connection, almost indistinguishable. each other.

This also means that Bailu's skill application skills are higher than hers.

If you have to say it, it should be the level of LV4's soul divided into two bodies.

And Xiaoqian is only LV3, 99% proficiency, stuck at the last one percent threshold and can't cross it.

Now, she feels it, that is the fluctuation of LV4.

However, even though the inspiration of LV4 flashed in her mind, she couldn't make herself break through.

Her own sea of ​​consciousness and stars restricted her, preventing her from upgrading.

This is a very simple reason, the container is so big, without expanding the capacity, her improvement has reached the peak.

Simon didn't speak, and he didn't ask Xiaoqian what experience he had. He could see Xiaoqian's face softened, which is rare among three-none girls. It can be seen that her soul experience at this moment must be the same as that of white people in the natural environment. The deer resonated.

Simon looked around, and it was daytime outside the Valley of Life, but there was a mist covering the valley, and it was already night when he entered, with thousands of stars hanging above his head, which once reminded Simon of the Valley of Dreams on the tenth floor of Haizhen Dungeon .

Between the two, is there any connection?

Speaking of which, the BOSS of Youmeng Valley also has a certain amount of soul fluctuation, and it can also be used as an object for reference and inspiration.

However, if he wanted to find inspiration for the copying skills of the soul system, he was still missing something.

Simon stood by and waited for a while, and then saw Xiaoqian holding up her white skirt, taking off her shoes, and stepping on the water with her bare feet.

The mirror-like surface of the water immediately reflected Xiaoqian's figure. Simon could see slender white feet, a beautiful white skirt, a face as white as jade, long silver hair, and ethereal eyes.

Is she trying to understand?

Simon retreated wisely, and told all the players around him to retreat.

He didn't feel any danger at the scene, and the temperament of this two-horned white deer was indeed as gentle as Geography Zhi said.

As long as it is not provoked, it will not show the strength that elite monsters should have.

In geography, the two-horned white deer often appears as a harmless prey for humans and animals.

If you are not familiar with it, if you go up to kill monsters to get meat carelessly, you will be attacked by the two-horned white deer soul in two parts.

The most terrible point is not actually the pincer attack, but the means of copying after it.

It can't copy skills, but it can copy the appearance of humans, mix into the human team, pretend to be humans, and wait for an opportunity to sneak attack.

If this skill had no duration, the two-horned white deer would be a nightmare for humans.

Fortunately, the two-horned white deer is not invincible, its copying time is limited, it can only last for 15 minutes.

If it fails to kill anyone for 15 minutes, it will return to its original state.

The early pioneers stepped into the Living Valley, which was similar to playing a werewolf killing game. From time to time, they had to check their identities with their teammates, exchange their hearts for secret signs.

Sometimes, sincerity may be exchanged for an assassination.

In short, this two-horned white deer is an elite monster with high IQ in the records of geography.

In the case of not provoking it, it is still very quiet and will not actively attack people.

Xiaoqian didn't approach, she sensed the soul fluctuations in Bailu's body, it was a beautiful and not to be played with temperament.

Once she gets close enough to touch it, it will duplicate her likeness.

after an hour.

Xiaoqian retreated quietly and left with the team members.

Without the white deer meat, Xiaoqian was reluctant to eat it.

Even though she knew that there was a mother body and its new body would continue to grow, Xiaoqian was reluctant.

Simon said it doesn't matter.

Without this, there is another one to feel.

Wild monsters of the soul type can be found in many dungeons, and they are not so rare that they are extinct.

The old man who was guarding outside saw Simon and others coming out, and was a little puzzled: "Why did you come out so quickly?"

"It's over, thank you."

"Could it be that you killed the mother's body?" The old man didn't feel very good, he had never seen a guest who came out so soon.

Simon was also a little embarrassed, and reserved the venue for a few more days, just in case it took too long, who would have thought it would be over in less than two hours.

It's easy to say, and they didn't let them go until the old man's people went to confirm that the mother's body was still there.

Afterwards, Simon led everyone to the place Roy wanted to refer to.

Xiaoqian was on the carriage, quietly reminiscing, thinking, and digesting the instinctive use of soul skills.

(End of this chapter)

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