Chapter 296 The Sunken Kingdom

The Tyrant Dragon moves at a speed that is inconsistent with its size.

The dragon's wings trembled slightly, and in the next moment it appeared in front of the strange stone array as if teleporting, opening its dragon's kiss and spitting out flames.

Sophie used the strange stone formation to dodge again.

Then she was also angered by this persistent pursuit, and arranged for the students to arrange another ritual magic.

Launch a thunder and lightning bombardment against the pursuing Tyrant Dragon.

Although the effect is not good, at least the temper is shown.

The game of dragon catching Sophie is still going on, and it is destined to consume a lot of energy here, and eventually show its fatigue and be surrounded and killed by the off-duty girl group.



The off-duty girls group is lurking on the hilltop where it is easy to enter the battle, and they have prepared the slide to quickly enter the battlefield.

Sit on and slide down the mountain. The slide without obstacles allows them to rush into the water in one breath.

The final ritual spell carved on the pulley has the effect of releasing colorful tracking fireworks, and is filled with various floral magic factors that the Tyrant Dragon hates most. It can be said to be the best weapon to provoke ridicule.

Provoking the Tyrant Dragon to cause it to fight head-on with its own side is also one of the ways to control the scene.

While Beren and Carla were further improving the pulley, Melina looked at the strange stone formation from a distance, and various ritual magics suppressed the Tyrant Dragon.Although most of them were neutralized by this dragon's super high magic resistance, its functionality still held back the Tyrant Dragon.

Professor Sophie is a professor who has not clearly stated his identity as an explorer.

And she hasn't drawn her weapons yet.

Sure enough, every full-time and associate professor employed in the college actually has the ability to fight a level 10 dragon in a duel.Facing a super-high-level opponent, even if she can't beat her, she can still be delayed for a long time... Melina inevitably developed a strong interest in Explorer Academy.

Because Dorothy said that in her career of killing fellow humans, the few losses she suffered were in the academy.

One time, Elizabeth left a clone in the academy for easy teleportation.

Once it was a group of professors.

Another time it was the unknown Banshee Headmaster.

The last time was below the academy, like the Academy of Shadows’ reflection of the Academy, the Principal of the Academy of Shadows.

Four times, the proud Dorothy had to adopt guerrilla tactics to defeat them one by one, and then she saw the power hidden in the academy.

Even harder to fight than TM's Explorers Guild.

The guild only has many high-level explorers, but the explorers are all PVE specialists, like the banshees who specialize in PVP like the academy, which are rare.

Melina half-floated quietly, passing two clockwork cats helping Beren at her feet.

The clockwork cat stared at her feet and meowed.

It seems to be muttering something, 'Will it start to shine next?' 'And things like that.

As a high-intelligence unit, the clockwork cat replaces the "familiar position" of the banshees.In addition to not receiving money, familiars do everything worse than clockwork cats. Therefore, banshees like Beren, who are at the same level as high-level banshees, will hire clockwork cats as assistants for a long time - yes, hairy cats. Tiao Mao only admits that he is an assistant and never admits that he is a familiar.

Melina has recently met a lot of cat-legged people who want to seek refuge with her, but she always feels that she is at a loss.

She instinctively felt that if she allowed these idiots to follow her, she would definitely lose money, and the other party would definitely make money.

It's hard to say what the situation is.

But she trusted her instincts.

Instinct will definitely not lie to herself, this is her self-confidence.

A wind-up cat fell from the sky very suddenly, as if it was fired from a cannon.

"Meow ow ow!"

She was extremely elastic and bounced up after landing.

Melina pursed her lips and snapped her fingers, and the magic factor caught her and brought her to the front.

This is an orange cat, fatter than the average clockwork cat.

"Meow Meow! Oh, it's Meow Meow! Meow!"

Clockwork Cat calmed down, and the clockwork behind his back turned slowly.She twitched her beard slightly and licked her paws:

"Professor Sophie asked you when you will take action. She can't stand it anymore..."

The orange cat made a scissor claw gesture with difficulty and stuck out its tongue:

"QAQ, meow!"

So vivid.

You can see Professor Sophie's expression.

Melina heard Xiao Yidu's amused laughter.

No way, the banshee does look a bit two-dimensional, and the most similar facial shape to two-dimensional girls in reality is actually that of a cat.

As the cute-looking member of the banshee tribe, Sophie naturally has a lot of similarities with cats.

"Meow? Reply?"

After being woken up by the clockwork cat, Melina looked at Belen. The professor was looking numb. Seeing Melina looking over, she waved her hand: "Sophie said she must still have some..." The potential can be tapped, don’t listen to her, let her train properly..."

Melina suddenly found her backbone:

"Did you hear me!"


"Tell Professor Sophie the exact words. This is what Professor Belen said."




"Ah, ah, did this bastard Belen really say that?"

Sophie looked a little embarrassed, and even the big bow tied behind her head was a little scorched.This was because she was accidentally scratched by the explosion of royalties caused by the dragon's breath. She looked at her assistant Clockwork Cat angrily.

The Clockwork Orange Cat vividly expressed Beren’s dislike:

"She also said you..."

The cat’s eyes rolled:
"A lazy dog ​​at heart, a wind-up cat who eats well and is lazy to cook, and exploits himself. He is stingy and awkward, and he is also a perverted lolita control."


Sophie felt a little weird when she was angry:
"Did Beren really say that? I always feel that Beren doesn't have so many modifiers."

"Meow, meow! I must have said it, meow."

The clockwork cat flicked its tail guiltily and poked the pebbles on the ground with the tip of its tail.Sophie had no doubt that he was there, and a troubled expression appeared on her face.

It would be an absolute lie to say that she was unable to deal with the Tyrant Dragon.

Among the various patented technologies held by Sophie, there are products that are very suitable for dealing with Tyrant Dragon.

Even now, she has come up with a technology called [Magic Factor Sympathy Conduction Conduit].

This technology can import all the anti-injury power factors of this tyrant dragon into the same stand-in doll, and this stand-in doll is Sophie herself.She used a large amount of magic factors to clone her body and use it as a true 'activated stand-in'. This directly eliminated the Tyrant Dragon's anti-injury ability, allowing the artillery team to deal with it with confidence.

If you go further.

She uses the taboo data flow conversion technology to 'reinjure you through your injure', but the genuine patent for this technology is in the hands of Professor Nino, which is why it is taboo...

Stealing colleagues' secrets doesn't sound very nice...

As for other technologies.

Some are immature, some are not team-oriented, and some are too needy... In short, the techniques Sophie can bring out are not suitable for dealing with the Tyrant Dragon.

What should be done to relieve the pressure on the strange stone formation?
Sophie rolled her eyes.

Looking at the dragon's nest on the sea, inspiration came to me instantly.

She thought of a story.

A short story from inside the college.

The dean once used a rather extreme method to find another dean.That is to place a large number of explosives in the film school and detonate them in one breath, forcing another school to grow...

The key to this story is: explosions.

The more important thing is: bomb the place where the opponent must save.

So the question is, what is there about the Tyrant Dragon that must be saved?

Very interesting question.

What’s more interesting is: Tyrant Dragon is a dragon, so dragons have the softest place in their hearts...

Professor Sophie stretched out her cute sleeved hand, clasped a charm downwards, and summoned a clone that was exactly like herself.

They are connected.

The avatar hugged the clockwork cat knowingly and quietly disappeared to the coast...




There was an unprecedented loud noise, and Melina even saw the huge dragon nest of the Tyrant Dragon on the sea shaking significantly upward.

"this is…"

Melina ignored her body's heat dissipation and turned her observation state to the maximum, easily seeing several scenes from the past.

Sophie and a clockwork cat pointed at several weak points of the dragon's nest, and then through reasonable explosive arrangements, they blasted through the pressure chamber-like place in the dragon's nest!

This dragon's nest.

Large-scale water intrusion has begun!
It's going to sink.

(End of this chapter)

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