Chapter 242 Carter Technology
After Melina discussed 'national events' with Belen, she took out her schedule.

Glancing slightly.

Good day off.

Although she still had to run errands for Sonia, today was undoubtedly a rest day, and there was another way... Melina knocked on the table happily:
"I'm not going anywhere today."

"You won't go out with me today?" Beren frowned, and then she coughed seriously, "It means, on this rare day off, I think we can go see a stage play together."

Forget about the stage dramas in this world... Various untrained actors and cunning banshees flashed through Melina's mind, and she showed a sweet, diplomatic smile that was unique to the outside world:

"I don't want to go out. I want to stay in the field and tidy up the laboratory."

Beren, who was stunned by this smile, was undoubtedly angry, angry with himself.

She knew Melina's personality, knew that she wanted something after this smile, and knew that this smile was not sincere.But what can she do?
This little liar.Belen bit his lower lip:

"So instead of going out with me, you also asked me to help you with something, right?"

"How do you know?" Melina made a shy expression, but her acting skills were not up to par.

...Beren put his hands on the table and scratched the table twice with his nails.

"Help me."

Melina knew what Belen liked and liked her smile, so she kept showing off her "sweet girl form" in front of Belen that was rarely seen by the outside world.

Belen wondered if he was too talkative.

I have to give a tough answer.

"Say, what's the matter? I'll finish it later tonight..., are you free in the afternoon?"

Tough acceptance is also a kind of toughness.



Melina's errand commission.

This was an errand related to her debut mission. Sonia knew an exploration and hunting group working in Hotania. The charges were reasonable and the members were strong.When hunting Tyrant Dragons up to level 14, you must avoid the edge temporarily.That is to say, in the early stage of hunting, you need to rely on the hunting group to make professional hunting preparations.

Poison the dragon's food.

Poison the dragon's water source.

Maintain a high frequency of harassment to find the dragon's lair.

Place a large number of traps near the dragon's lair.

More than 10 teams of explorers kept fighting to weaken the dragon, and finally the team of off-duty girls delivered the fatal blow.

Sonia contacted the person and waited for someone to run errands and deliver a contract.Melina had just been to Hotania a few days ago and didn't want to make another trip, so she could only use her beauty to ask Belen to help run errands.

After Belen went out with a look of displeasure, Melina also left through the secret passage and took a slow walk on the field trail with strong morning scent, preparing to go all the way to the alchemy laboratory.


There was a crisp sound on the road, and a light scent of blue orchids.

Melina turned around and saw a lens, a line of cyan smoke, and a petite blue-haired figure wearing a casual skirt.

Catalina's young face with red and purple eyes popped out from behind the camera, serious and solemn, and the next second she revealed a sweet smile with exposed teeth:
"Xiao Mei!"

Melina looked at the square box machine in the opponent's hand:

"Is this a camera?"

Catalina patted the square box in her hand:
"This is a locator. You need a portion of orchid powder before use."


"It can also be used as a camera, but you have to change the film before it can be used as a camera." The blue-haired girl took out a spontaneously burning photo from the square box with quick hands and feet.

It burns very special.

It burns quietly and does not emit heat.

"This machine can store the captured scene on the data film in a short time."

As Catalina spoke, she inserted the photo of spontaneous combustion into the card slot of the machine on her belt, and at the same time issued the command: "Test 1, Test 3."

The backpack on her back moved, and two mechanical arms came out, grabbed two tennis balls, and threw them at Melina.

Not fast.

One was caught by Melina, and the other fell softly to the ground.

Melina could see the principle at a glance:

"Is it really a locator? It stores my factor signature through a moment of photography to identify the target. Then it can read the data and let the robot arm locate my position and throw it?"

Catalina nodded:
"Know the goods."

The blue-haired girl gushed:

"Think about the prospects of this technology. Prepare a collection vehicle with 20 lenses and 100 robotic arms. Drive all the way there. As long as useful material factors are identified, they will be positioned immediately, and then the robotic arms will collect the factors. Collect."

"In one trip, we might be able to collect more than 50 material factors!"

"You can also secretly arrange a candid camera. When you meet a beautiful witch like you, you can secretly take a few side and front faces."

"There is also a sack function..."

...Melina's smile became more and more distant as she listened.

The previous functions are easy to talk about, but what is the secret camera function?What is the function of putting a sack?
Why hadn't Catalina been discovered to have the potential to be a criminal before?

In the past, the most I could do was give myself some sleeping pills.

It wasn't that Katarina had any thoughts, but she did look like she wasn't sleeping well.

Melina could swear to herself that Sister Carter was a straight woman who could not be more straight.

As soon as he got closer, his straight girl radar beeped.

Melina remembered the technical details she had discussed with Catalina in the past, and looked down at the tennis ball that fell on the ground.

"But it looks like there's still something wrong?"

Pointing to the tennis ball on the ground:
"Is there a problem with distance positioning? The data analysis is not in place. Two independent machines use the same data but their own position measurement is not done well?"

"Oh, there is such a problem." Catalina's heterochromatic eyes widened, and then she asked very logically, "Do you have an adjustment room for mechanical equipment here? An alchemy room is also fine, let me take a look. Can it be adjusted?”

...Feeling weird?Melina crossed out this emotion in her mind, but she was a little happy that Catalina still maintained her original enthusiasm for machinery.

However, there is no room for mechanical adjustment in my land, because I spend most of my time in the alchemy room...

"Well, there is an alchemy room, but the equipment..."

"It's okay, it's okay, I'll just adjust it."

Catalina asked with a smile:

"By the way, Xiaomei, will it delay you if I use your alchemy room?"

"No." Melina smiled slightly, "Didn't I occupy your workspace every day before?"

"That's good, I was worried that you would hate me."

(End of this chapter)

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