Chapter 233
After signing the basic contract of intention, the specific data of the Banshee must be sampled.

Although Alice determined Melina's ability based on the banshee's instinct and observation ability, she is not a person, but represents the entire hive.This commission was also a commission from the Hive City. Although the Haunted Tomb was her greenhouse plot, it was anchored under the Hive City in order to avoid taxes.

He must give some confidence to the residents protected by his hive city, both emotionally and rationally.


Melina's testing is over.

She looked down at the little green robe she was wearing with dissatisfaction. This kind of robe gave her the feeling of being naked.At the same time, I am also annoyed by the point of 'I have to prove myself'.Melina doesn't like this. Her strength is innate. Whether it's a curse or a blessing, she doesn't need to prove it to outsiders.

But there is no way around this kind of thing, just like the world champion has to prove that he can't lose to Shockwave every year.

It is indeed reasonable and reasonable to ask others to do a test.

She put away her dissatisfied gaze, raised her head expressionlessly, and looked at a two-way glass in the testing room, where Alice and a man in a white coat were reading a report.

"Magic factor reserves, one, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand..."

The tester's eyes became clear and he almost fainted.

Melina's data is too abnormal, and the Banshee's magic factor reserve is a data list with outrageous upper and lower limits.There are even some banshees whose magic factor reserves are 0, but their absorption capacity is one hundred thousand levels, which means that her combat burst and sustained combat capabilities are much greater than those with pure one hundred thousand level reserves.

Melina this is on another level.

In terms of data, her reserve is the highest among all creatures with magic factor reserves including all banshees from ancient times to the present.Melina already possesses the ability just by relying on her magic factor reserves. Even if her limbs cannot move, even if she is on the verge of death, she can kill 90.00% of the banshees in the world.

"It's too exaggerated, it's too exaggerated..."

The banshee in a white coat looked at the data and muttered to herself.

Alice beside her elegantly took down the report with a cat's tail, glanced at it, and was also shocked by the terrible data. Then, through the thick glass window, she waved to Melina, who was wearing a small green robe for experiments. Wave.Melina waved back to her, then walked towards the exit expressionlessly to change clothes.

Alice instinctively felt that they must have pissed the girl off.

This is also normal.

Given that she has such a reserve of magic factors, it would be very humble not to inflate herself into the master of the world.

"What about the strength of the magic factor?"

"It's also unique in the world. I haven't seen this kind of magic factor in strength that can destroy matter in 100 years... But it's a bit strange..."

"Huh?" Alice put down the report and looked at the scientific research members beside her who she had spent a lot of money to recruit from Tasia. By the way, she was also forced to give up the grain that produced Xiaoxi before the other party was willing to use it. The researchers handed it over to her.

This person is professionally unquestionable.

"The strange thing is... her magic factor strength and reserves are enough to turn her body into a magic factor explosive. To put it simply, she is a bomb in her own right. This kind of bomb should not be armed, because She is essentially a weapon."

This is strange.

Alice smiled:

"I assume it's Taruiite?"

"Are you talking about the paper that Sonia published?" The professional suddenly became furious. "She spent three f*cking pages at the beginning of the paper and wrote 'The color of Tarui crystal mine', and then the whole article The paper is seriously watered down!"

However, after the customary 10 minutes of hanging on the woman who rashly broke into the scientific research world, the lady in the white coat still gave a positive statement:

"The Tarui crystal mine can indeed solve the problem of the magic factor in Miss Melina's body. Miss Alice, have you ever hunted unicorns?"

"Quite a few." Alice's expression became softer and more unpredictable as she thought of the long blanket in her room.

"The Qilin horn is the key to the Kirin's ability to obtain powerful magic factors, but the key is not in the horn, but in the terrifying changes and reserves of the Kirin's own magical factors. In other words, the Kirin itself has terrible power, and the horn is just a part of their body. A natural weapon.”

The lady in the white coat pointed to the empty testing room:
"Miss Melina was just a hornless unicorn when there was no Tower Rui Crystal Mine. Even if she had the ability to reach the sky, it would be difficult for her to display it. Of course, if someone thought that Miss Melina in this state had an opportunity, Her counterattack strength is absolutely terrifying, because the Tarui Crystal Ore only allows her to be armed and able to hunt dragons." "That's it, it seems that Sonia is not bad."

Alice touched her chin.

The lady in the white coat put her hands on her hips: "Boss, do you really not read gossip news?"

"Why should I watch?"

"Don't you, boss, write fan fiction and erotic fiction?"

"Is it related to gossip news?" Alice was as proud as a peacock.

The lady in white coat said helplessly:

"Sonia is a new, self-made banshee. Apart from her poor connections among the banshees..."

"He's just a nouveau riche." Alice raised her chin proudly.

"It's true that she is a nouveau riche," said the lady in white coat, "but with her cash flow, it is estimated that she could easily buy 80% of the shares of our hive city..."

"So rich?"

Alice was quite regretful, "It seems that we can't invite her to come to us to serve as the director of a laboratory."

Talent hunting is common everywhere.

Ms. White Coat herself was recruited in this way, but for better development, she is also prepared to make some suggestions:
"It would be great if Miss Melina could come to our hive."

"Oh?" Alice's expression was ambiguous.



Melina changed into the black gauze skirt, buckled the lace neckband, and put on the black gloves. After being fully dressed, she walked out of the dressing room and met Kara outside who was wearing almost the same outfit as hers.

"How's it going?"

"It has to be you." Kara said concisely, "Don't agree to such a thing next time."

"what's up?"

"Test." Kara reached out and touched the gem necklace on her chest. "Your one data is enough to make you famous in the industry. You don't need to participate in all subsequent tests. It's not a big deal, but a necessary protection."

"Protect?" Melina frowned.

"Yeah." Kara didn't elaborate. She just lifted the piano case, and the magic factor in her body was waiting for an opportunity. "Don't give the banshee a chance."

What happened after that didn't feel right to Melina.

Before, Kara let her chat with the staff in the nest, but now Kara grabbed Melina with a very strong attitude and ran to the car.

Even the contract agreeing to work was ready to be taken home and signed.

"Is it necessary to be so serious?" Melina still didn't know her own value.


Kara was silent for a moment and raised a hand:

"Even if your value is corrupted, many people are willing to bet on you."

(End of this chapter)

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