Chapter 210 Maine and the Muppets

Melina and Sonia finished talking about personnel and then talked about technology.

The application technology of Tarui Crystal Ore is too advanced. The best place to put it into production is "production computing power". One piece of computing power produced by Tarui Crystal Mine is filled into the energy converter and can supply nearly 1 copies. electricity. 20 grams of Tarui crystal ore is enough for Hamlet to use for a whole day.

But how to turn it into computing power has always been a very complicated problem.

Simply removing impurities from the Tarui crystal ore is an extremely dangerous step.

"A dissolving screen is used for the first week? It's very dangerous."

Melina frowned.

"There is no way. For large-scale production, we can only put the Tarui crystal ore and other auxiliary minerals together and use the fire to collect the juice. Hey." Sonia, who was dressed like a polite scum, spread her hands, "Completely open air and ventilated environment We have lost a lot of people in one project, and some professional researchers are not interested in studying this technology, so the refinery can only use retro technology."

Sonia stabbed Melina with her eyes as she spoke.

Melina pursed her lips, roughly knowing who the 'professional researcher' was referring to.

She looked disgusted and closed her eyes without saying a word.

Paired with the makeup, her lovely long silver hair looks like what some people call a canary. It is locked in a cage, but it is so arrogant that it cannot lower its head.

Sonia knew that this 'canary' had the ability to tear open the cage with one claw, so she stopped teasing her.

"I'm going to send some Tarui Crystal Mine to you later. I was worried that you were not familiar with the properties of this mineral and that you might accidentally hurt yourself."

"... "

"Now, it probably won't happen."


Sonia thought to herself, 'Xiaomei used to have an aura of self-destruction, but since he got to know more of his kind, he stopped self-destruction and started sharpening his claws.'



383 Office.

Melina parked the steel golem outside, walked in, and saw Maria busy inside, looking at the geological samples with a crazy expression.

A pair of silver-framed glasses hung on her pretty face that was already full of heroic spirit.

I was used to smiling, so the slightly curved corners of Sunshine's mouth pulled into a sinister smile.

"That's it, that's what it is..."

She kept checking samples one by one.

"This way we can confirm that the flow of the golden dragon does indeed exist..."

The appearance of a perverted beauty emerged.

Melina couldn't bear to interrupt her.

The door behind him suddenly creaked.

Sonia made a loud noise as soon as she came in:

"Hey! Lao Ma! I just came in and I saw your expression as if you had bought the Little Emperor's Book and read it!"

this woman...

Melina was a little annoyed, but after thinking about it, she walked out of the bathroom so good-looking, and this woman also said, "Are you constipated?" ', so it seems that he is quite gentle to Lao Ma...



Be gentler to me?
Melina silently raised her chin a little.

"What's your dog's name, Suosuo?" Lao Ma was about to put her hands on her hips to retort, when she suddenly shuddered and said, "The Weeping Peninsula of Dog Day is getting colder and colder."

"B*tch, if you didn't call me a dog, I would be cold!"

Sonia sneered, then frowned, crossed her arms, and breathed out, "But you're right, it's really a bit weird, the weather in the Weeping Peninsula. But it's normal, there's nothing weird about this world. That’s not normal.”

Then she frowned:
"Where's Xiaomei?"

The silver-haired girl who was supposed to be standing behind him has quietly disappeared.

She turned her head just in time to see the last strand of silver hair being brought in at the top of the stairs.

"What's wrong, So?"

Sonia touched her chin, unable to express her current mood and thoughts. She thought for a while:

"Do you think Xiaomei clings more to Beren, or to Elizabeth? Or to Cara?"


"Didn't you find that Xiaomei is quite clingy in this regard?"

"Have it?"

"Yes, I hurried up as soon as I got home."


Maria showed a thoughtful expression and saw Sonia looking at her. She quickly laughed and said, "Suogou, don't try to tempt me. I'm not Lu Ke. Xiaomei can stick to whoever she likes."

"Hehe, Lao Ma, I didn't say anything."

"Hehe, so urgent"

"Hey, I'm not in a hurry like you."

The two women looked at each other and let out perverted and sinister laughter, but they were actually stabbing each other in the chest with knives.




After opening the door to the room, Melina saw Belen and Carla hanging upside down on the horizontal bar.The two of them were doing 'pull-ups' in opposite directions while exercising the accuracy of the magic factor - using the magic factor to play backgammon on the ground from a distance.

Elizabeth lay lazily on the sofa, elegant and noble, like a ragdoll cat.

She was lying on her side reading a book.

The long socks that were taken off were rolled up and put into the small leather shoes under the sofa. The nails of the bare white feet were scratching the surface of the sofa, making a very small and comfortable rustling sound.

She looks like a not-so-serious lady.

And the book she read.

Melina moved her gaze downwards, "Breakthrough the Impossible!" 100 days of love determine my life."

How could this woman read such a vulgar novel?

"You're back? Did you win?" Belen asked multi-tasking, while the evil-minded professor gently changed several backgammon pieces with his hair...

Kara grabbed the professor's fiery red hair without hesitation, tied it on his back belt, and said seriously:
"this is not good."


Melina laughed inside, but showed a serious expression on the outside:


Huh - three eyes looked at her.

"Congratulations," Belen said.

"Congratulations," Kara said.

"Girl, that's good." Elizabeth said.

"Yeah." Melina was nodding frequently with her eyes closed, enjoying the celebrations of her 'taciturn family', when she suddenly heard something strange, opened her eyes and looked at Elizabeth with the other two.

Elizabeth tilted her head, pointed at the book, and said calmly:
"That's what the book says."

"... "

Melina looked at Beren.

Belen frowned:

"Miss Elizabeth, that's an exaggeration."


Belen blinked, "So that's it, I understand."

Melina also angrily grabbed a few chess pieces and threw them at Elizabeth.

Kara covered her mouth with her hands and snickered.

Elizabeth deliberately said some greasy words to prank people, but she didn't expect the effect to be so good.

"I heard that the three of you went dragon hunting?"

Melina didn't spill the beans.

"We're gone. Weishi is the woman who defeated the dragon the fastest. Why don't you cheer for me and jump for joy?"

Melina also suspected that Belen had read some strange novels recently, which led to his speaking habits.



"Did you let Beren?"

Belen was furious when he heard this. He was so angry that he almost got off the horizontal bar, but after thinking about it, he was still too lazy to move.

"Huh? No."

Kara said softly:

"She's not used to dragon hunting."

Melina lay down on another sofa, took off her boots, followed Elizabeth's example in taking off her socks, rolled them up and stuffed them into her boots.

"Less than level five."

"Well, that's really embarrassing." Elizabeth looked down at the book.

"Is it embarrassing?"


"So it is."

Melina understood a lot, nodded, and stretched out her hand: "Show me the Tarot cards."

"... "

Without raising her head, Elizabeth threw a stack of tarot accurately in front of Melina.

Da da da--

The Tarot scattered around as if it was automatically shuffling in the air, and a 'Lovers' card was shuffled on top.

"... "

Melina glared at Elizabeth, who looked innocent.

Elizabeth tilted her head, glanced down at the book, and laughed mechanically: "What's wrong? Girl."

"... "

Where did the greasy literary uncle come from... Melina exhaled a breath, lowered her head and frowned to check the tarot cards.

The two people playing backgammon next to them were whispering.

"Why does Xiao Yi read these literary works every day? Doesn't she work hard to make progress?"

"Professor. She just likes to read."

"That can't be like this." Beren glared at Elizabeth with disgust, "You can't waste yourself in the good time."

Kara replied quietly:

"It's not a waste, Miss Elizabeth's grades are all A's, she is the only all-rounder."

"... "

Belen puffed up his face and continued to play backgammon.




"... "

Kara exhaled softly and showed an innocent expression:

"64 to 17, do you want to continue?"


The chess pieces began to fly and fell neatly into the chess piece bag.

While the two were struggling with their chess skills, they had quietly improved their control ability to a very high level.

Melina also finished checking Elizabeth's 'arms'.



"Just Tarot?"


There was no emotion at all on Elizabeth's little face that didn't care about anything. No, there was just a kind of obscene smile like when she was rolling on the bed.This smile all came from the novel magazine lying underneath her.

Looks like she really likes it...

Melina has a serious expression, and her fluffy silver hair sets off her face, making her look like a fluffy Maine Coon cat.

She carefully checked the tarot cards in her hand, trying to find any trace of magic factor transformation or weapon transformation.


Absolutely not.

This is a pure, ordinary tarot deck.

"So you're unarmed. How did you pass the exam for your Explorer's Certificate?"

"It seems so."

"Well, that's what it is."

Melina finally understood why Xiaoyi's performance when hunting dragons was not as strong as expected. The good guy turned out to be unarmed, and Sonia also said before, "In my memory, Xiaoyi did not use tarot cards." '.

In last week's episode.

This woman must have entered the realm of explorers earlier than herself. So how did this person become armed?
The two of them are so similar, and both possess such terrifying reserves of magic factors.

Why can Xiaoyi do it, but Xiaomei can't?

(End of this chapter)

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