Chapter 208 Technology

Boom, boom, boom, boom...

Accompanied by the clicking sound of the clockwork.

Everyone on the street said, 'Whoa? ’ He looked at a huge power armor that was walking with its left and right feet, running rampant on the street.

Melina sat on the shoulders of the steel golem with a look of disgust on her face. She always felt that this posture and the seat seemed familiar...

Click, click.

Clockwork cats also appeared in the trees, with the clockwork on their backs spinning very fast, and their big cat eyes staring at the golem.

Others looked at the label on the steel golem tower shield.

"This is not Xiaoxi's..."

"Is it true that Miss Tasia and Miss Melina have a very good relationship?"

"Xiaoxi shouldn't have the throbbing feeling of entering the adult stage of a banshee, but that's right."

Tasia is the master of the hive, and her every move attracts attention.

Even if you lend a toy to someone else, it will have the purpose and impact of a dog holding a plate writing [-] words.

Melina placed her left hand on the head of the steel armor, feeling the magic power flowing out of her body, and could easily operate the steel puppet like a puppet.

This is inseparable from her natural magic factor.

Puppetry users in this world mainly rely not on 'techniques', but on 'concepts'.To put it in the most understandable terms, the puppetry in this world has evolved to the point where it does not need to use puppet wires but uses wireless signals.Manipulate and use puppetry through 'concepts'.

For example, if you want a puppet to run, you need to have a concept of running.

But the integrity is much stronger than the traditional puppet master.

It can also be explained by saying that traditional puppet masters are masters of manual manipulation, while puppet masters in this world are AI programmers.

The traditional puppet master controls a steel golem to attack. He needs to control the golem's legs to step forward to adjust the body position, and then control the slashing.At the same time, the golem needs time from initial speed to maximum speed, so a power point needs to be reserved.All of this requires the puppet master's amazing tactical thinking and overall vision to control the situation.

But now the puppet master only needs to give instructions and control through concepts.

Of course, programming is not something that ordinary people can do.

Even Melina has only completed the transformation of the Iron Golem from 'can run and attack' to 'can play basketball today and be a triple threat and step back for jump shots'.

man of Steel…

Still too weak!
Melina sighed in her heart and almost flattened the golem's head with a slap.

If steel were as strong as its own body, more powerful skills and movements could be unleashed in an instant without having to worry about the mechanical body breaking after two uses.

No wonder I heard that most of the puppet masters have converted to the old woman's code and become necromancers who are widowed and watch their graves all night long...

and many more.

Say so.

Is Xiaoxi a necromancer?


When Sonia walked out of the room after work, she saw this picture:
A petite and cute child-like girl wearing a cloak was sitting on the shoulders of a big steel man, her little feet dangling, and she was waiting for something with an expressionless face.

This picture always felt a bit familiar... Sonia muttered in her heart, but then walked over while maintaining a good facial expression.

"Xiaomei has been waiting for me here for a long time?"

"Just here."

Really?I looked at everything on the ground... Sonia's pursuing eyes were interrupted by Melina's displeased eyes. She smiled lightly, put her left index and middle fingers together near her temple and moved forward to make an 'OK' gesture.

Only then can we see a little smile from Melina's frowning expression.

Is this an adult with idol baggage?Horrible, so terrible...

Sonia joked mercilessly in her heart:

"This steel golem?"


"Oh oh oh? I didn't notice that you all went so far as to give away such things?"

Throat feels like vomiting.

Sour, bitter, painful.

Can't stop again.

Human beings are so boring, with so many emotions brewing, Sonia tilted her head and smiled.

"It's not for me."

Melina felt that Sonia's expression was a bit cold, but this guy would change his expression from time to time and was called the king of expressions.

She thought of a joke. The easiest way to hide a flower is to hide it in a sea of ​​flowers.

Maybe her expressions change so that others can't tell when she can't control her expressions?
Will it be so?
She pondered:

"It's a test. She needs to do a stress test and a practical test. She is currently looking for others to undergo the same training, not just me."

"Is that so?"

Sonia smiled sweetly:
"Then let's take this ride back?"

"Too slow. Although it can be very fast if you want to sprint, it is prone to mechanical failure."

"Then I'll rent a car and go back?"


It would probably cost a lot of money to bring this thing back... Sonia took a peek at the steel golem and almost fell in love with it.

No one can say no to such a handsome big robot.

It takes time to call for a car to come over.

Sonia simply discussed technical issues:
"I think this is a practical application of the Tarui Crystal Ore?"

"... "

"Hey, don't look like that."

Sonia was furious.Melina's expression looked like a frightened cat, which was rare for outsiders to see.

"Nothing, just...well, too."

Rarely, Sonia followed Melina's group's 'disgusting face pretty girl channel' and knew what the other party meant.

Nothing = please don't pay attention, I was just shocked.

It's just that I think you are an ignorant idiot.

Hmm = I remembered, you were the first person to use Tarui Crystal Ore on me.

Also = although you are technically very crotch-stretching, I should also give you some face.

But is this 'Melina' or 'Elizabeth'? 'Beren' is the easiest to understand in the office, although sometimes the professor will habitually skip it when teaching. Something simple. 'Kara' is also relatively difficult to understand. By the way, compared to the above, 'Tassia', which speaks slowly and feels like it, is easier to understand.

However, it is not easy to gain an advantage in front of Melina, or to be recognized.

Melina is a friend who wants to be friends with everyone.

But she is also the most ruthless person. She divides the labels of friends into two categories, realistic and emotional.If you want to truly get into her heart, you must give her a second look based on your skills or abilities.

But even so, this is very difficult.

Catalina is a five-year-old engineering prodigy who can install tanks, while Luisa is a potion master who can use the defective rate to make pocket money from the resources provided by the academy.In other words, these two people can get along with Xiaomei every day in the academy.

Sonia has been preparing for a long time.

"The application of Tarui Crystal Mine was nearly 30 years before its popularity. Even in my era, Tarui Crystal Mine was not developed to its extreme. This direction of making a steel golem was misled by me. Sonia said with a smile, "To put it simply, I am the inventor of this thing below you, not Miss Tasia."

Do you want to believe it?

Melina looked at Sonia and nodded slowly:
"How to mislead?"

"Some little tricks of the reborn, Xiaoxi, haha, saying his full name just now may have alerted her. Xiaoxi has always had a dream of a big robot. For her to understand this, I did a little trick for the report to see. Going up to the state of 'adapting to the next generation of puppets' is easy and simple, isn't it?"

Melina looked at her in amazement, and thousands of different blueprints for the use of Tarui crystal mines were arranged in her mind.

She got stuck.

Then this beautiful girl who didn’t look like a human smiled disdainfully:

"It's really not difficult."

She paused for a moment:

"But I'm curious about which direction it is, energy deployment? The self-proclaimed system's local area network? Or bulk channel control, come on, tell me."

At this time the car arrived.

An eye-catching little train.

The rat minecart developed by the rat people is a high-speed vehicle created by truly using magic factor steam technology. There are less than 50 of them in the entire Yanan region, and only 10 of them are this small model that can accommodate 25 people. The fare Very expensive.

Melina then realized the fact that Sonia was a super rich person.

"Let's get in the car first and let's talk slowly. I also have some information I want to show you."



On the Rat Man train, it actually moved very smoothly.

Sonia put on the LAN-connected reality augmented glasses purchased from the Banshee Shop, blinked, as if she had adapted to something, then raised her head and smiled softly at Melina:
"You're kidding, Xiaomei. I'm not as talented as you. I need this thing to remember many documents."


"Don't just say um, 'um' is Elizabethan, and your 'Xiaomei' is not like that."

"The technology products you have been using recently are of good quality. The principle seems to be Professor Sophie's paper on 'Factor Storage and Extraction and Local Area Network'?"

"Yes, Xiaomei, you didn't tell me this before?"


"here we go again?"


What the hell are Elizabethan and Xiaomei?

Melina turned away, not because these two incomprehensible terms made her unhappy.


Sonia is really beautiful like this.

She has shoulder-length short hair, kind dark purple eyes, somewhat heroic but rather delicate and soft facial features, and a naturally upturned mouth with a flowing feeling. She also wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and a suit-like uniform.

Sven scum.

Very very elegant scum style.

Speaking of which, Lao Ma also wears this style. If one of them wears a silver frame and the other wears a gold frame when they go out, they will be a perfect duo of elegant scum.

Melina stretched out her hand:
"Any more?"

"Huh? Yes, I placed the wrong order and bought 50 pairs in one go."

"... "

You rich man.

Melina took the gold-framed glasses and put them on her head curiously:
"Is there a mirror?"

"Well, there is it in the bathroom."

This car even has a bathroom.

Melina entered the bathroom and looked in the mirror, her mouth twitching.

A very cute girl with silver hair and golden eyes wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. Even though her face is expressionless, she still looks like 'you little brat'.

Is that really not possible?

This kind of temperament...

Melina took off her glasses and let out a melancholy breath.

(End of this chapter)

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