You became a lawyer and sent the judge in?

Chapter 366 The verdict! The emotionally broken defendant

Chapter 366 The verdict! The emotionally broken defendant

The parties have finished their presentations in the court, and now they are just waiting for the presiding judge to hammer down the case.

Determine the factual results.

This case took about two months since Su Bai took over.

In a normal court trial, it takes a relatively long time.

Of course, it is also closely related to the postponement of the trial.

to be honest.…

What was originally a trial for a not guilty plea has now turned into a trial that will result in at least a life sentence.

It is estimated that even the defendant's attorney did not expect this situation to occur at the beginning.

The court briefs are now over.

It only depends on the subjective inclination of the presiding judge to determine the sentence.


According to Su Bai's speculation, this case depends on the presiding judge's opinion of Zhu Yun's current medical condition.

after all.…

Poisoning that causes death and poisoning that does not cause death are completely different concepts.


On the court stage.

Sun Zhengping briefly sorted out the statements from all parties in his mind.

But about the sentence imposed.

To be honest, based on the current situation, he is not ready yet.

According to the existing criminal law, it must be ten years.

However, the specific verdict needs to be discussed based on various aspects. This kind of thing cannot be decided by Sun Zhengping alone.


Sun Zhengping spoke: "The court statement is over. The collegial panel has heard the statements of all parties."

"The collegial panel will now adjourn for discussion on relevant issues."

"The court will convene in the afternoon and the verdict will be announced."

The gavel struck.

Entering the adjournment stage.


The court adjourned for discussion, so it seems that there is still some controversy regarding the relevant judgment of this case.

Su Bai thought silently in his heart.

During the trial and court statements, he did not directly mention the death penalty at the trial.

The main reason is that although Huang Xuemei poisoned, it did not lead to Zhu Yun's death.

This was an important decision, but due to the egregious circumstances, Su Bai didn't know what the final decision would be.

We can only wait for the presiding judge to announce the verdict after the adjournment is over.

Meanwhile on the other side.

During the recess, Huang Tao kept asking Wan Xiangdong what the final verdict would be.

Regarding this verdict, Wan Xiangdong was really unsure and could only shake his head:

"Mr. Huang, this verdict needs to be determined by the collegial panel."

"I really can't tell. I'm not sure how to judge it."

Although Huang Tao was anxious in his heart, his expression was cold:

"Lawyer Wan, tell me what the minimum and maximum sentences are, so that I can be mentally prepared."

"If I'm not prepared, it will be even more troublesome when the verdict comes out."

Wan Xiangdong took a deep breath: "Then Mr. Huang, you must be mentally prepared."

"I'll tell the truth."

"Based on the overall situation of this case, Xuemei's minimum sentence is life imprisonment and the maximum sentence is death."

"But given that Zhu Yun is in a coma and seriously injured state now and is not dead, the sentence may be based on the sentence recommended by the prosecutor."

Suspended death?

Huang Tao's heart sank when he heard Wan Xiangdong's answer.

I was absent-minded throughout noon, thinking that I would definitely not be sentenced that harshly, and Xuemei would definitely be given a lighter sentence.

In fact, this suggestion only gives a psychological effect and has no other effects.

Fortunately, Wan Xiangdong saw Huang Tao's condition and spoke:

"Mr. Huang, don't worry too much, even if the death penalty is suspended."

"Then we can continue to appeal, or ask for forgiveness from Zhu Yun's family."

"If forgiveness can be obtained, it will play a big role in reducing the sentence."

"Hmm...I know."

Huang Tao nodded slightly, but he didn't have much hope in his heart.


Also, during the recess.

The case has also become a hot topic on the Internet.

Because the topic of this case is high.

The media attention is also relatively high.

However, the situation of this case has been very clear, and there is only one point of discussion——

As the murderer of the poisoning case, how many years in prison will Huang Xuemei be sentenced to?

This point has also been analyzed by law commentators with comparative theory.

However, since there was no final verdict, it still aroused a lot of discussion.


In the collegial court discussion room.

As the presiding judge, Sun Zhengping and the other two judges are discussing the specific prison sentence in this case.

The sentence is determined based on the harm caused and the means of conduct.

Of course, there is another situation, and that is based on the presiding judge and members of the collegial panel’s understanding of the relevant criminal facts of this case.

Sun Zhengping explained the specific circumstances of this case:

"This case happened at Beidu University, and the influence involved is huge."

"The poisoner and the person being poisoned have a relatively close relationship."

"Considering Huang Xuemei's refusal to plead guilty and her deliberate interference and guidance in the administration of justice, as well as the negative impact caused by the poisoning."

"Do you two have any opinions on the prison term...Forget it, let's get straight to the point. Lao Zhang, how many years do you think the prison sentence should be?"

Lao Zhang smiled: "I knew you were so impatient that you would come right up and ask how long the sentence would be."

"Then I'll just tell you my opinion."

"According to the criminal law and general circumstances, this case should be life imprisonment."

"But the impact of this case is so great that Huang Xuemei even has the idea of ​​​​escape."

"Another point is that Zhu Yun is now in a coma. Although there is no death, the injuries are far more than ordinary serious injuries."

"My personal view is that a harsher sentence is needed."

After hearing Lao Zhang's statement, Sun Zhengping nodded: "Where is Lao Li?"

"How many years do you think the sentence will be?"

Lao Li took a sip of water: "To be honest, this case is not easy to judge."

"My opinion is not how many years the sentence should be."

"My recommendation is to impose a sentence that is consistent with the prosecutor's recommended sentence."

Sentence according to the prosecutor's recommended sentence...suspended death?

Hearing this, Sun Zhengping nodded slightly.

There is no big problem in judging this way.

The three of them discussed the relevant details and finally made a unanimous decision.


In the afternoon, it was court time.

When entering the collegial court, everyone's attention was focused on Sun Zhengping.

Sun Zhengping sat on the presiding judge's seat, sorted out the judgment materials and struck the hammer.

"The court is open again."

"The collegial panel has determined the relevant circumstances of this case."

"The verdict is now announced."

As the hammer fell, everyone stood up and concentrated their attention.

Just listen to Sun Zhengping speak slowly:

"The cause of this case is that the Beidu Intermediate People's Court will conduct a trial on the case of Huang Xuemei of Beidu University poisoning her roommate Zhu Yun."

"After investigation by the prosecutor and certified by the court, the verdict of this case is as follows."

"One: Huang Xuemei poisoned her roommate Zhu Yun. The facts of the crime are clear. The criminals confessed and accepted punishment. There are no other objections."

"Judging from the factual behavior, Huang Xuemei has not previously confessed and accepted punishment, and there is no plot to surrender."

"Two: Huang Xuemei's poisoning of Zhu Yun was objectively intentional and the dose was far greater than the lethal dose." "The circumstances involved were serious."


Sun Zhengping read several articles about Huang Xuemei's criminal conviction.

When he heard Sun Zhengping read out the verdict item by item, Wan Xiangdong had a premonition that the sentence in this trial would definitely not be light.

Sure enough, just as Wan Xiangdong thought, after Sun Zhengping read out the relevant judgments, he finally announced the verdict:

"based on above."

"In the case of Huang Xuemei's poisoning, the alleged circumstances were particularly egregious, so the death penalty was sentenced with a two-year reprieve!"

"This case is a first-instance judgment. If all parties have any objections to this judgment, they can proceed with the above or submit it to supervisory review."

"The judgment will be issued to all parties within 15 days."

"Closed court!"

With the last two words of Sun Zhengping, the trial came to an end.

Facing the final verdict, Huang Xuemei's nervous and anxious heart finally calmed down.

But in the process, the whole person completely collapsed.

Death reprieve!

The death penalty was suspended for two years!

Huang Xuemei couldn't accept this result at all.

The whole person had an emotional breakdown.

She did not expect that her jealousy would lead to such a serious punishment.

In fact, Huang Xuemei had been very nervous just now, fearing that the sentence would be severe.

Now let's look at it...the sentence is suspended...

For her, this result was too serious.

In fact, according to general circumstances, the result of this judgment does appear to be serious.

But then again.

The attempted poisoning and murder resulted in serious injuries and near death of others, and due to various huge influences.

The sentence of suspended death, although not very light, does not appear to be particularly serious.

After all, the plot is too bad!

You can have jealousy, but your mentality of using highly toxic chemicals to poison is honestly terrifying!

In the defendant's seat, Huang Xuemei kept muttering to herself:

"I didn't mean it. I really didn't mean it. I apply for a reduced punishment..."

However, the verdict has been decided.

The three members of the collegial panel left the court without giving Huang Xuemei a chance to refute and protest again.

Huang Xuemei was taken away from the court hearing by the bailiff. Huang Tao, who was sitting in the audience, was completely stunned.

Suspended death?

Sentenced his only daughter to a suspended death sentence? !

How could he accept the penalty result?

When Wan Xiangdong left the defendant's attorney's seat, Huang Tao rushed over.

"Lawyer Wan!"

"You must find a way to rule this case differently!"

"The sentence is a suspended death sentence. I cannot accept this sentence at all!"

"Think of a solution!"

Looking at Huang Tao rushing over, Wan Xiangdong felt helpless, but he still nodded and replied seriously:

"Mr. Huang...I'll try my best on this. Let's see if I can file a second trial!"


On the other side, after Sun Zhengping announced the verdict, Su Bai took a long breath.

Death reprieve!

This sentence is already very severe!

The sentence was about the same as the sentence he had expected in his mind.

On the side, Li Xuezhen patted her chest, breathed softly, and turned her head to look at Su Bai.

"Lawyer Su, the verdict has finally come down, suspended death!"

Su Bai smiled and nodded: "Well, reprieve!"

In fact, in this case, the most important thing is not how serious the sentence is.

But in terms of judgment at the beginning.

In terms of initial judgment, there was no key chain of evidence to convict Huang Xuemei.

Although everyone knows that the suspect is Huang Xuemei, but there is no evidence chain, what should you do?

This is the most important thing!

Of course, without Su Bai, the prosecution might also start with evidence.

File a protest after the first-instance judgment, or postpone the trial for a certain period of time.

But at that time, there will be many possibilities, if the first instance verdict directly acquits the person.

Huang Xuemei went abroad, and it would be difficult to deal with it then.

From another aspect, Huang Xuemei was not allowed to be exonerated. This is the most critical part of this case!

Now that the verdict of the first instance has come down, the case is almost over.

Just wait for the judgment to be issued.

"Pack up the materials and let's go."

Su Bai waved his hand, and Li Xuezhen nodded happily: "Okay, Lawyer Su."

Then he kept up with Su Bai's pace.


Beidu Branch, Office.

After the verdict was issued, Zhu Yun's parents came to the Beidu branch.

After expressing her gratitude to Su Bai, Zhu Yun's mother said with red eyes:

"Lawyer Su... I want to thank you so much for this case. If it weren't for you, the murderer who poisoned our Zhu Yun might not have received the punishment he deserved."

"Thank u.…"

When Zhu Yun's mother Liu Mei said this, she stood up and bowed deeply to Su Bai.

But Su Bai stepped forward to help Liu Mei up when she stood up.

"Huang Xuemei is the murderer in this case, and she deserves to be punished by the law."

"You don't need to thank me...I will let Huang Xuemei get the punishment she deserves in accordance with the law."

Liu Mei nodded, and then began to chat with Su Bai about other circumstances of the case and Zhu Yun's current situation.

Zhu Yun's current condition is still not very good, and the cost of subsequent treatment is a huge problem.

Fortunately, Xiao Zhen passed the application to the school.

Because the impact of this case is not small.

Many alumni of Beidu University expressed sympathy for Zhu Yun's current situation and made donations.

The purpose of the donation is for Zhu Yun's treatment and Zhu Yun's later life.

This can be regarded as solving a huge problem that Liu Mei is currently facing.

But there is one more thing, and that is after the first trial is over.

Huang Tao approached Liu Mei many times to ask for forgiveness, but Liu Mei refused.

Liu Mei meant that Huang Xuemei's sentence must not be commuted.

Even if it was because of this Huang Tao refused to compensate.

At the same time, Liu Mei was also worried about another issue: "Lawyer Su... gave Huang Xuemei a suspended death sentence this time."

"If Huang Xuemei continues to appeal to the second instance, will her sentence be reduced?"

Su Bai shook his head: "Don't worry about this. There is a high possibility that the court will not accept the second trial filed by Huang Xuemei."

Hearing this, Liu Mei was obviously relieved.

After sending Liu Mei away, Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief, the case was finally over.

But looking at the system panel, Su Bai frowned slightly:


Why is the system progress bar not displayed?


Forget it, wait two more days and see.

This system is unreliable, and Su Bai also knows how unreliable it is.

So I didn’t care too much.

However, after about two or three days, the system's progress bar still did not show up, which made Su Bai a little confused.

At this moment, Li Xuezhen knocked on the office door and walked in, with a solemn expression on her face.

"Lawyer Su...that Huang Xuemei appealed to the second instance."

"Now the Beidu High Court has accepted Huang Xuemei's second trial!"

Su Bai:?

The Beidu High Court accepted Huang Xuemei’s second trial?

Does Huang Xuemei have new evidence to prove that she can get a reduced sentence? .


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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